
One Piece King (Full Version)

The flesh-piercing One Piece hit Luffy’s ship. A journey of saying no with the body but honestly following the boat began. Have a duel plate. Five monster card slots can have five demon fruit abilities at the same time, and then assist magic cards, trap cards, equipment cards... "This distorted world, let my'flower grower' subvert it!"

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415 Chs

One Piece Chapter 179

No way, the number of each other is too much, two people, can't afford it!

This caused Sauron's brows to be furrowed, his face darkened and Xue Xue walked forward, while at the same time he pulled out a ghost with his left hand, his eyes flashed with a dangerous light called murderous intent.

This immediately suppressed most of the villagers.

However, it was just a pause, and then they rushed toward the two more violently.

Everything, for the family!

Seeing that the real casualties were about to erupt, an unexpected person persuaded the bloody eruption to stop.

"Hahaha, you guys are really weird. Didn't you mean to destroy my precious diving sailboat? Why did you fight on your own?"

This voice was Valbo who was scared away by Luffy.

In the next moment, Walpo riding a hippo, under the escort of the army, directly penetrated from the crowd, and came to Sauron and Sanji who were almost full of blood.

Valbo rode on the river horse and said arrogantly, condescendingly:

"You want to destroy the ship of the great King Walbo? Believe it or not that this king ate you!"

A look of confidence.

Sauron stared at Valbo as if they were idiots.

If you send it to your door like this, if we don't send a'combination technique', wouldn't we be sorry for you?

I saw that Sanji flew up and kicked the hippopotamus in front of him, and then Sauron turned into a brilliance and slashed towards Valbo, who had fallen from the hippopotamus.

No matter what it is, kill the culprit first, and then solve the remaining miscellaneous soldiers one by one!

However, although Valbo is a little incompetent, his desire to survive is a leverage.

Subconsciously, he opened his mouth and spit out a cloud of...blue figures.

It is Weiwei who is bound and strong!

With Weiwei as a human shield, Sauron had to deflect the knife and cut a guard soldier beside Valbo in half.

It's still a step slower!

If it weren't for the loss of blood that caused his speed to drop, Sauron could split it in half before Valbo could react.

Those villagers are simply pig teammates!

Sauron, who returned to Sanji's side, frowned.

With such a chance, he failed to kill the idiot king, and now he saw Valbo spit out Usopp, Chieko, and Dalton together, using four human shields to protect himself strictly.

The two knew.

Next, I am afraid it will be worse!



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133,Luffy, you saved Nami!

Drum Peak Castle.

It has been three full hours since Nami was rescued by the two.

Lan Ye stood in front of a wide open wooden door, the cold wind mixed with heavy snow blowing on him, and then poured into the castle.

He was very irritable at this time.

Although Lu Fei and Kalu suffered severe injuries, severe frostbite and excessive blood loss, they only took one hour before and after treatment.

Still only Chopper and a reindeer are in charge.

On the other hand, Nami, from the beginning to the present, Dr. Kuleha, three hours have passed, and the sound of Chopper's taking some medicine can still be heard in the room from time to time.

It can be seen that Nami's condition is the most serious.

At that moment, Lan Ye confirmed one of his ideas.

This is by no means an ordinary fever!

In other words, even if the anti-fever medicine that Luffy took at the time is still there, Nami's condition will not get better.

The difference is that the world that Lan Ye is in is extremely large, and it took more than 20 days to reach the Drum Island. Without his [Sword of Light], Nami might not be able to hold on to the end.

At the same time, after Nami's body temperature suddenly rose abnormally, Lan Ye had a very bitter conjecture in her heart.

One, a guess that made him very uneasy...

You know, although Nami's body temperature was high at first, it was 40 degrees. However, her body temperature suddenly rose to 46 degrees, which would never have been possible without interference from external factors.

At that time, the only possible external interference was...

Thinking of the possibility of her own guessing, Lan Ye's expression turned gloomy again.

Whether it is so or not, he found that many things in Pirate World were not as simple as he thought.

It can even be said that he thinks things too one-sidedly.

He began to question his abilities.

Since Nami's matter can be neglected and thought it is an ordinary fever, will there be omissions of one kind or another in some of the plans for thinking in the longer future?

This is worth thinking about.

"Hey, Lan Ye, it's cold outside, why don't you stay in the room?" Chopper's voice awakened Lan Ye.

Hearing this, Lan Ye subconsciously raised his head and glanced over the wooden door.

There is a nest of snowbirds.

It was because of this lair that Chopper didn't close the door, which caused the wind and snow to flood, and a layer of snow accumulated in the castle.

It can be seen that Chopper's heart is so kind.