
One Piece: Finally Free

This is a story about a boy that witnessed his little brother being killed by his abusive and drug-addicted parents. After immediately taking his revenge and ending up dying while crying and hugging his little brother, he gets transmigrated into the one-piece world with a 5-year-old body. What will he do after finding out that he transmigrated here alone in a dangerous world full of monsters? Will he give up on life or continue living and finally be free. There will be no system or cheats. He will have knowledge about the One Piece world and use that to his advantage. He will have to train like any other person and he won’t get some manual that explains Haki to him. There also won’t be a harem. He is the same age as Ace and Sabo so he transmigrated 15 years before the start of the storyline. **Disclaimers** -All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). -I don't own the cover. If you own it message me and I'll take it down.

TheEnlightenedSage · Komik
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205 Chs

Chapter 129

[3rd Person P.O.V.]

Jinbe is steering the ship as Laffitte is giving him directions.

"I'm surprised that none of the three released even an ounce of killing intent after finding out their little brother will be executed. Sabo and Ace even started playing right after." said Jinbe

"It's because they are better than that, especially Captain. I don't think you know about this, but during our journey, we got stuck in a whirlpool that took us to a secret island where we met two people."

"A secret island with only two people?"

"Well, one of them was only a spirit that was leeching on his son's body and trying to steal it. They were the only two on that island, and the rest were all killed by the World Government. They were one of the kingdoms that created the World Government."

"What!? I thought there were only 20 kingdoms. But why did they get attack by the World Government?"

"I don't know. Probably because of some selfish reasons. While we were at that island, Captain got trapped in an illusion. He said that it was so powerful that even though he knew that he was inside one, he still felt all the pain and suffering like it was happening for real."

"Pain and suffering? What happened in that illusion?"

"For hundreds of days, Captain saw all of us getting murdered by that guy. Over and over again. But after going through that, he came out stronger. That's why even though his little brother is about to be executed, his heart won't waver. The only thing he is thinking about right now is the most optimal way to save Luffy without any casualties."

"To think that he has gone through all of that and can still laugh like that. He is truly amazing. A normal person would have become crazy. I almost gave up because someone close to me died."

"That's why I'll follow Captain's orders without hesitation. Even if someone close to him was about to die, he would still think things through carefully. And it seems like Ace and Sabo have started to take after him. I almost feel pity for the marines."

"I doubt that you could feel pity for anyone."

"What? I didn't think you knew me so well. Have you been secretly watching me?"

"Sigh, get back to work, or you'll be beaten up by Ken. Even if he looks indifferent, I can feel that he could snap at any moment. He said that he won't lose another little brother no matter what, which means that he has gone through it once. Sure he might be thinking of a genius plan that will make sure Luffy is safe, but after that is when the hell will break loose." said Jinbe

"You might be right, but that will only make me happier. I'll make sure to get the brat to safety quickly so I can have some fun."

"Your idea of fun is really twisted. But if you go overboard, I will make sure to stop you."

"Don't worry, I know very well how far I can stretch the limits."

"I wouldn't expect any less from you."


[Marine HQ]

Marine HQ looks busier than it has ever been. There are thousands of people preparing for this war. Ships full of soldiers are continually arriving. If this keeps up, the number of soldiers might reach 100 thousand. But no matter how many soldiers arrive, the Fleet Admiral will never be stress-free.

'That damn Garp! Even though his grandson is about to be executed and his son is about to fight the Navy, he looks so carefree. People have even spotted him smiling sometimes. Does he think that we will lose, or does he actually wants us to kill them?' thought Sengoku


'I should stop thinking about this. There is no way that the Revolutionaries can win against us. Even if Garp joined them. Only a Yonko joining in would cause our defeat. But I highly doubt that any one of them would do anything. And if they are planning to do anything, our spies will report back, and then I'll move accordingly. But since the 5 Elders came up with this plan, I'm sure that they would have told me if that was a possibility.'

Sengoku stopped pondering about the what if's and got back to his paperwork.

[Amazon Lily]

Boa Hancock is sitting on her throne with a pondering look.

"Sister, are we really going to help him? This is too dangerous." said Marigold (Orange hair)

"She's right. This will be a full-blown war. We could all be killed!" said Sandersonia (Green hair)

"Don't spout nonsense!"

"Huh?" x2

"If it wasn't for Ken, we wouldn't be able to sit here in peace. And I promised him that we would help him whenever he needed it. And even if he is going there to save his little brother, I highly doubt that he is going there without a plan. And we will probably have the support of the Revolutionaries."

"If the empress trust him so much, we can do nothing but trust in our empress." said the old lady

"Sigh, well go and prepare then." said Sandersonia as she dragged Marigold with her

"You know what will happen if we lose this, right?" asked the old lady

"Of course. But if we don't help out and he losses, we will also be in trouble. I don't want to leave our fate to anyone, so we will go out there ourselves and fight for our tribe."

"Good, you sound like an empress. I'll be praying for your safe return."

"I don't need your prayers, old hag."

The old lady laughed and left while Boa Hancock was looking up at the ceiling.

'I'll show everyone why I'm the strongest woman of Amazon Lilly. And after that, the marines will definitely keep their distance from us. All we have to do is win.' thought Boa Hancock

[Jiyū Island]

The giants, Doha Ittanka II, Dobby Ibadonbo, Devon, and Sanjuan Wolf, have gathered at the palace.

"To think that we would go to war with the marines so soon. I'm getting excited. I'll finally be able to test my new powers." said Ibadonbo

"You're getting carried away. Six of us already got captured by the marines once, so we should know better than anyone not to underestimate them." said Devon

(By six she is including Oimo and Kashii, who got captured by the marines and tricked into guarding Enies Lobby.)

"I'm sure that Captain already has a plan, so there is no need to worry. All we need to do, is prepare ourselves the best we can." said Brogy

"Yup. All we need to do is making sure we're at our top condition, so who is up for a spar?" asked Dorry

No one said anything and only smiled. The next minute all of them were already beating each other up behind the kingdom.


Anime Quotes:

"Those painful memories are what help us make it to tomorrow and become stronger."

– Erza Scarlet (Fairy Tail)

"Will you choose that ticket and live on as a man? Or will you choose this one and go back to being a woman? No matter what you choose, I'm sure you will continue to waver. But what's wrong with that? Manly? Womanly? Are those random values that others made up really what you were striving toward? If things were so clear cut, then neither men, women, you, or me would be leading such painful lives."

– Gintoki Sakata (Gintama)

Because of the existence of love - sacrifice is born. As well as hate. Then one comprehends... one knows PAIN.

– Pain (Naruto Shippuden)