
Naruto: Rise Of The Uzumaki Dropped

MC Transmigrates into the world of Naruto as the heir of the Uzumaki Clan Follow MC as he tries to reach the top while he also grows his clan What to expect: Smart but arrogant MC that doesn’t care about the Canon at times No Harem MC won’t be OP right away but will eventually get strong Good amount of training and original arcs Some things may be different due to my lack of knowledge so let’s just say this is an AU New writer so there may be mistakes

Unknown_To_All · Komik
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36 Chs

Chapter 22 The Clans Future

Hey my bad for not posting yesterday 😬was catching up on some other Fanifics I've been reading. Also started writing down some ideas I had for other Fanfics once I'm done with this one. Even finished making a chapter for one of those potential fanfics. Might post it as a sneak peak.

The name will be⬇️

Naruto: Hamuras Strongest Descendant


- 7 Years Later -

In one of the many training grounds scattered around Uzushio lay two boys going through an intense spar. One boy had a peculiar set of eyes with a large jug on his back. Every move he made seemed to bend the iron-filled water as if they were extra limbs. His opponent gracefully dodged every attack seamlessly as if he could see all around himself. This child had striking red hair and piercing eyes that never left his opponent.

These two boys were none other than Akashi and Oyashiro two recently graduated academy students who had just become genin.

Akashi never stopped, his every move was filled with calculated precision whether it was his use of Taijutsu or Ninjutsu. With great focus, he charged at Oyahsiro using the Gale palm to block all of his attacks while using Lightning enhancement in tandem to increase his speed and reaction time.

With great effort, Akashi was able to reach Oyashiro who used his iron water to bend around himself and block all of his blows. Over the years with the help of Akashi, he had completely changed his fighting style and made it something completely new. When he asked his friend what he should call this new usage of his abilities, Akashi suggested Bending. The term just seemed to fit and he easily agreed.

As the fight continued Akashi's assault began to increase with him weaving hand signs too fast for the human eye to see. Once done he burst forward leaving a red blur behind and slapped Oyashiro on his arm temporarily sealing his chakra. With his chakra now sealed one would expect Oyashiro to be panicked but this was not the case. Over the years the boys had many matches like this so having his charka sealed wasn't his first time experiencing this. Ignoring his sealed chakra Oyashiro quickly pulled out multiple Kunai connected to Explosive Tags.

Akashi seeing the danger in these explosive's body flickered away. Only to be surrounded by more explosive tags in his new location. This would've been a good move if he had not already seen it with his mind's eye. Slapping his hands on the ground Akashi erected a barrier seal that stopped the flames from reaching him. That was until Oyashiro appeared from behind stabbing Akashi in the process!


Noticing his kunai was stabbed into a log he quickly realized that it was the substitution Jutsu! sadly it was already too late. When he turned around to face Akashi there was already a kunai at his throat.

"Haha, guess that makes 32 wins 0 losses right Oyashiro" Laughed Akashi with a bit of pride at his record

"Tch, that's only because the Kagura eye is broken. How am I supposed to trick or sneak up on you if you see through it every time? Not only that but can you stop sealing my chakra in these fights? It's wildly uncomfortable" Sighed Oyashiro as he wiped the sweat from his face.

"Hai, hai don't worry next time no chakra seals. Instead ill use some body or movement seals." Joked Akashi as he knew his friend hated those ones even more

Unkownignly the two boys were actually being watched from the Kage building by Akashis own grandfather who was currently using a jutsu similar to the Third Hokages Crystal Ball Jutsu.

"So tell me fellow elders what do you all think of the two greatest prodigies from the new generation" Asked the Uzukage to his fellow leaders

All throughout the room the elders began to speak with great joy

"They are mighty impressive Lord Kage"

"I couldn't move or do half of what they did at that age"

"Surely these two are the future of Uzushiogakure, especially Akashi Lord Kage"

"Agreed and he still has so much potential!"

"Haha, when he grows up Konoha will regret betraying us"

"Mmm, maybe these two will grant our clan revenge against the Uchiha?"

