
One Piece: Explosion(Discontinued, will reboot)

The story of One Piece, but with an added character who possesses the Nito Nito No Mi. He will journey with the Strawhats as one of their own, and achieve his dream of seeing the world.

XOmni · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Ch 13 Johnny & Yosaku

The Going Merry floats through the sea. The whole crew on the deck. Luffy holds up a flag with a horribly drawn jolly roger on it.

Luffy: " It's finished!! Luffy's pirate flag!!!"

Luffy: " Ha ha ha! I already had the emblem thought up!"

Zoro: " Uh..... emblem?"

Usopp: " This guy's a little low on design sense."

Nami: " Hmm... or is it avant garde?"

Zoro: " A pirate flag ought to inspire terror. And this is pretty scary."

Alex: " I thought it might turn out like this if you made it, so I took a look at your emblem and made my own." He walks into the captain's quarters, and walks back out with a flag, the flag's design being a much better version of Luffy's. The jolly roger wearing a straw hat.

Nami: " Good! I like it!"

Luffy: " That's great! Let's paint it on the sail, too!"


Later, after the crew had put the emblem on the ship's flag.

Luffy: " There! It's complete!! Our pirate ship, the Going Merry, is ready!!!"

Alex, Zoro, Usopp, and Nami rest on the deck, while Luffy heads over to the cannon.

Usopp: " Phew! I'm beat!"

A loud 'boom!' rings out, startling Alex, Zoro, Usopp, and Nami. The four look over and notice Luffy, who just fired the cannon.

Alex: " What are you firing at?!"

Luffy: " That rock, it's cannon practice." He states, pointing at a large rock in the distance, Luffy having missed it.

Luffy: " But this thing doesn't shoot right."

Usopp: " That's silly. Let me try." He walks over to Luffy.

Luffy: " Hit that rock."

Usopp: " Okay."

Usopp: " Judging from your first shot..." He adjusts the cannon's angle.

Usopp: " This should do it." He fires off the cannon, hitting the large rock dead on, breaking it in half.

Alex: " Damn, you hit it first try. You're one hell of a marksman, Usopp."

Usopp: " I hit it on my first try?!"

Alex: " You didn't even know if you could hit it?! Then why the hell were you boasting!?"

Usopp: " See?! Didn't I tell you? I always him what I aim at. If you're impressed, just call me captain."

Alex: " Your still on that?"

Luffy: " No, I'll call you, our sharpshooter!"


Later, in the ship's kitchen.

Usopp: " Okay, you can be captain... for now. But if you ever show cowardice... I'll take over in a heartbeat."

Luffy: " No, Alex will."

Usopp: " Huh?!"

Alex: " Me and Luffy had this discussion on the way to recruit Zoro, a while back. We came to the agreement that should anything ever happen to Luffy, I'd take over as acting captain, until he was better."

Luffy: " I've been thinking! There's still one position we need to fill before we reach the Grand Line."

Nami: " This galley has all the equipment. I'll do it, for a price."

Alex: " Is there anything you won't do for money?"

Nami: " Nope."

Zoro: " Good, that skill's essential on a long voyage."

Luffy: " Then it's agreed!"

Alex: " I suppose so."

Luffy: " A pirate ship must have..... a musician!"

Alex: " I should've known....." He sighs, face palming.

Usopp: " Are you nuts?"

Nami: " I thought you were going to say something smart for once!!"

Zoro: " This is piracy, not a pleasure cruise!"

Luffy: " Pirates have to sing, don't they?!"

???: " Come out and fight, dogs!!! I'll murder the lot of you!!!!"

Luffy and Alex rush out the door and see a man with a sword aboard their ship. The man kicks a bunch of barrels.

Luffy: " Hey!! Who are you?!"

Alex: " The hell are you doing?!"

???: " What's it to you who I am?!" He yells, charging forward, taking a slash at Luffy. Luffy jumps out of the way and the man destroys the railing with his sword.

???: " I've claimed the bounty on the world's most infamous pirates. How dare you nobodies try to kill my partner?!!" He takes another slash at Luffy.

