
One Piece: Injustice Corrected

Galan, the boy who lived in the light was drenched in the abyss that is evil but he chose to climb out, vowing to destroy evil. Injustice will be corrected, Evil will be punished, no matter who does the deed. The abyss will be burned with the righteous flames of impartial justice. No matter the man or woman, they will face the wrath of the law, all the same. 18+ Very Graphic, Vulgar, May Include Homophobia, Racism, etc. -Gore Warning -Torture Warning Read at your own risk. You have been warned. (If you'd like more of this Fanfiction, there is a Side Story under the same name! > 'OP: Injustice (Side Story)' please go read there AFTER you're finished here!)

AgentMonke · Komik
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137 Chs

The Epic Climax!

The sound seemed to disappear as Galan punched IM, but she disappeared, and his punch smashed the chair.

This was almost his full strength…

There was a loud sound and thunderous boom as the chair and everything behind it turned to dust!

A massive line carved out a chunk of the Red Line, not to mention the castle that collapsed in an instant!

The City was destroyed in a single moment!

The Castle crumbled, burying whatever it stood for as IM floated in the air, her hood and crown shattering to dust, revealing her true appearance.

Everyone looked up at the beautiful woman, who seemed to only have eyes for Galan.

Galan looked up and she laughed beautifully "Truly! I really am starting to like you more and more, Galan! But you won't willingly come to me…" her voice turned sadistic and cruel "I will chain you like the dog you are and force you to!"

Galan looked up at her expressionlessly, "Oh." before exploding off the ground, blowing a massive bowl shaped crater in the Red Line as he appeared in front of IM, punching at her.

She dodged to the side and kicked him. Galan took the blow and shot back down, making a bigger crater than the one he shot off with!

He laid in the pit and looked up at IM, wondering where the strength was coming from. She was flying and she had all this strength, what was it? Technology or a devil fruit?

He got up and dusted himself off, thinking to himself as IM blinked next to him, kicking at his head, noticeably not wearing anything other than a short dress. Her cape, hood, and crown had disappeared.

Her delicate feet shot at his head but Galan stepped back, looking at her while tilting his head. She smiled at him, a scary look in her eyes, as though appraising an item she was thinking about buying.

Galan dodged her blows while thinking, it should be technology? But where did this come from? Clearly something to do with the void century.

Then he wondered, how old was she?

800 or so?

That's a long time to train.

She may be stronger than him.

In all aspects.

IM grinned and seemed to be able to fly as she flashed, kicking Galan into the air, his ribs creaking as she flashed above him, smashing a fist down on his sternum.

Galan spat out some blood with the same expression on his face, not seeming to care at all. Her eyes grew hot as she laughed, "Amazing!" Galan flipped to the ground and she appeared above him, smashing her fists down.

Galan simply stepped back and his leg vibrated, exploding off the ground, kneeing her in the stomach!

IM's expression froze and she spat out a mouthful of blood!

Where did this explosion of strength come from!?

Galan wasn't going to say anything, never show your full hand. Clearly this woman had forgotten some things.

He touched his chin and jumped, kicking IM in the head, smashing her into the ground as the Red Line started shaking.

He let go of his chin and said "Whatever. It doesn't matter anymore, whatever her strength is, I'll find out…" he had taken quite some damage already, these blows were not light in the slightest!

Miles away from Newgate…

IM got up and glared at Galan, before shrieking!

Galan frowned as his ears started ringing and the Red Line started shaking, many people from both sides collapsing with blood coming out of all their orifices…

The sky started rumbling as whooshes were heard, massive Dragons and snakes crept over from the sky and sea!

Huge Beasts that were dormant for god knows how many years appeared at the sound of the shrieking, surrounding Galan from all sides.

He looked around expressionlessly before saying slowly "That's… it?" IM snorted tenderly, "Of course not, love~ Don't kill him." Galan looked up as a giant straw hat rotated in the sky.

It lit up and Galan's hair stood up!

A massive pillar of extremely bright lightning shot down from the hat, bombarding Galan in an instant!

Impossible to dodge!

IM stroked a dragon head and giggled "Excellent."

The battle froze as they stared at the massive explosion, Sabo swallowed "That's what took out Lulusia!" Dragon was alarmed and Olvia froze, her brain melting as she stared at the hole, forgetting to hold the snail as it dropped to the ground.

She shouted in grief "GALAN!" before appearing next to IM and kicking her in the face.

IM was shocked and took a kick right to the jaw, her eyes blurring for a moment before she was blasted into the dragon next to her, blowing out a massive hole, obliterating the entire dragon head and shooting out like a star!

Olvia was so angry at the moment, she was starting to lose her mind.

She exploded off the ground and flashed in front of IM, kicking at her again, sending her into the air before flashing above her and dropping her heel down on IM's back, smashing her into the ground.

Olvia ford down at IM like a meteorite, spinning into another ax drop!

