
One Piece: Explosion(Discontinued, will reboot)

The story of One Piece, but with an added character who possesses the Nito Nito No Mi. He will journey with the Strawhats as one of their own, and achieve his dream of seeing the world.

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24 Chs

Ch 14 Sanji & Vincent

The Going Merry, which is pulling Johnny and Yosaku's ship. The ocean-going restaurant, Baratie in sight.

Alex: " There it is! Baratie! I've haven't been here in a while."

Luffy: " What a huge fish!!"

Nami: " Wow!"

Usopp: " It's cool!!"

A marine vessel pulls up beside the Going Merry, it was little bigger than the Going Merry.

Johhny: " Whoa...."

Luffy: " A marine ship!!"

Luffy: " Where'd it come from?!"

Usopp: " I hope they don't blast us."

Johnny: " Hey, we're not pirates!"

Yosaku: " Look! Who's that guy?"

A man with a scar on his cheek is standing on the deck of the marine vessel, wearing a single iron knuckle.

???: " Pirates.....unkowns.....'

???: " I'm Lieutenant Ironfist Full Body, minister of the Navy. Who's the captain? Speak your name."

Luffy: " Luffy, Monkey D. We just made our pirate flag yesterday!"

Usopp: " I'm Usopp."

Alex: " You're not the captain!" He exclaims, smacking Usopp in the back of the head.

Fullbody: " Wait.... don't I know you?" He states, looking at Alex.

Alex: " I don't know you. So, I don't think so."

Fullbody: " I'm probably mistaking, there's no way I'd know a nobody pirate."

???: " Fullbody..... quit picking on those sissies, and let's go."

Fullbody: " Yes, my dear. It's your lucky day, pirate scum. It's my day off. I've come to dine."

Fullbody: " But beware. When we meet again, you're dead."

Johnny drops a few bounty posters, and Nami picks them up. A shocked look on Nami's face when she sees one of the posters.

Alex: " You just know you can't beat us, that's why you're running away."

Fullbody: " Sink it." He states to one of his officers.

The officer points a cannon at the Going Merry, and fires.

Usopp: " They fired on us!!!"

Alex: " Luffy! Give me a boost!!"

Alex runs towards Luffy, who grabs Alex and throws him into the air. Alex covers his leg with haki and slams it into the cannon ball, shattering it. He lands on the deck of the Going Merry, a smirk on his face.

Fullbody: " What!?"

Usopp: " H-he kicked the cannon ball into pieces."

Luffy: " That was amazing, Alex!!"

Nami: " H-how?"

Alex: " Let's go eat, I'm starving."


The inside of the restaurant is bustling with people, the Strawhat crew sit around a table, chatting. Lieutenant Fullybody is sitting with a woman at a nearby table. There are only two waiters in the entire restaurant, a man with blonde hair, wearing a black suit, and a man with long white hair, he was wearing a sleeveless shirt and white trousers, this is Sanji and Vincent.

Vince begins to eavesdrop on Fullbody and his girl.

Woman: " Every eye is on you...."

Fullbody: " Not when you are in the room."

Fullbody: " Delightful! A delicate bouquet from the north, from Mikkyuo. Lightly acidic, full-bodied, dry..... I'm absolutely certain, It's iturutsubulga stein!!"

Fullbody: " Am I right waiter?" He asks Sanji, who walks over to the table.

Sanji: " Dead wrong, sir."

Sanji: " And I am the assistant chef. All the waiters jumped ship yesterday. Well, all except Vince, he's made of sterner stuff than those other crap waiters."

Sanji: " Your soup. Enjoy it while it's hot." He states, setting two bowls of soup on the table.

The other customers chuckle.

Woman: " You know a lot."

Fullbody: " Eh?"

Woman: " About wine."

Fullbody: " Um, yes, quite true. My palate is just a bit off today."


Later, Alex and the rest of the crew had gotten their food and began eating, while Vince continued to listen in on Fullbody.

Fullbody: " Waiter!!!!!" He yells to Sanji, who makes his way back over.

Sanji: " I told you, I'm not a waiter."

Sanji: " What a lovely lady." He states to the woman with Fullbody.

Sanji: " How about it, miss? Care to sample my private stock? It's real wine."

Woman: " Oh..."

Vince just shakes his head at Sanji's antics and continues listening in, while continuing to work.

Fullbody: " Hey!!!" He yells, slamming his hand on the table.

Fullbody: " What kind of third-rate dive serves soup with bugs?" He asks, pointing at a fly in his soup, that wasn't there before.

Fullbody: " What's this fly doing in my soup!?!"

Sanji: " Forgive me, sir. It's hard to tell..... but it appears to be the back stroke."

The whole restaurant breaks into a fit of laughter.

Alex: " Haha, that was fucking hilarious."

Vince: " Good one, Sanji."

Fullbody slams his fist into the table, hard enough to break it in half. The woman he was with screams in fright.

Fullbody: " You have no idea who you're toying with." He stands, glaring at Sanji.

Vince: " Hey, Patty!! Get a coffin ready!!"

Sanji: " If you'd just removed the bug...you could've eaten that soup, you know."

Fullbody: " I am a customer!!! How dare you take that attitude?! You're a lowly cook!!!"

Sanji: " Does money make up for lack of courage?"

Chefs: " We gotta stop him!! Sanji! Don't do it!!!"

Vince: " I say let him."

