
One Piece: Finally Free

This is a story about a boy that witnessed his little brother being killed by his abusive and drug-addicted parents. After immediately taking his revenge and ending up dying while crying and hugging his little brother, he gets transmigrated into the one-piece world with a 5-year-old body. What will he do after finding out that he transmigrated here alone in a dangerous world full of monsters? Will he give up on life or continue living and finally be free. There will be no system or cheats. He will have knowledge about the One Piece world and use that to his advantage. He will have to train like any other person and he won’t get some manual that explains Haki to him. There also won’t be a harem. He is the same age as Ace and Sabo so he transmigrated 15 years before the start of the storyline. **Disclaimers** -All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). -I don't own the cover. If you own it message me and I'll take it down.

TheEnlightenedSage · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
205 Chs

Chapter 185

In the snowy mountain, a figure with a big bag on his back could be seen walking on the snowy land towards a bridge. He looked up as a giant figure fell out of the sky and landed on the bridge. The giant figure pointed his halberd at him.

"Hold it! Where do you think you're going! This place is off-limits."

"I'm just here to pay respect to an old friend."

"Old friend? There hasn't been a new grave added here in 20 years, which looks to be about your age. Do you really think that I'll believe that?"

"It's complicated."

"Complicated? What is the name of this friend of yours?"

"Shimotsuki Ryuma."

"Ryuma! Wait, that sword! How dare you call him your friend after you robbed his grave! You weren't even alive in the time that he was!"

"I told you that it's complicated. Some necromancer used black magic to bring his corpse back to life, and after I defeated Ryuma, he passed on Shusui to me."

"I've never heard of something like that, now give back that sword, or I Warrior Monk Gyukimaru will take it back myself!"

"You're really annoying, did you know that. I'm really not in the mood for this, but If you dare to try and take my sword, I Azure Ken will cut you down no matter who you are or how honest your intentions were."

When Ken grabbed onto Shusui's hilt, Gyukimaru suddenly felt his body turn heavy. But he didn't show it on his face and immediately infused his weapon with Haki and swung it down at Ken. Ken let go of Shusui's hilt and planned on taking the attack head on with his hand.

"You'll pay with your life for underestimating me!"

The speed of Gyukimaru's swing suddenly doubled, and in an instant, it landed on Ken's hand. But instead of going through it, it stopped. Ken grabbed onto the blade, and with a flick of the wrist, it shattered into tiny pieces.

"Im… impossible!"

"If you were able to read the newspapers from outside, then you might have known to not stand in my way. After all, my title is equal to that of Kaido. And I'm sure that you know what his name means," said Ken as he started walking past Gyukimaru.

"You're like Kaido! What are you doing here? Did you also come to take everything from us!"

"Nah, unlike him, I have some good morals that I follow. One of which is not hurting innocent people. And you don't need to worry much about Kaido anymore. If your people don't finish him off, I will," said Ken as he walked past Gyukimaru. "Since it looks like you have a lot of free time, how about you come and help me out. Or I'll just find his grave on my own; I have time enough."

Gyukimaru quickly ran in front of him. "I'll take you to Ryuma's grave, but if you dare to do something disrespectful, I'll kill you even if it costs me my life!" Even though Gyukimaru sounded threatening, his shakky legs were enough to show how he was really feeling. But who wouldn't be scared after someone just easily blocked their full power attack and shattered their blade without effort?

Ken just nodded and followed Gyukimaru as they went through the snowy mountains. The sky is clear today, so Ken could clearly see the thousands of graves all over the place. It really was a depressing scene. After 10 minutes of walking, they finally arrived at a lone grave with the name Shimotsuki Ryuma written on it.

"Can you get me a shovel?"

"How dare you try and defile his grave for a second time."

"I already told you that it wasn't me, and I'm just here to return something. But of course, I could just kill you and look for one myself. The only reason you're alive is because I don't feel like wiping your blood off my blade."

