
One Piece: Glory and Gold

Sailing the Grand Line with quasi reality warping nonsense powers? Time to become the richest woman in the world!

1Chuckles1 · Fantasi
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One Piece: Glory and Gold

Warm sunlight glares off the sails of luxury yachts and the domes of enormous villas, on the island of El Duvai.

It's a grand getaway for the rich and elite of all seas, whether they be pirates or nobility, it's the premiere getaway for gambling and vacationing on the Grand Line.

For the rich, anyway.

For those unfortunate enough to live here year round, with all the riches going straight to the king and his buddies, it's a miserable place to be- living payday to payday, just keep rooftops over your heads and food in your bellies.

You don't even get to have homes above the surface; your ghettoes are deemed to depressing for visitors to see, so workers were put to the task of digging out subterranean caverns to house the local populace over night, before working during the day.

With your mother disappeared one day, without trace and presumed dead, and your father an unknown, you and your little sister have had to take what jobs you can, to support yourselves at ages 13 and 11 respectively.

Everyone else around you was to desperate to keep themselves alive to offer two small girls a helping hand either, so you've taken to working at the guests docks, having to force a smile, as you carry the luggage of your social betters, in hopes of getting a tip.

Today, you're carting a suitcase load of fur coats for a Duchess from the Rommel Kingdom. Why she brought multiple fur coats to a balmy summer island is beyond you, but you're not going to ask any stupid questions.

Others around you are carrying her jewels, her sceptre on it's silk cushion, and her personage on a litter, while she fans herself and picks at a silver plate of dates.

As a matter of checking in, she's treated to the islands customary screening for guests Devil Fruit abilities- a quick bath in seawater, to see if their bodies turn limp.

You're assigned the job of towelling her dry, once she's passed the test, and security is certain she won't posses any ability to mess with the games. She doesn't so much as spare you a look at your face, as you wipe her down and help her pull her light frock back on over her skimpy swimming garments.

You try not to let your face flush, but it's hard to deny she's a pretty lady.

You're careful to avoid running over even the slightest bump on the paved path, for fear of damaging the suitcase, all the way to the ladys villa, where servants pull the doors open for her and welcome her inside.

The rest of you are told to wait outside in the heat, while she peruses the place and settles in.

Eventually, you're all allowed in, headed for her bedroom, you take her clothes out, gently- gently!- assuring no rips, and hang them up in her walk in wardrobe, as others finish setting her room up for her- nervously checking and rechecking that her bedsheets are folded in as tightly as possible- you fluff her pillows a few more times, before she enters the room.

The lady looks around idly, as you and your fellow workers hurriedly line up, sticking your shoulders back and standing attention like some military guard, as she inspects things, pressing a palm into the mattress to test it's softness, she lets out an approving sigh, takes a moment to check her bathroom.

She seems content enough, approaching the line of workers, which you're at the closest end to her of.

"Am I supposed to tip you all?" She asks, odiously.

"..." You glance to the others, but they're all silent.

The lady snaps her fingers, "I'm talking to you, girl! What's your name?"

"B-Baccarat, ma'am."

She rolls her eyes a little, before fishing into the purse dangling off her arm, retreiving a note for 100 beris.

Your heart skips a beat, at the sight of that much money.

She's giving that to all of you? 100 beris each?

"Do you have ninety in change, girl?"

And your heart sinks.

"I- no ma'am- your ladyness."

She tuts, before counting the lot of you out... "Well, there are ten of you." She presses the note on you, "I'm sure you can all split it later, ta-ta."

She's dismissed you, so you've no choice but to leave, very conscious of the others eyes drilling into you, and the 100 beri note in your grip...

You squeeze it tight for a moment...

This is two weeks of wages.

You pocket it and start running, leaving them in your dust.