
One Piece: Kuroi Karasu

Itachi after defeating Kabuto along with Sasuke Itachi finally ends up having his final destination, but with a life full of innocent blood on his hands he wouldn't leave so easily receiving a new life and a new task.

Admiraln12 · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Timely meeting

Itachi seeing that the ship was not that far away decides that he could run there, he could draw attention but at least he knew that this world accepted the absurd with some ease. The Uchiha ran quickly towards the ship, his speed leaving a trail in the water.

The crew on the ship who were doing their work soon noticed something coming towards them, when they were about to warn their captain a dark figure appeared in the air, Itachi with a single jump managed to reach the floor of the ship.

Immediately the crew pointed anything that could be considered a weapon towards Itachi, the young ninja didn't react, this was an expected reaction if someone suddenly invaded.

"Attention!!, now may I ask what's going on here!!?" The one who appeared to be the captain questioned as he exited a cabin, looking at the stranger on his ship he narrowed his eyes.

"Now this is new, you don't look like a young pirate to me, so tell me what you want before my boys here lose their temper." The Captain demanded an answer from Itachi.

"I apologize for my...sudden entry sir, but as you can see I'm not a pirate, my boat was wrecked on a nearby island and I was wondering how to save myself from it, luckily I spotted your ship in good time." Itachi decided that he would take the secret of his being from another world to his grave, this information could mess with his very conception of life in this world.

"Um, I get it, very well I imagine you don't have any money on you do you?" the captain asked as he scratched his beard.

"I'm sorry sir, my clothes are all I have left, but if I can work on your ship to the next island as payment I would greatly appreciate it." Itachi humbly asked, he didn't want to create conflict with the civilians of this world, in fact he already had a certain idea of ​​what the two gods wanted from him by avoiding him here.

"Well, since you don't see a problem with that very well, men get back to work!!, as for you young man what's your name?" the captain asked as he took a cigar out of his pocket.

"Itachi Uchia sir, if possible could you tell me where this ship is going?" Itachi offered his name without issue, here he had no fame, no Uchiha clan whose death bears his name.

"Haha what a polite boy!!, we're heading to Loguetown sailor!!, a big event is taking place on that island!!" The captain said with some animation.

"Excuse my ignorance, but I'm from a remote place, what big event could be taking place to get your attention?" Itachi was gathering as much information as possible from the big picture of this world, and the best informants were the people.

"Wow, you must be a long way off to not know of the execution of Gold Roger boy!!, the news that the King of Pirates being executed on the weakest of seas has spread throughout the known world, many big shots have been sighted near there." The captain said surprised by the lack of knowledge of the young man in front of him.

Itachi recalled that this world is ruled by two forces in particular, the force of the Navy and the Pirates, these two are in constant struggle because while the Navy is in charge of protecting the seas, pirates are criminals who do what they want when they want, in short there are gray spectra in between but overall that's it.

"I see, how far are we then?" Itachi asked already having a plan in mind.

"Haha! You have a determined look on your face now boy, we'll be there in three days, any plans when we get there?" the captain asked good-naturedly.

"Yes, actually I intend to join Marina sir." Itachi said no problem.

"Haha, in that case maybe I'm talking to the future hero of the Navy, glad to see the new generation hasn't lost their sense of justice, hope to hear from you boy!!" The captain said in a good mood, Itachi just smiled and went to help with the ship's tasks.