
Naruto: the gamer system

When Naruto became 6 years old a mysterious system called the gamer system integrated with his soul, now, Naruto has all the chances to become an OP ninja, let's see how this goes. *Warning* some things will be AU since this is a fanfic.

Washuru · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 14: First day of the academy

After the things that happened last night Naruto was very happy, he got to know his uncle and got the hear many stories about his dad, who he didn't even know the name of, but all that didn't matter to Naruto, he was happy just knowing that his dad was a great person.

But for now, Naruto had different things to worry about, like going to the ninja academy.

Naruto woke up extra early in order to prepare himself, he wanted to do his morning training and still be early to the academy, his training had come a long way from where he began and Naruto was proud of himself, even if he had a long way to go.

He looked forward to going to the academy and learning about all things ninja, even if he already knew the basics, there were still many things he had to learn.

He was glad that he lived fairly close to the academy living only 20 minutes away, Naruto's apartment was in a pretty secluded part of Konoha that did not have much traffic so he didn't have any villagers to worry about, not that he cared anymore.

Naruto headed out and ran to the academy arriving in 10 minutes, he arrived 20 minutes early just in case and headed to the classroom that was written on the paper he had gotten the last day, which was 1-A.

There was a sort of hierarchy at the school with classes being divided into 6 different classes, 1-A until 1-F, clan kids regardless of talent were put into 1-A along with the talented civilian kids, and from then on it was a 50-50 split between good and bad students, you couldn't just fill a class with talentless kids, after all, you had to give them some sort of motivation which in this case was catching and keeping up with their more talented classmates.

Naruto quickly found the room and saw that there were already three kids inside, Uchiha Sasuke, who was sitting in the back of the class, a boy with a hoodie and glasses, Naruto assumed that he was from the Aburame clan, and a dark-haired girl with light lavender eyes.

While Naruto wanted to get to know his uncle's son from the quick observe he used on him he decided that it was smarter to do that at a later time, instead, he walked up to the Aburame, quickly taking a peek at the title above his head.

[Aburame Shino, lvl 3, the bug boy]

Naruto was actually kinda surprised, level 3 was already quite high compared to the other kids he had seen during the examination, even the Hyuuga girl was only level 2 while Sasuke was level 4.

"Nice to meet you! I'm Uzumaki Naruto!" Naruto greeted the boy while he stuck out his hand for a handshake.

The Aburame while having no reaction on the outside was shocked on the inside, no one had ever approached him like this, he expected Naruto to be either arrogant, conceited, or both but he was pleasantly surprised to have his expectations to be proven wrong.

The boy hesitantly put out his hand while introducing himself in a silent almost whisper-like voice "N-nice to meet you, I'm Aburame Shino."

Naruto shook Shino's hand and grinned at him, he had already made a friend, massive improvements from his life before this, "I can tell that we'll be great friends Shino-san!"

Shino was shocked yet again but silently smiled behind his high collar, he had always been insecure about having barely any friends and was happy that someone approached him.

"Do you mind if I sit next to you?" Naruto asked.

Shino shook his head, "Of course not, go ahead and take a seat, Uzumaki-san."

Naruto's smile gained an evil glint, "Eeeh, no need to be so formal Shino-san! Just use my first name, Naruto."

Shino who hadn't really conversed with anyone else other than his clanmates was Naruto much more reserved and shy than Naruto, which Naruto took full advantage of.

Shino was incredibly happy, while it may not have shown he was actually really sad about not having any friends and was happy to finally have one so he actually didn't mind calling Naruto Naruto.

"If that's what you want then sure, Naruto-san."

Naruto was the one surprised this time, he didn't expect Shino to agree so he was glad that he could make friends so easily with the Aburame.

They continued to talk about random topics while all the other students arrived and only stopped when their teacher entered the room.

A man with a high ponytail and a horizontal scar on his face walked into the room, he wore the standard attire for Konoha Chunin and had the Konoha headband wrapped around his forehead, Naruto was happy on the inside, he had gotten a teacher that did not hate him like most of the others.

Umino Iruka looked around the room, glad that everyone had arrived on time, his eyes paused a second longer on the boy who had taken first place in the examination, the Kyuubi Jinchuriki, Uzumaki Naruto, he sighed on the inside as he wondered how to deal with him, this would actually be his most stressful class ever, as it was filled with the heir's of Konoha's many clans and Iruka was slightly nervous of the authority that their parent's held, if he didn't do his job properly he would be fired in a second so he decided to take things extra seriously.

Everyone quickly quieted down and listened silently.

Iruka began speaking with a small smile "Nice to meet you, everyone, I am Umino Iruka your teacher for the foreseeable future, now since its the first day we won't be doing anything serious, we will look over all your subjects according to your timetables, you can use today to ask questions about things you may be confused about and use your time today to socialize and make some friends, now for the first hour we will be going over-"

Iruka started speaking as everyone in the class listened attentively, though almost everyone quickly became bored of the man and instead started speaking to their classmates, of course, Iruka noticed this but he let it slide since it was the first day.

The hours passed by quickly as they arrived at the last lesson for the day, Chakra theory.

Man fuck school, that shit be taking up all my time and all my mental energy, I had to do tests for 11 different subjects all in 1 week, its effed, at least I have time to write now.

Washurucreators' thoughts