
One Piece: I Will Wipe Out The Tenryubito!

Never again. I will never again allow myself to be subjugated. I will never again become a slave. In their arrogance and folly, the Tenryubito fed me a Devil Fruit. Now, I will dismantle their reign, piece by piece. I will eliminate them all. Not a single Tenryubito will remain. [No system, no golden finger, just exploiting the Devil Fruit and training in physical combat and Haki.]

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87 Chs

Chapter 23: I Sold You


A year later, at the slave training ground in the Holy Land, Mariejois, two figures moved rapidly, constantly colliding and separating before crashing into each other again in a fierce clash. These two individuals were Hiro and Knife-wielding CP0. At this point, Knife-wielding CP0 had drawn his blade, displaying his sword skills mercilessly against Hiro.

"One Sword Style, Flash Slash!"

Knife-wielding CP0 vanished from Hiro's sight only to appear behind him, aiming a slash at Hiro's neck. However, the current Hiro was not the same as he was a year ago. Facing such a sharp attack, Hiro remained calm, twisting his body and landing a punch on CP0's blade.

"Shock Punch!"

Hiro's punch stopped the blade from coming down, and then a long-accumulated rebounding force in Hiro's fist exploded, knocking Knife-wielding CP0 away. But CP0 was familiar with Hiro's counter moves. In the moment of being repelled, CP0 used a moon-step mid-air to change his direction, then charged at Hiro again. His blade was aimed at Hiro's chest, seemingly intent on finishing him off. But Hiro, showing no signs of defense, stretched out his right index finger to execute a Finger Pistol.

After being stabbed in the chest by CP0, Hiro aimed his Finger Pistol to the side. Knife-wielding CP0 landed and didn't continue attacking Hiro; instead, he sheathed his blade.

"Good, your Haki, Devil Fruit ability, and Rokushiki have all become strong. Continuing training now would be meaningless. If I wanted to beat you, I'd have to use my killing blow. Otherwise, no matter how much we fight, it will end in a stalemate. And if I use my killing move, you'd die. I don't have anything left to teach you, so... training ends!"

Knife-wielding CP0 looked at Hiro with complicated eyes. He didn't expect Hiro to have progressed so much in a short year. Hiro had now become so strong that CP0 was not confident he could win against him anymore. A year ago, he was excited thinking he could train Hiro like a regular student. But Hiro's monstrous talent was apparent when he could use all six forms of Rokushiki after only three months of teaching, something that even some genius CP organization candidates, after years of study, have yet to master fully.

The rest of the time was not so much teaching as it was combat. CP0 couldn't count how many times he had sparred with Hiro, but with each passing match, Hiro's strength grew. Now, without using his killing move, CP0 could only tie with Hiro. Most importantly, even if he did use his killing move, he wasn't sure he could kill Hiro. Thanks to Hiro's Devil Fruit ability, any damage inflicted on Hiro could be rebounded back to the attacker.

In Hiro's words, it was to fight fire with fire. But how could he fight like this? If he uses his killing move, would it result in him killing himself? Like the attack just now that stabbed Hiro's chest but was countered by Hiro using a Finger Pistol. If he hadn't dodged quickly, he might have been hit by Hiro's attack.

Hiro laughed and said, "Master, what are you saying? You'll always be my role model. How could there be nothing left for you to teach me? I will spend my lifetime learning from you."

In reality, Hiro's strength had already surpassed his master's. In the previous fight, he didn't even use his full strength, essentially saving his master's face.

Hiro's flattery was music to Knife-wielding CP0's ears. Patting Hiro's shoulder, he solemnly said, "Stay humble and patient. It's best that you think this way. Remember, there are many people in this world stronger than your master. Don't get arrogant or complacent just because you've gained a bit of power."

Hiro nodded in agreement.

Knife-wielding CP0 looked at Hiro with satisfaction. Initially, he only intended to use teaching Hiro as an excuse to avoid serving the revolting Celestial Dragons. Unexpectedly, he gained such an excellent disciple. Shortly after, CP0 seemed to remember something, hesitated for a moment, and said to Hiro, "Be careful. Saint Charlemagne seems to have lost his temper and plans to retaliate against you. Stay vigilant!"

Upon hearing this, Hiro couldn't help but furrow his brow. Even though his strength had increased significantly, if a Celestial Dragon decided to target him, he still didn't have the ability to escape from the Holy Land of Mariejois. If that were to happen, death would be his only fate.

"Master, I understand. I will lower my presence and try not to encounter Saint Charlemagne," Hiro replied.

CP0 looked deeply into Hiro's eyes and sighed, "After today, I have to go on to other tasks. Be careful and remember, staying alive is more important than anything!"

Hearing this sudden farewell, Hiro didn't feel sad but instead smiled at CP0 and said, "Master, I hope the next time we meet, it will be at sea or on some other island."

On hearing Hiro's words, CP0 couldn't find happiness in his heart. He felt heartbroken because he knew Hiro, a slave, could never leave this place. But he didn't let his sadness show and instead smiled at Hiro and said, "Sounds good, let's hope to meet at sea next time!" After saying this, worried that Hiro would see his sadness, CP0 quickly left the training ground.

After CP0 left, Hiro furrowed his brow and mumbled to himself, "Why hasn't Fisher Tiger come yet? It's already been a year, could he really be dead?" Just then, a World Government staff member came to Hiro and ordered him coldly, "Hiro, Saint Charlos wants you in his room. Follow me!"

Hiro frowned, thinking, "Why call me at this time? It's not their entertainment time yet." Despite his doubts, Hiro obediently followed the World Government staff member towards Saint Charlos's room.

As soon as he stepped into the room, he saw Hancock there as well, not just Hancock, but Saint Charlemagne was also present. "Haha, Charlos, since the person is here, I will take him away!" Saint Charlemagne said while staring maliciously at Hiro as if wanting to rip him apart.

Hiro's eyes widened in disbelief as he looked at Saint Charlos. "Lord Saint Charlos, what is this..."

"Haha, I sold you to Charlemagne. I didn't think a worn-out slave like you could fetch a good price!" Charlos replied.