
One Piece: My name is Lucifer

Someone moves to the world of One Piece, he was chosen to participate in a certain tournament, but for this he needs to become strong enough. What for higher beings is just fun, for our MC, a chance and an opportunity. One Piece does not belong to me, I write for my own pleasure. This is not my first attempt, but inspiration always left me. I hope I can do better this time. Chapters will not come out regularly.

Endday · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 4

Sunrise marks a new beginning. After sitting for a few more minutes, I admired the picture.

Well, it's time to get down to business.

Going down to the deck, I went to the cabin of the last captain of the ship. Walking next to the large mirror, I noticed my appearance. All clothes made of pieces of leather, of all kinds of beasts. Thought I should change my "image". Went into the captain's closet. Looked through and chose his clothes. Everything else I threw into the inventory. Might come in handy.

I went to the mirror again, and immediately noticed the difference. A tall man with very handsome features was looking at me. Dressed in loose pants that tapered at the end, a tank top, and a shirt. It looked rather casual. But at the same time, it was quite pompous. Cool!!!

After checking the chest standing in one corner of the room. The lock flew off with a light bang. "Super safe." The trunk turned out to contain a pile of bills. Presumably bellies, there were also a few gold coins. Threw them in my inventory with the chest. And then I noticed the exact amount of my finances. 70 million bellies and 25 gold coins. Mom, I'm 19 and already a millionaire, ha-ha-ha.

Going to my "cargo," what am I going to do with these stowaways? Well, I'll leave them on Jaya. They'll probably die. But, I'm not their mother, they're adults, let them figure it out for themselves.

As I entered the hold of the ship, I noticed three large cages, and in those cages, pity-looking people. As soon as they realized someone had entered. They stopped talking and turned their heads in my direction. I decided to start the conversation.

-Good and pleasant morning to you all, I don't want to bother with you for a long time. So I will explain as briefly as possible.

I have taken this ship, killed all the pirates, and now I do not know what to do with you. Now I'm listening to your suggestions.

-Sir, is it true?

-Please let us go.

-I have a daughter, but please don't sell us into slavery.

And all in this vein, I'm sick of it, I asked a question that I expect an answer to, not a hundred more questions.

-I asked you a question and didn't get an answer, I'm waiting.

-We can work for you.

-Yes, but please don't sell us into slavery.

Only a few said this, many were silent, apparently these understand that slavery and work for others, almost no different, and sometimes, are synonymous. Hmm, throw them on Jaya, am I their mother or what?

-Why do I need your work? I haven't needed you in ages. I'll give you two options. Either I finish the job the pirates started. Or you get off at the next island and go on your way. The choice is yours. So there's no mess, I say you raise your hand. Who's for option one?


-Okay, and for the second?

All the hands went up. Ha-ha-ha-ha, that's how you get rid of excess weight. Lekgo, didn't even feel it.

-Well, good, there are a few rules, do not disturb me, you cook yourself, also, try not to scare my soldiers. Well, like everything, have a nice trip, "we" are glad you chose our company.

After opening the cages, I turned around and went to my quarters. I'll read some books on the shelves, there's nothing to do. Jaya is still a couple of days away. I chose some books about navigation at sea, one of my sore points. Suddenly, I was interrupted by... a squeal? I told you not to be frightened. Probably kids. All right, let's get on with it. It says try to pay attention to certain details, humidity, wind movements, and to use a compass. Uh, it kind of makes sense, but damn, it's the Grand Line. Oh well, let's get on with it.

Lying in a hammock and reading books about navigation until tonight. Now that I know what to do, I'll have to try it out. Let's go to the kitchen. I'm hungry.

When I entered the kitchen, I noticed a group of... ahem, passengers. When they noticed me, they stopped eating.

-Uh, bon appétit, you guys go on about your business. I just peeked in for a second.

After saying that, I went to the drawers, took out a couple of vegetables, quickly chopped them, salted them, and added oil. Then he cut up some fruit, bread, and got a big piece of meat. Walked out of the kitchen and climbed into his favorite spot. Only then did he realize what an idiot he was. Food in the inventory for a joke? Shit, getting used to the supernatural.

The meat was raw, so after thinking for a while I decided to try something. Why not heat the blood, I'll heat it by moving it quickly. Sort of like Luffy's second gyre. It looked weird to say the least, but I cooked meat with blood and realized I could do it again on myself and copy the same second gyre. Meat Sensei, thank you.

After eating, I realized that my thinking is limited. I was using my abilities too hatchet. Why not repel light to get a semblance of invisibility? Or create an illusory clone. It's a little tricky, but in time, I think I'll get there. Eh, that's how sometimes cool thoughts pop into my head.

The next three days passed as usual. Some sort of training/exercise in the morning, then reading books, practicing abilities, and just resting. Already by lunchtime of the third day, the ship reached the port, the town of Mok Town. Having let all the people go as promised, I left my shadow soldiers guarding the ship. They look creepy, and I think that will scare a lot of people away. And they're not weak. But I decided to take a walk. It's time to buy a newspaper and figure out what time period I'm in.

But then I noticed her... A straw hat, a mossy, orange head. That's it, I got it, Jaya's arch. Leggo, did the paper bite out? I'm good. Well, isn't it time we got to know each other better? As I pushed the bar door open, I walked in, at a calm gait, staring at the bar counter, or rather at the two backs, I can't contain my excitement. Apparently everyone felt it, because I can't explain otherwise why everyone turned to me.

Yes, yes, look. It's the Devil in front of you. I'm gonna have some fun. Let's see where you stand, hero and villain. Ha-ha-ha-ha