
One Piece King (Full Version)

The flesh-piercing One Piece hit Luffy’s ship. A journey of saying no with the body but honestly following the boat began. Have a duel plate. Five monster card slots can have five demon fruit abilities at the same time, and then assist magic cards, trap cards, equipment cards... "This distorted world, let my'flower grower' subvert it!"

RAR_BLANK · Book&Literature
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415 Chs

One Piece Chapter 178

132. The second wave of Gank from pig teammates

Thirty minutes later.

Sanji and Sauron were wrapped in a lot of bandages, sitting on the side of the boat bored.

They are waiting for the return of Valbo's reinforcements.

By then, kill most of this group of reinforcements and put them back in a few briefings, I believe they can lure a certain number of reinforcements to come.

The reason why soldiers are sure to return is probably because they learned from the mouths of the five physicians that the diving sailboat at their feet is the only ship on the island.

I was afraid that the villagers would flee.

In other words, if you want to leave Magnetic Drum Island, you have to look at your face and take a downwind boat, otherwise only this boat can sail.

Then, unless Valbo loses his face and asks the world government for help, someone will definitely be sent.

As for the five doctors...

Speaking of which, even though they are babbling, they have been muttering about brand-new data, excellent experimental subjects, extremely high matching, and other unfriendly terms, but the medical skills are indeed leveraged.

In less than 30 minutes, Sauron and Sanji were able to consider the next battle, which was enough to show that their current state is very good.

Although he has not recovered his peak, he still has at least 50% of his strength.

Before that, they were considered good if they had 10% strength.

It can be seen that they have indeed changed their minds, but they are unable to resist due to the pressure of Valbo.

After all, it's just a doctor, no matter how good the medical skills are, there is a flaw under the force of force.

These five people were not seen on the side of the boat.

After the two of Sauron were'cured', they left a sentence of "Healing from the injury, do not do too much exercise". The five of them are holding the collected data, and they are talking about the two of Sauron. People completely ignored it.

Sauron is not stupid.

It's easy to think that these five people started with their physical data.

As for the treatment or something, it was just a matter of convenience.

In this regard, the two do not matter.

Physical data or something can be exchanged for no hidden injuries, and most of their combat power has been restored, which is also profitable for them.

Sitting on the side of the boat in all kinds of boredom, another hour passed, Sauron was already a little bit of his head and fell asleep.

Finally, someone came one after another.

It's a villager in Dajiao Village.

They cheered and yelled on the shore to let the Sanji and two planks lay down and let them board the boat.

Needless to think about it, this is an intention to use this ship directly to escape from this island.

For them who have lived on Magnetic Drum Island all their lives, this is undoubtedly leaving their hometown. But now that Valbo is back, they can completely foresee the future of life, how no day will be seen.

It can be seen that Valbo's cruelty and incompetence.

Do not leave at this time, I am afraid that I will die on this island in the near future.

As for the crisis of the Great Route, how can they think about it so clearly, now escape from Valbo is the first priority.

However, they were determined to leave their hometown, but Sauron did not intend to betray their companions.

This ship is now their'hostage' to hold Valbo, and it drove away for you. If Valbo doesn't come back, what should I do if he finds Luffy's trouble?

Therefore, the two of them just watched indifferently when the villagers begged, scolded, wailed, ranted and so on.

Seeing that the two did not cooperate, some villagers who had guns raised their guns in order to threaten them to bring the boat to the shore. Some of the anxious villagers even jumped into the sea, intending to climb directly onto the boat.

Both Sauron's eyes flashed sharply.

If these villagers really want to come hard, then for Nami, they can only be...

Seeing that the first villager climbed onto the boat, and the other villagers followed closely, Sauron drew out the snow with one hand and knocked down directly on the deck one by one. Sanji jumped onto the shore from the deck, kicking the villagers armed with guns into the sea one by one.

Because there are people around, the villagers with guns are afraid to accidentally injure others, so they dare not shoot.

This has provoked public anger.

In order to protect your partners, you can't cut off our escape route, right?

With contradictions, natural struggles begin.

However, the sturdy fighting power that the two showed made some villagers froze, standing in place hesitating, watching the two stunned or kicked one villager after another into the sea.


The serious injuries had not yet healed, and this exercise caused the bandages on the two of them to begin to seep blood.

It was the stitched wound that opened again.

"Haha, the injuries of the two of them are not good yet!"

"Yes! We are crowded, and dragging can drag them to death!"

"Think of the days before, when you had to kneel down and plead for a doctor, do you still want to be controlled by Valbo like this?"

"Why... we just want a safe and stable life, why not give it to us?"

"They damn, we are so many, we go together, for wives, sons and daughters, go!"

"For his wife, son and daughter, go!"

"Yes, side by side!"


That's what you said and I said, the villagers bite the bullet and launched an offensive against the two for their families.

Looking at the energy of forward and backward, it is really intended to kill them both directly.

Let alone, this method is stupid, but it is indeed useful.

It was the two who had been treated and needed to rest. The bandages on their bodies were only partially bleeding at first. With the long-term exercise, the blood began to spread to the surroundings and gradually reddened most of their bodies.

Over time, there is a real crisis of excessive blood loss.