Luffy: " Partner?! Who? Where?" He leaps over the man, grabs him by the head while in mid air and flips the man over his head and slams him onto the deck.

???: " A hair's breadth from death....."

Luffy: " What the heck was all that about?"

The others come out of the kitchen, and Zoro recognizes the man.

Zoro: " Huh? Well, I'll be. It's Johnny!"

Johnny: " Huh... Z-Zoro!! My brother!!!" He states, standing up.

Zoro: " What's going on? Where's Yosaku?"

Johnny: " That's just it!!"

Alex: " You know this guy, Zoro?"

Zoro: " Yeah, he's an old friend of mine."

Johnny: " Listen to me!! Yosaku is dying!!!"

With the help of the Strawhat crew, Johhny brings the ill Yosaku on board the Going Merry.

Johnny: " He was fit as a fiddle until a few days ago. Then he went pale and started passing!! I don't know what's wrong!"

Johnny: " His teeth are falling out, and he's bleeding from old scars. I don't know what to do, so I went to get some rest and think on that rock."

Johnny: " Then one of you shot a cannonball at me!!!"

Alex: " This is why you don't shoot the cannon at random rocks, you idiot!!!" He yells at Usopp and Luffy.

Luffy & Usopp: " Forgive us!"

Johnny: " That's history. Forget it. What good are apologies anyway?"

Johnny: " Our reputation has grown. Pirates fear the names of Johnny and Yosaku. He's my trusted partner...we've hunted pirates together for years!!!! My brother's gonna.... is he gonna die?"

Alex: " He'll be fine, he just needs some limes. Luffy! Usopp! Go get some limes from the galley! Squeeze some and bring me the juice!"

Luffy & Usopp: " O-okay!!" They run to the ship's galley.

Johnny: " Limes?" He asks, as Luffy and Usopp return with a container of lime juice, they begin pouring it down Yosaku's throat.

Alex: " It's scurvy. There, with luck, he should be fine in a couple of days."

Johnny: " Really, brother!?"

Alex: " A generation ago, scurvy was the bane of sailors. But it's simply caused by poor nutrition. Fruits and vegetables rot on long voyages."

Luffy: " Wow! You're like a doctor."

Usopp: " I always knew you were brilliant."

Alex: " You fucking idiots!! Everyone who sails should know these things!!"

Yosaku: " Saved by lime juice!!!" He cheers, jumping to his feet.

Johnny: " Good job, brother!!!!"

Alex: " The hell are you doing?! You still need to recover!!"

Johnny: " Introduction time. I'm Johnny!!!"

Yosaku: " And I'm Yosaku!! We're brother Zoro's old bounty hunting partners!!!"

Yosaku: " Pleased to meet you!!"

Yosaku: " I don't know how to thank all of you. I was sure I was a goner."

Johnny: " I still can't believe it. Pirate hunter Zoro is a pirate!!"

Yosaku suddenly spews blood from his mouth and falls to the ground.

Johnny: " Woah! Yosaku!!"

Zoro: " Lie down and rest!!"

Nami: " Learn anything?"

Zoro: " A long voyage on the high seas is fraught with hidden dangers."

Usopp: " Those guys would be dead if we hadn't come along."

Alex: " Luffy and Usopp are idiots."

Zoro: " We already knew that."

Usopp: " Hey!!!"

Alex: " We still need a cook."

Nami: " He's right. It's an absolute necessity!"

Luffy: " Okay! We'll look for a sea cook! What good is a ship without decent grub?"

Johnny: " Brother, brother!"

Zoro: " Speak, Johnny."

Johnny: " If you need a cook, I know where to find one. But whether he'll join up with you is another matter."

Luffy: " An ocean going restaurant?!"

Johnny: " It's two or three days' sailing from here. But be careful. It's near the Grand Line. Some rough customers frequent that place."

Johnny: " Brother, they say even that Hawk-eye you were hunting goes there."

Johnny: " I'll guide you there, if you want."

Alex: " Don't worry, I know how to get there. Baratie, right?"

Johnny: " Yeah, how did you know?"

Alex: " I know the guy who owns it."

Alex helms the ship, heading North, to Baratie, the ocean going restaurant.