
Nothing without You(On Hold)

Blurb: How does it feel, when you can’t be who you are in front of others? How does it feel when you ask yourself who you are but you have no answer to give yourself? What do you think, when you can’t think of anything else but the but the anger and betrayal you’ve been through? What you speak, when you don’t have anything to say? What do you do, when you don’t know where to go? All these questions raised inside the mind of Diana but she wasn't the kind to suppress the questions her mind raises and so she went to seek her answers. To find her past. To find herself. An orphan becoming adopted, him becoming a billionaire. Woman at his feet. People there right at his whim to serve him. All of this would have been more than enough according to everyone else but then it wasn't about everyone else it was about him. He neither wanted money nor any other woman. He just wanted her. What toll will their life take when these two worlds clash together? Will they make it through or will they break apart? Find out.

Unedited · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs

Chapter 3

Chapter 3:

The Accident

Diana's POV

My eyes were closed as I was awaiting to be hit by the car. But my body never came in contact with the car. So I opened my eyes and looked above only to see a man in a suit exiting the car. His oceanic green eyes held fury in them just like when a tsunami comes in an ocean.

Just then I heard a purr sound below me. I bent my head to look if the little guy was fine or not being summoned by my arms. I gently picked the black furball up and stood up.

"Are you out of your mind?" An angry voice shouted. I looked at him completely dazed. His oceanic green eyes were beautiful. They were feeling familiar too but how? I just met him. I must be overthinking.

He waved his hand in front of me and was looking at me with widened eyes. Those eyes which were once filled with fury were now filled with......concern? But it all disappeared in a moment and his eyes were again filled with fury as he started yelling at me in the middle of the road.

"You can't be serious right? Is this cat yours? Of course it is. How irresponsible can you be? Do you have any idea that if I wouldn't have applied the brakes what could have happened? You and the cat both would have been hurt badly. "

"I know. I am sorry." I said with my head hung low. I was at fault but not for saving the cat but I should have moved from their as soon as I got the cat safe in my arms instead of being frozen on the spot. I was really careless.

Just then I felt someone tugging at my skirt. I crouched down to the little boy and the cat jumped from my arms into his. I ran my hand over the cat's head which made it purr.

I smiled at the boy and stood back up on my legs then looked at my handsome man.

Wait, yours huh. My subconscious said teasing me.

Okay sorry it accidentally slipped. I replied.


The man was looking at the boy. Then he crouched in front of him and asked him gently as if his one harsh word would leave the boy in a crying mess.

"Is this cat yours?"

"Yes sir." He replied with a smile on his face directed towards the man. He took a deep breath and sighed and then got back up.

"Nick come here." Cara, his mother called. She was smiling and waved at me. I smiled and waved back at her.

The boy quickly ran towards the pavement and towards his mother. I watched as they walked away. The boy was happy and jumping around his mother as they both walked away from us.

He let out another sigh and started walking towards his car. Soon, he got in and drove off. I just stood there like a statue and watched him drive past me.

He didn't even apologise. He just...... He just drove off. It's okay perhaps he's just too proud to apologise. But why did those eyes felt familiar like I have seen them somewhere but I can't remember.

There is something wrong maybe I'll think about it when I get home.

With that thought I started walking towards my apartment. It took me almost 40 minutes to get there. I looked at the door but still my mind was occupied by those gorgeous green eyes. Where have I seen him? Why can't I remember?

Hey its all good. Don't force yourself to remember or else that won't be right for you right now. My subconsciousness said.

Yeah but why me? Why can't I remember anything? Why do I have to believe what I was told by others a few years ago. Why is my memory black? I asked my subconsciousness with my eyes furrowed.

Don't worry about it. What has to happen will happen. There's no need for you to worry about it and get sick. I smiled inwardly to my subconsciousness.

I took out my keys and opened the door. Pushed the door open but as soon as I step my foot inside something unexpected happened. I felt someone's presence behind me I was about to turn around when a hand was placed over my mouth. My eyes widened. The person pushed me inside as I landed on the floor. I was too shocked to react and that gave him enough time he immediately closed the door. I slowly raised my head to look at the person but as the lights were off so I  couldn't see who it was. With each step he took near me I crawled two steps back. Tears making their way down my eyes. I didn't know what to do. That's when I realised I was backed up against the wall. He now crouched down as he placed a hand on the wall just beside my face.

"Look girl don't make this hard for me as well as for yourself. Enjoy whatever you get and you look delicious I wonder how many men you have lured in with that body." He said as he kicked his lips. My hands were trembling. "Please leave me. HELP!" I shouted for help hoping someone would come to my rescue but I was wrong no one came. My whole body was trembling my hands were shaking tears were continuously rolling down my cheeks leaving my eyes blood shot. That's when he came more closer to me to kiss me but I turned my head and he ended up kissing my cheek. He clenched his jaw as he moved back and ripped my top. "HELP!" I shouted again and again but he held my jaw and brought my lips closer to him. That's when I was able to smell his breath but when I did it got me more scared and I knew I was in great trouble.

Whoever the person was, he was.....

