
One Piece: Kuroi Karasu

Itachi after defeating Kabuto along with Sasuke Itachi finally ends up having his final destination, but with a life full of innocent blood on his hands he wouldn't leave so easily receiving a new life and a new task.

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4 Chs


The ship that Itachi was staying had finally arrived on loguetown island after three days, the city was full, Itachi compared it to his village, even though the technology was not the same, it was evident that the two worlds evolved differently.

In your old world naval battles were almost non-existent, since the creation of the technique of walking on water was developed, the use of vessels for combat in water became obsolete, but here it was different, as apparently the world was one large archipelago then the use of ships became crucial, so much so that they evolved to the level that Itachi thought they would be weapons comparable to summoned beasts.

He walked around town, gathering as much information as possible, trying to find the nearest navy base, he wanted to apply to that institution so he can fulfill his mission of collecting positive karma and escaping condemnation.

"Even if I say that, almost always these big institutions have corrupt members, it's a good idea for me to keep my eyes peeled for it and not trust anyone." Itachi thought as he walked through the crowded street, without him noticing he ended up bumping into someone.

"Sorry, I was a little distracted." Itachi apologized, looking closer he noticed a young man, a little older than him, with black hair and sharp sideburns, yellow hawk-like eyes, he wore a rose shirt and had a katana on his waist.

"No need, it was my fault, have a nice day boy." The man said and withdrew, Itachi was a little strange to be called a boy, but there was no way, when he realized that he had his fifteen-year-old appearance back he knew he would have to put up with certain annoyances again.

He withdrew going in the direction they pointed out that the nearest navy base was, he soon saw the building, as he walked towards it he noticed a commotion, a man with poorly finished robes and a disgusting smile was running away, he was a pirate from a crew that was detained near the city.

The Marines had to run after him, but before they could even draw their weapons the man was knocked down, a single well-aimed kick from Itachi hitting him in the neck, the man lost consciousness in an instant.

"What's more troublesome, causing trouble even when defeated is pretty childish don't you think?" Itachi used the tone of voice he used when Sasuke did something wrong.

When Itachi thought he had it all figured out, he set off towards the Marine base, but he was stopped by a thunderous laugh and soon felt his feet being taken off the ground.

"It brings me strange memories." Itachi thought with a bead of sweat on his forehead.

"Bwahahahaha!!, that was a nice brat move, but still a few things missing, no doubt you have talent but need to be refined, join the sailors and let's spread Justice!!" A large man, the largest Itachi had ever seen, said as he pulled him towards his original destination, the young ninja found this man similar to the Legendary Sannin Jiraya.

"Eto...sir, I was kind of about to enlist, so if you could put me down, that would be very kind." At that moment the man stopped, the soldiers who were close could only hide a laugh at the situation.

"Oh, hahaha!!, sorry kid, it's just force of habit, I used to do it with a certain brat but he was always stubborn about it." The old man said while laughing, he soon noticed Itachi on the floor.

"No offense taken sir, if you don't mind, what would your name be?" Itachi decided that since the man was in uniform and was trying to recruit him then maybe he had some leverage.

"Bwahahahaha!! that's good, don't hold back young man but I'm Monkey D. Garp!!, a Vice Admiral of the Navy!!" Garp said while having a big smile on his face, Itachi was surprised, he heard the merchant ship captain's stories and didn't think he would meet the Navy hero in person.

"Excuse my rudeness sir, I didn't recognize you, but what are you doing here?" Itachi tried to gather more information.

"Don't worry about it boy, as to why I'm here…it has to do with damn Roger." Garp's expression dropped a little with the last part, a memory of their conversation coming to his mind.

"Sorry if it's something you don't like sir." Itachi noticed Garp's change and apologized.

"Haha!! silly, come on!, we have an application to do, meanwhile boy where did you learn to fight like that?"

"I came from a distant land, there it was necessary for everyone to train from an early age, but I prefer not to talk about it sir." Itachi was afraid to say that he came from a society of super-trained assassins.

"Bwahahahaha, well done, let's go, men!! take care of these scoundrels in the meantime!!" Garp yelled.

"Yes Vice Admiral Garp!!"

After entering Garp took Itachi to the counter, there while Garp explained the entire training process, Itachi thanked him for the extra information. Soon a few hours passed and Garp, who had liked Itachi decided to take the boy on a tour of the city, he saw that Itachi was broke so he decided to be a Good Samaritan, hiding that he just wanted a reason to spend the money.

But finally the time had come , the execution of the greatest pirate that ever existed , Gold Roger would be executed in his hometown , in the weakest sea , some thought it was disrespectful , while others thought it would be a good way to die , to end up where everything started.

"Hey!! Pirate King, where did you hide your treasure!!!?" a random civilian asked the winds, Gold Roger smiled, a smile that cut across his face.

"Ah yes, that, if you want it you can take it, I left everything there, if you want the One Piece go get it!!!" Those were his last words, as two flavors pierced his body, he died, with a smile.

But what Itachi soon noticed was that these last words created an uproar, everyone wanted to get to the Pirate King's treasure, and this created the great age of pirates, looking up he noticed that Garp had a conflicted expression.

"Damn!! that damn! even in death he...!!" He said as he clenched his jaw.

Itachi didn't speak, he noticed that Garp and Roger seemed to have a complicated relationship, but he assumed he was like his brother and Naruto.

"Now it's time to get your hands dirty, this man has brought many into the life of piracy, many will die and will need someone to stop it, if he is going to start the age of piracy then I will create an age of the Navy!! " Itachi thought with conviction.