
One Piece: My name is Lucifer

Someone moves to the world of One Piece, he was chosen to participate in a certain tournament, but for this he needs to become strong enough. What for higher beings is just fun, for our MC, a chance and an opportunity. One Piece does not belong to me, I write for my own pleasure. This is not my first attempt, but inspiration always left me. I hope I can do better this time. Chapters will not come out regularly.

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Chapter 3

Lying on the back of a huge bird might be cool at first, but to do it, for three whole days. Boring, as boring as possible.

In that time, I didn't see a single ship. But I'm sure that I got into one of the seas. And most likely it is the Grand Line. After all, the weather changes like, gloves. Right now I'm not even sure which way I'm heading. There is no logpos, and though in these conditions a normal person would have died a long time ago. Thanks to the Gourmet Cells and their tremendous adaptability, not only am I not dead, but I am stronger. Growing without doing anything.

I have food and water in my inventory, so even that doesn't bother me.

From nothing to do, I just lay there, create something of darkness (short for dark matter), light, aura, or blood. And just throw it up in the sky. I practiced, also tried to use the manipulation of space and time, but it didn't work. I was not ready for it.

I was in the middle of the night, but I was still in the middle of the night. Is this happiness?

System, status window, please.


[Status Window]

[True Name]: Lucifer

[Titles/Titles/Spellings]: Gladiator, Settler/Reborn, Peacemaker, Survivor

[Age]: 19

[Power Level]: 480

[Race]: High Demon (Seven Deadly Sins), High Blood (Witcher), Noble (Noble)

[Occupation]: Still unemployed (Seeking)

[Special Skills]:

[Gourmet Cells].

[Light Manipulation].

[Natural Body].

[Shadow Master].

[Dark Matter Manipulation]

[Dark Mark] (New, appeared during the loss of heart, though Lucifer didn't notice it right away)

[Manipulation of Hellfire] (Unavailable)

[Manipulation of Time] (Limited)

[Manipulation of Space] (Limited)

[Journey Through Time and Space] (Unavailable)

[Worldwalker's Orientation]



[Aura Manipulation]

[Blood Manipulation]

[Blood and Soul Contract]

[Blessings ???]

[General Skills]:



[Special Equipment]:

[Devil's Sentence][Kills: 0]

I'm not sure how much I'm trying to do, but I'm not sure how much I'm trying to do. I'd better find a ship and a crew, preferably pirates. I'll capture them and make them row to some island. And then I'll start the fun. I'm just sitting here, suffering for no reason.

Suddenly my keen eye spotted a dot on the horizon. I ordered the Reaper to come to a distance from which we would not be seen, and we would not lose them. We started to follow the ship. Since this was the Grand Line, it wasn't that easy to do.

But lo and behold, I finally waited for darkness. Time to make a fuss. Let's see who I got.

I created two wings of darkness on my back and sent the Reaper off to sleep. "He was flying nonstop for three days. I was thinking of something else next time, before you stabbed me in the heart.

Under cover of night, I descended as quietly as possible to the big mast, and afterwards to the beams holding the sails. I lay down with the conyort and began to listen.

-Hey, the boss is having a feast tonight.

-Yeah, I wish he would, the catch wasn't bad. And there's a bounty on the captain's head.

-Yes, yes, a hundred thousand, but don't forget, the vice captain also has a reward. Ninety thousand, pretty close to the captain.

-Heard they're fighting.

-Hey, you two, clear the deck. We'll set the table on the deck.

Some were fussing, whites, some were sitting, some were lying down. Together, I counted twenty people. Plus the captain and vice-captain who I didn't see. That's a minimum of twenty-two people. All right, let's keep watching. Maybe I'll join the feast too, ha-ha, who knows.

After a while, everything was ready. The table was set, lots of booze and food. Just then the "intimidating" voice came through.

-Everybody, Eat!!!! We had a great catch. We've done our work, we can celebrate.

-Yeah. (+20)

Here I noticed a tall, rather handsome-looking man. He walked confidently, approaching the ship's captain, who was just leaning on the edge of the table. A conversation ensued between them, and since he looked more important than any other conversation, I focused on him.

-Captain, in the cages, ten men and nineteen women, including five little girls.

-Hmm, if we sell them all, you'll be good.

-We'll set a course for Sabaudi?

-We should, though I think we should look into Jaya.

-Other pirates might try to take our cargo.

-I'm the captain or you? I got a meeting there. Oh, and yes, pick a younger girl and send her to my cabin.

The last straw, the slave trade is bad, but I do it in a way, but raping children. Oh, I'm sorry, but that's not what the devil's going to do, and neither should you. Instantly pulling out and loading the [Devil's Sentence], I also instantly appeared behind the bastard's back. I put the muzzle to his head and pulled the trigger.


His head was torn into hundreds of little pieces. Most of which ended up on the food. Everyone who saw the scene froze in shock. I didn't hesitate to finish it quickly.

Bon appétit, bitches. The Devil's Court.

Behind each appeared a spear of light. Which instantly struck the target's chest. Just like that, more than twenty people died in a matter of seconds. And I felt nothing but anger. I felt my power grow, and I understood why. Apparently the mark reacted to my emotions.

I shifted my gaze to my hand, which was gradually becoming covered in darkness. I am not a hero, not a saint. But some things piss me off. Killing these people... no, animals. Why should I feel anything. The devil or what, after all.

Calming down a bit, I lifted the shadows of all the dead, except for their captain. After all, his soul was consumed by mine, the super gun. Even though I'm not in the mood, someone has to run this trough. I'm not good at it, and I have no navigation skills. So we use what we can.

I walked around the table from the side and kicked it with all my might. The table with the food and drink flew over the side, breaking part of the side.

An abomination, no way in life. Hey, shadow, get me a drink and a snack, quick.

After handing out an errand to all the new shadows, taking the drink and food, I climbed into the "nest," leaned my back against the mast, opened a bottle of rum, and sipped.

That's some crap. Not in the mood again. What's the matter with that. Oh, I've still got to release and talk to the hostages. I'll do it later. I need to come to my senses, or I might lose my temper, I would not want to have the blood of innocents on my hands.

I looked at the stars and the moon and drank, but I could never get drunk again. I drank until morning, forgetting about the hostages. Several times I asked for more booze, and so I drank almost two cases.

It was a lot of booze, but it relieved some of the stress I had accumulated. Calmed down and with a clear head, ready for the next adventure. The devil is here, so who could be more horrible? That's right, no one! All those who don't please me, hide. The devil is here!