It doesn't take long for Sanji to beat Fullbody to a bloody pulp, he holds the marine in the air by his head, a glare that promises death on his face.

Woman: " Fullbody....."

Sanji: " To offend a cook at sea is a fool's mistake, remember that."

Sanji: " And food must never be wasted."

Patty walks into the room, and notices Sanji holding the Lieutenant by his throat.

Patty: " What?! A c-c-customer?!!!!"

Patty: " Again, Sanji!!!? What're you doing to dat customer?!! A and him a Naval Officer?!!!"

Sanji: " Hello, crap cooker. Say my name with respect."

Patty: " How dare you call me 'crap cooker,' crap server?!"

Patty: " Customers are the life's blood of restaurant!! So why's..." He doesn't get to finish his sentence, as a Vince shuts him up by firing web from his wrist and webbing Patty's mouth closed.

Vince: " Put a sock in it, crap cooker."

Sanji: " Customer? This lowlife wasted precious food, and he insulted our cooks!! So I taught him some etiquette." He states, throwing Fullbody to the ground.

Fullbody: " This place stinks! The food's full of bugs.... and the service leaves a lot to be desired."

Fullbody: " I'll close you down!!! I'll inform the authorities! A restaurant should....." A glob of webbing sticks his mouth shut, just as Patty rips the webbing from his mouth.

Vince: " I'd shut your mouth, if you know what's good for you."

Fullbody: " W-what!?"

Vince: " I don't know how long they'll be able to hold Sanji back." He states, pointing behind him at the chefs trying to restrain a fuming Sanji.

Sanji: " Now I'm really mad!!! Get out of the way, Vince!!!"

Vince: " Y'know, under normal circumstances, I'd let you kick this guy's ass, but he's a Navy officer, so not this time."

A man with a peg leg, wearing a chef's hat walks out of the back. His name is Chef Zeff, the owner of this place.

Chefs: " Chef!! You gotta stop Sanji!!! We don't want another all out fight between Sanji and Vince!!"

Zeff: " Sanji!! Attacking the clientele again?!"

Sanji: " Zip it, crap geezer!!"

Vince: " He sure it, boss. And this guy's a Lieutenant in the Navy."

Zeff: " Do you want to ruin me?!!!" He yells, slamming his peg leg into Sanji's face, who only slides back a little bit.

Zeff: " You get out of here, too!!!" He kicks the Navy officer in the face, causing him to slide back on the ground.

Patty: " The customer is king, got dat?!"

Sanji: " Only if they're willing to eat your slop."

Vince: " Your cooking is actually pretty bad, Patty."

Patty: " At least I can cook, you crap server!! Last time you were in the kitchen, you nearly burnt the whole place to the ground!"

Zeff: " Patty!! Sanji!!! Vince!!!! If you're gonna fight, do it in the kitchen!!!"

A marine burst through the front doors, blood dripping down his face, and a horrified look on his face.

Marine: " Lt Fullbody..... it's.... it's terrible!!! That pirate of Don Krieg's escaped!!! We wanted to question him. But he beat up seven of us and got away!!!"

Alex: " Why the hell would you bring someone like that here?!"

Vince: " Are you trying to destroy this whole place?!"

Fullbody: " Impossible!!! When we captured him three days ago he was half dead from starvation, and we haven't fed him!!!"

Customers: " Krieg!! Krieg's pirates?!!!"

Chefs: " They're the toughest pirates in the Eastern sea!!!"

Marine: " Forgive me, sir....." A bullet pierces through his chest, and he falls to the ground, dead. A man standing behind him, gun in hand.

Patty: " Customer, party of one."

Zeff: " He'd better not try to bust up my place."

Vince: " Don't worry, Boss. If he tries anything... I'll throw him back into the ocean."

Luffy: " A pirate!"

Alex: " And he just killed a marine..... honestly I wish it was Fullbody instead."

The pirate walks past the petrified Fullbody, and sits in a random chair.

Pirate: " Bring me food, anything. This is a mess joint, ain't it?!"

Patty: " Welcome, squid face."

Pirate: " I'm only saying this once more, so listen. I'm a customer. Bring me food!!"

Fullbody: " That cook is dead meat!!"

Patty begins to walk over, but Vince stops him.

Vince: " This is my job, Patty. Get to the kitchen."

Vince walks over to the pirate, stopping in front of him.

Vince: " Excuse me, sir. But, I must ask. How will you be paying tonight?" A strong buzzing resounds throughout Vince's head, as the pirate puts a gun to Vince's forehead.

Pirate: " You take lead?"

Vince: " I'm sorry sir, I'm afraid we do not."

Vince leaps into the air, and round house kicks the pirate in the jaw, knocking him to the ground.

Vince: " Take it from here, Patty."

Patty throws the pirate out and everyone gets back to work.

Vince watches as Sanji walks out the back with a plate of rice. Vince smirks and goes after him.

The pirate lays on the ground, his stomach growling up a storm. Sanji sets the plate of rice down in front of him and takes a seat against the railing. Vince jumps up on top of the railing and sits there.

Sanji: " Eat."

Pirate: " Food!" He grabs the plate and starts chowing it down.

Vince: " Sorry about that.... I just don't like having a gun pointed at my face."

Pirate: " I get it. This is the best thing I've ever eaten."

Sanji: " Good, eh?"

Vince notices a boy with a Strawhat looking at the two of them, a smirk on his face.