But IM caught her foot and sneered "Are you the so-called 'Lover'? If I kill you, he'll collapse, right?" Olvia was alarmed and twisted, kicking IM, who seemed to be unaffected.

She laughed, "Stupid girl. You came here to die! Don't worry about him, you can watch me birth his children as a slave forever! Hahaha~!" Olvia's eyes were red with rage and she made a shocking decision!

She twisted her body and grit her teeth, tearing her leg right off her own body!

IM was shocked silly, staring at the severed leg with dumbfounded eyes! Olvia slapped her thigh and the wound closed as he jumped at IM, stomping on her face with a terrifying glare!

IM was smashed backwards, her head embedding itself into the Red Line under Olvia's foot!

She continued stomping with one leg but IM appeared behind her, grabbing her neck suddenly, blood all over her face. She spat venomously "You hateful bitch! I won't kill you, no, I have a better plan, let you live in terror forever!" Before she could laugh, a fist punched her in the teeth, forcing her to swallow her own pearly whites.

Galan held Olvia as IM stumbled backwards in confusion.

He looked at her and she smiled at him lovingly.

He closed his eyes and muttered "You stupid woman…" Olvia giggled and he flashed, dropping her off next to the snail as Robin stared at the woman in disbelief, her entire body shaking with shock, turns out, the blindfolded woman was…

Olvia took out the contacts and sat there with one leg, holding the snail, saying "I'm so happy… you're not dead…"

Galan looked at his left arm… or rather the charred remains of what was once his left arm.

He ignored her and returned to IM, walking over slowly. She shorted and her teeth returned to her, saying "For a slut like that…" Galan closed his eyes and his fist clenched, his strongest power disappearing into his right arm.

However, there was no sound, no aura, nothing.

Just a scarred arm, covered in tattoos.

Galan opened his mouth and IM was startled as she started sweating, a long lost feeling of fear taking over her body. The skull on Galan's chest seemed to be staring at her as though she was dead…

A grunt came out of Galan's mouth, then a louder one, then a roaring grunt as he appeared in front of IM before she could even process that he was there!

Galan's eyes were filled with flames and his face was expressionless as he roared, mania and rage overflowing from his pupils!

IM's eyes widened as she shouted in terror "Kill him! Kill him immediately! RIGHT NOW!" before Galan's fist punched her in the teeth! He roared and continued punching her as fast as he could, hundreds of punches littering IM's body as the Snakes and Dragons charged at him, getting bounced off but biting him.

He didn't even care, staring at IM like a wild animal and roaring as he beat her into the ground with one arm, pummeling her face into the Red Line!

Every punch!

The Red Line shook!

Cracks started forming as Galan raised his fist, roaring with his entire arm, covered in a goopy white aura!

The absolute pinnacle of strength in this world!

Many years of toiling and training tirelessly creating this state.

Combining all forms of Haki, 6 Powers, and Life Return for this one moment!

His final flash of light, the final bang to his array of fireworks.

This white aura was not only Haki but also…

The collective sum of Galan's life force!

By touching into Life Return, all the years he saved up by condensing his figure, storing energy from his training, and weakening himself, flowed into his fist.

Essentially, Galan was fighting with his life span coated in Haki.

Theoretically anyone could do this, Luffy used his lifespan to fight all the time.

Each fist took minutes, days, months, years off his life!

But it was the only way!

IM was shouting "What is this?!" Galan didn't answer, his black hair slowly turning gray as he roared, punching her into the ground, stepping on her chest.

He grabbed her arm and roared at the sky, tearing it off her body as she screeched in pain, blood splashing all over the place!

Galan grabbed her head and tore at it as IM screamed, stabbing her arm into Galan's chest, coming out the other side!

Galan didn't care at all, biting down on her neck and tearing out a chunk of flesh as she uttered a voiceless scream, her eyes blurring.

He squeezed her head and glared at her, crushing slowly before growling and roaring one final time, smashing her down face first as her head exploded into a mass of flesh a blood, coating his entire body!

The Red Line cracked before snapping at the impact point!

Massive chunks of rock splitting down and falling off as a channel was created!

It didn't stop there!

The water seemed to have life, rushing into the middle from both sides!

Everything started shaking as the impact of the crashing waves started crushing against the Red Line itself!

Galan stood at the edge of a bottomless cliff, a headless corpse next to him.

Everyone in the world stared in a daze before Galan raised his head and screamed at the sky, raising his fist!

The World seemed to pause before everyone erupted with cheers!

Even the sea itself seemed to cheer!

Just as everyone was happy…

Galan turned back, his face slightly wrinkled, but quickly reverted to normal as he walked over to the ended war zone.

Olvia ran over with teary eyes as everyone sat down and smiled, looking over before freezing as Galan punched through Olvia's chest.

She fell down in an instant and everyone froze, the snail trained on Galan as he held his face and laughed.

He looked at everyone with a sneer and amused eyes, "Did you really think I was telling the truth? Hahahaha!" he slicked back his hair and laughed at the sky, "Did you really think you were free!? Hhahahahah!"