"Tsk." Gyukimaru walked to a nearby grave, grabbed a shovel hidden behind it, and threw it to Ken, who caught it. He immediately started digging up the grave, and after a couple of minutes, he uncovered a casket. He stopped and took down the bag from his back.

"What's that?"

"What I came here to return." Ken opened up the bag, and to Gyukimaru's surprise, Ryuma's decaying body was inside of it. "I had my doctor do the best job he could to return the body to how it should be, but there isn't much a doctor could do for a dead person." Ken looked at the hole and was thinking about how he could lower Ryuma's body into the deep hole.

"Let me do it; you'll only end up damaging his body." Gyukimaru carefully grabbed Ryuma's body, put him inside the casket with his long arms, and closed it afterward. Ken then grabbed the shovel and started filling the hole back in till it was completely covered again.

Ken grabbed a bouquet of flowers that was also in the bag and put them on Ryuma's grave. He then sat down in front of the grave and stabbed Shusui on the ground next to him.

"As I promised, welcome back home, friend." After saying that, Ken just looked at the grave without saying anything more.

'It seems like I have misjudged this person. I'll leave him alone for now.' Gyukimaru turned around and started walking away, leaving Ken behind at Ryuma's grave.

"It's been a long time since we've talked, huh. The first time was when you were trying to kill me while not being in control of your body and not remembering much about yourself. And now I'm talking to your dead body burrowed 6 feet deep. It sure is a shame that I couldn't have met you while you were alive. I would love to have kicked your ass in your prime, hahaha!"

Ken stayed there while talking to Ryuma about everything that happened since they last met. And even though Ken knew that he probably couldn't hear him, he didn't care. He just wanted to find a way to calm himself down before the potential fight to the death with Kaido.


In Onigashima, the party was already well underway. Kaido was drinking to his hearths content when a ninja suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Uhm, sir, we have spotted Sabo and Inferno Fist Ace in the Flower Capital."

"So those bastards actually dared to come to me! Where are they, and what are they doing?"

"They, they are, uhm…."


Kaido threw the bottle of Sake in his hand onto the Ninja's head, staggering him and making his head bleed."

"Speak already, damn it!"

"They are eating and enjoying the festival, sir!"

Kaido became quiet for a while till he picked up a new bottle.

"Just keep an eye on them. I don't feel like wasting this party for those brats."

"Yes, sir!"

The ninja immediately disappeared, and the party went on as if nothing had happened.

"Aren't they from the Azure Pirates? What if they destroy my city or come here?" asked Orochi.

"That Captain of theirs is soft; he won't hurt any innocent people. I don't care about those two brats; all I want is to fight Ken. I've been waiting a long time for our fight."

"You know that Captain is serious when he is doing his best not to get drunk," said Jack.

"Shut up, you failure!"

"Sorry, Captain."

"I just hope that you know what you're doing. But I doubt that you'll be defeated by some kids."

"Just shut up and drink. We didn't come here to talk about those brats. I'll take care of them tomorrow."

"In that case, I will definitely drink to my heart's content, gufuhahaha!"


Disturbing Facts:

- The average person walks past 36 murderers in their lifetime.

- Some tumors can grow teeth and hair.

- People's general happiness peaks at 21 and doesn't reach that level again until they retire.

- People who stay up late at night have more psychopathic tendencies than those who sleep early.


- In 1939, 835 sheep in the US were killed by a single lightning strike.

(Deuce, is this you?)

- Nighttime is the natural state of the universe. Daytime is only caused by a nearby, radiating ball of flame.

- The brain not only named itself, but it also recognized that it named itself and was surprised when it realized that.

- When you're sick, the advice you get is to literally do drugs and stay out of school.

- Siberian bears sometimes dig up dead bodies for food and use cemeteries as 'refrigerators'.

- Over 50% of commercial pilots have admitted to falling asleep while flying a plane.