
One Piece: Glory and Gold

Sailing the Grand Line with quasi reality warping nonsense powers? Time to become the richest woman in the world!

1Chuckles1 · Fantasy
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2 Chs


You cough up blood and spit as a boot drives into your stomach, feeling the swelling around your eyes already puffing up, and the bruises forming on your back and ribs, as your coworkers beat you to a pulp.

"One more time, brat." One growls, grabbing a fistful of your hair and lifting your head by it, "Give us the money, or next we're gonna start beating on your sister!"

You wheeze in panic, looking over at Roulette, struggling to escape the grip of two large men, to run over and help you.

"N-nn-" You plead.

He slams your skull into the ground, "Cough up!"

"I c-can't..." You spit past split lips, "We already spent it... I got us both lunch, we already ate it..."

He fumes, cursing you out, he drives the point of his shoe into your ribs again, before throwing his hands up.

"Worthless shitkids!" He barks, "That kind of money could have bought you a weeks worth of food, and you blow it in a day? Pathetic."

Your sister is turfed to the ground, as the angry men stomp off, Roulette rushing to your side, screaming your name with concern.

"Baccarat! Baccarat? Can you hear me? Can you walk?"

You wheeze with pain, tears in your eyes... "I'm okay...."

"You're not!" She insists, rolling you onto your back, "Just- come on, I'll carry you inside!"

Grunting with effort, she scoops you up in her arms, hefting you up and dragging you back into your hovel of a home.

"What was that you said about getting lunch though?" She asks.

You raise a finger, shushing her until you're inside, Roulette lowering you into your bed, "I- I couldn't let them hurt my little sister... I was fine taking the beating, but not you..." You reach into your pants, pulling the slightly scuffed note out from the waistband of your underwear, holding it out to her. "Here... go get food and medicine."

"Baccarat..." She whimpers, eyes tearing up, she throws herself over you, hugging you gently.

You cling back to her, feeling her tears dampen your cheeks now as well.

"I'm gonna get stronger!" She vows, "So no one can ever hurt us like that again!"

You rub her back, even if lifting your arm is extremely painful. "Screw that... I'm gonna get rich! Rich enough that we can get off this island! The richest person in the world!"

You and Rou sob and hug each other in the dark, your vows to each other sealed.