
Naruto: the gamer system

When Naruto became 6 years old a mysterious system called the gamer system integrated with his soul, now, Naruto has all the chances to become an OP ninja, let's see how this goes. *Warning* some things will be AU since this is a fanfic.

Washuru · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
100 Chs

Chapter 13: The dark eyed man

The awakening of Uchiha Sasuke's Sharingan took many people by surprise some more than others. especially because of the reason why Sasuke unlocked it.

One of the people who were caught extremely surprised by this was the clan head of the Uchiha clan, Fugaku Uchiha would have never expected his youngest son to awaken the Sharingan earlier than even he and Itachi had who were both considered geniuses.

His son awakening the Sharingan on the day of the entrance exam was so shocking to him that he had decided to investigate, since he hadn't been present during the exam he had to around and ask a few people but the information he found all led him to one person, the son of his friend, Uzumaki Naruto.

Fugaku had been aware of the young Jinchuriki's suffering and it pained him more than anyone else, his former best friend and brother by bond's child suffering did not sit well with him, he had made various attempts to adopt the young boy but that did not sit well with the elders and the council, while the Hokage would have been fine with it the Hokage had a duty to uphold and that was to listen to other's opinions and even a few clans considered it to be too dangerous for the Uchiha to have the Jinchuriki.

Deep down those words had hurt Fugako, they were talking about him as if he had been the one to kill the fourth Hokage and his best friend, but he had seen that the Third Hokage had become a lot more headstrong about things that concerned Naruto and wasn't allowing the council to influence him, he figured that this would be the best moment to make a connection with Naruto.

So he decided to approach the boy head-on.

Naruto opened his door and was met with dark eyes, not the dark grey that he had been expecting, Naruto thought that Dog came by to congratulate him, but he was surprised to see a man with dark hair and eyes standing in front of him, the man wore the Jonin flak jacket, and wore the Konoha police outfit underneath the jacket.

Naruto spoke in a confused voice "Uhm, do I know you?"

Fugaku smiled and thought to himself 'The exact words that his father said.' and then replied "No I don't think so, is it alright if I speak to you inside your apartment?"

Naruto quirked an eyebrow and hesitantly nodded, Naruto headed inside with the dark-eyed man, Naruto was ready to escape at a moment's notice, even if he had to create an ID.

Naruto sat down with the man and there was a tense moment of silence between them before the man spoke "It's nice to meet you Naruto, I am your uncle."

Naruto's head that was filled with thoughts immediately went empty, it was as if something had shattered in his mind, the words that the man had said were completely out of Naruto's expectations.

Naruto's eyes widened and shock filled his entire body, even Gamers Mind didn't help him.

Fugaku noticed the boy's shocked state and started explaining "I know this is most likely shocking to you but your late father, my best friend decided to make me your uncle, I am Uchiha Fugaku the clan head of the Uchiha clan."

Gamer's Mind seemed to kick in as a calm feeling forcefully spread over Naruto's mind, Naruto could now formulate normal thoughts and replied "Wait a minute, you can't just show up at my house and tell me that you're my uncle! Where have you been for the last 6 years of my life?"

Naruto was a bit angry, or more like very angry, his bright blue eyes gained a dark hue, and his normal pupils were slowly transforming into thin slits resembling that of a fox.

"I know, there is no justifiable explanation to my actions until now but if I had made a move you would have been taken from me and would have been put under people who you would most certainly not enjoy being with, I had made multiple attempts at adopting you but the Hokage had always denied my attempts, saying that it would be unfair to the other clan's of Konoha if the Uchiha clan were to gain the power of the Kyuubi," Fugaku spoke solemnly.

This made Naruto calm down somewhat, Gamer's Mind always made Naruto think logically so even his anger was fading, the effect that a Bijuu would usually have on its container was none existent on Naruto since he had the Gamer's Mind though that didn't mean that Naruto couldn't get angry it meant that Naruto always retained logical and rational thoughts, so he could see why Fugaku was so hesitant to approach him, but that didn't justify his actions in Naruto's mind.

Fugaku looked sad, he had really hoped that he could start on a good introduction with Naruto but it seemed like that would not be the case "I can understand why you are angry at me but you also have to understand my position, I know that you are smart, after all, you are 'his' son."

This immediately caught Naruto's attention, although Naruto had a sneaking suspicion as to who his dad was he couldn't be sure until someone confirmed it and that someone had just appeared "By 'him' do you mean my father?"

Fugaku smiled yet again 'He's also just as perceptive as his father was,' and replied: "Yes I do indeed mean your father, while I cannot tell you who he is I can tell you a couple of stories about him if you want." Fugaku suspected that Naruto already had an idea of who his father was judging by his reaction.

This exited Naruto, while he was disappointed and a bit mad he was glad that he had at least some resemblance of a family still left, even if it wasn't strictly by blood, Naruto could tell that Fugaku held great affection for him his observation skill only confirming his thoughts while also showing that Fugaku was immensely strong evident by the lack of information on him.

Naruto and Fugaku then spent the night talking about stories of his father a few of his mother mixed in, Fugaku was focused not to reveal too much information so the stories were mainly about a few obscure missions the two had been on together, Naruto enjoyed them none the less.

Eventually, Naruto fell asleep while listening to the stories that Fugaku was telling, Fugaku smiled sadly, he knew that with the current situation of the clan he would never truly be able to be an uncle to Naruto he still smiled knowing that Naruto would at least grow up to be a good person, Fugaku had quite the good sense in people and he could tell that Naruto was destined to be a great shinobi.

"It seems like our time is up, for now, I hope that you stay safe, Naruto," Fugaku said with a somber voice as he shushined away.

The Hokage who was standing around the corner of the hallway also walked away with a pained expression

plot twist

Washurucreators' thoughts