He flickered and punched through Shiki's head, laughing at everyone, "Shiki said it right! What have I done all these years? Selflessly saved the world?! What a joke! Hahahaha! And you all ate it up… How spectacular!"

He tossed Shiki's corpse to the side, laughing as he looked down on everyone on top of the rubble of Pangea Castle, his lips curling into a cruel grin "Now there's no one left to stop me!" he looked up at the dragons and snakes, glaring as his Conqueror's Haki exploded off his body, his hair blew up as he laughed arrogantly.

The rubble shattering to dust around him as he pointed forward "Attack! Kill them all!" The Dragons and Snakes turned to the coalition and charged forward as the people were horrified, holding their heads, "It's not possible! We have to face that monster now?! Why is the Fleet Admiral doing this?!"

Robin stared at her mother's body in a daze before exploding "I WILL KILL YOU!" As giant hands sprouted from all around the battlefield! Grabbing the Dragons and Snakes, smashing them down viciously!

The Crew got into Battle positions as Galan laughed on top of a throne of rubble, standing there as the new God of this world!

Nami waved her baton and thunder surged in the sky.

Zoro looked at his shattered sword with a frown, Only Wado Ichimonji and the Sword he got from Wano were still intact, both Black Swords now.

He turned to see Mihawk laying on the ground with a large sword scar on his chest.

Zoro clenched his fists, his teacher, killed by himself! He picked up Yoru and said "I will give you new glory, Yoru." Mihawk's face still in a satisfied smile as sword wounds littered his body, seemingly happy that his own disciple killed him in the end.

Zoro held Yoru and his other two swords, looking ready to attack!

The rest of the crew unleashed their strongest states as Luffy grew into a massive white flaming giant, grinning "Come on, guys! You're the Pirate King's crew after all!"

From Robin to Jinbe and everyone in between, they all smiled and shouted "Right!"

Dragon looked at the carnage and shaking Red Line before turning to Galan with a sad look in his eyes, saying "Everyone… retreat, the Red Line is about to collapse."

He held Garp, who was seriously injured and boarded the ships with all the Revolutionaries and Marines, as they helped each other escape, "Come on! You don't die here, pal. You still have to cover my back, buddy."

The Marines and Revolutionaries held each other up and slowly escaped as large pieces of the Red Line started crumbling down, people started crying as they stared at the corpses of their comrades, but were dragged away by others with the same tears, shouting "They're heroes! Let them be buried with the Red Line! This is the highest honor!"

"No! That's my husband!"

"I'm sorry, but he's a hero! He'd want you to live!"

All sorts of shouts were heard as they hurriedly left.

The top of the Red Line was hell on Earth!

Lightning and Flames raining down, Dragons and Snakes everywhere, blood splashing all over the place.

Galan punched out with a white goopy aura, laughing wildly "Come on, trash! I'll kill you all! Hahahah! I'LL KILL EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU! GAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

As he fought, his mind wandered…

A little boy ran on a green field, holding out a flower for a beautiful woman, saying "Mommy, I found this for you!" the woman smiled lovingly, "Mommy, loves it!"

To an ashy skull

Many years after, a young man leaning on a muscle giant with a pissed aura, the young man was falling asleep as the man grumbled "This cockless asshole really takes me for a pillow!" before fixing the young man's posture and snorting with his arms crossed, letting him sleep with a shadow of a smile at the corner of his mouth.

To a ruined tombstone in Mariejois

A man and girl sitting at a table playing chess, a girl receiving presents as a man watched from the shadows, the very same girl holding a baby in her arms with a tender look in her eyes as the very same man stood behind a wall silently…

To a Woman staring at the Red Line from a ship with a young woman

A woman being captured but refusing to leave a man's side, hugging him and comforting him. The man pushes her away but she always comes back, "Everyone else might abandon you, but I never will!"

A woman hugged him tightly in a bed, stark naked, mumbling "I love you…" as she drifted off into a fantasy of her own choosing as the man stared at the ceiling, tears forming in his eyes.

A woman holding up a fish with an excited look in her eyes, "Look! I caught one! Hahaha!"

A woman posing sexily, "Like what you see? Heh heh~"

A woman hugging him from behind, whispering with sad tears full of affection and pain, "It's okay… I'm here. I'm not going anywhere."


A woman laying on the ground, her fingers twitching as her eyelids trembled…

Galan looked at the giant fist coming at him, his hair white, slight wrinkling at the corners of his eyes, his charred arm turning to dust and disappearing.

He closed his eyes and smiled in relief, it's finally over.

Galan's face was punched by the fist and he flew out, smashing into the Red Line, sliding to the edge.

He stopped just before the cliff and thought to himself 'The Sun God… Maybe he wasn't so bad after all…'

Before he moved slightly, pushing himself off the cliff, looking up at the bright sun in the sky as the top of the Red Line got farther and farther…

He closed his eyes slowly and a calm smile formed on his lips.

The nightmare was finally over…

But maybe my life wasn't so bad after all…