The elders continued speaking for quite a while with great fervor. Knowing the future of the village was truly bright

Ashina watched his fellow elders and couldn't help smiling before glancing back at his grandson one last time. "Truly the young shall surpass the old and bring fresh life to the village"

Some elders heard Ashinas mumble and couldn't only agree. Through the years the Academy created many classes and divisions for the children so each student could be properly taught Jutsu and skills involving Chakra control. This not only affected the clan children but also the civilians! With the academy in place, new batches of shinobi were constantly being produced without losing quality.

The academy was still young but many changes were slowly being seen throughout the village. When foreign nations heard how Uzushio was teaching Jutsu to civilians instead of only the academy three. They were astonished and called them fools for being too trusting saying that those shinobi would defect and sell guarded Jutsu. When Ashina heard this he thought there may be some truth to this but the early benefits were just too good to ignore, especially in times of war where quality was better than quantity to have fewer sacrifices.

Gathering back the attention of his fellow elders Ashina began to speak "Now for the main purpose of this meeting. As many of you know we brought the Chinoike clan as a sort of experiment to see how well our village would adapt to new clans and I think we can all say it was a great success with even marriages happening between our clans." Some elders looked at one another while hearing this as some of their own children had recently been married to one another's clans "My friends, I believe it's time we invite another clan to our fold are there any suggestions?"

With this question up in the air, the heated discussions began until the elders began to pass around a paper where they wrote down their suggestions until it reached back to Ashina.

Turning to look at the paper he saw many formidable clans and some even he had never heard of. Eventually, Ashina went through the paper until he had a small list of what he believed were the best options for the village.

Shiin Clan

Iburi Clan

Hagaromo Clan

Fuma clan

Doi Clan

(A/N This is Jugos new clan name since I couldn't find it, I made one up. Btw it means earth or nature pretty neat right considering how close to nature they are)

While going through the list there was one clan he didn't recognize and decided to ask about it considering they were recommended by the Chinoike. "Hagaromo clan? Clan head Tomo they were directly recommended by you can you tell us a bit about them?"

With all eyes focused on him, he stepped forward "Of course. The Hagaromo Clan used to be extremely active during the warring states period and actively fought against both the Uchiha and Senju clans. During that time they lived in the land of fire, but when the Senju and Uchiha joined together they saw it as a threat and decided to relocate to the land of lightning where they later joined Kurogakure."

"Kurogakure you say doesn't that make them an enemy clan?"

"Mm, that would be the case but sadly like us, they were banished. The reason was that two of their members the gold and silver brothers attacked both the Second Raikage and Hokage and leading to the eventual death of Tobirama Senju. This ruined the peace talks and brought dishonor to the whole clan despite them having nothing to do with the choices made by Ginkaku and Kinkaku. Later they were kicked out and forced to roam like us."

"The clan of the gold and silver brothers huh they may be powerful, especially considering those two were able to eat the flesh of the nine tails. Tell us more about them and their character because in the end that is what's most important. We're not looking for weapons but allies after all".

"They are a clan that cares greatly for strength and honor. Having weak comrades offend them and having weak leaders offend them even more but if those surrounding them are strong and continue to push them to new heights they will embrace those comrades and treat them like family. When I last met them they treated us with respect and dignity so I have no doubt that they would treat the Uzumaki in the same manner. Surely they have heard about the failure the great nations suffered when they invaded Uzushiogakure."

The elders began to discuss whether bringing in such a clan was a good idea. Some of the more rigid elders complained saying that such a clan willing to betray a kage once would do it again. While others declared it would never happen for we the Uzumaki were strong. In the end, the choice lies in Ashinas hands.

"Fellow elders I believe it is too soon to choose but I say we should send messengers to Iburi, Hagaromo, and Doi Clans inviting them to come here. We will decide once we meet them as only through meeting face to face can we truly judge whether they'd make a good fit for our people or not."

""Agreed Lord Uzukage"" The elders said in unison

While everything was about to end one particular Uzumaki stepped in front gathering the attention of the others to him.

"Kuroko you have something to say?" Asked Ashina with a bit of curiosity since Kuroko rarely voices his thoughts in these meetings.

"That's right Lord Kage. When it comes to sending messengers this naturally falls to the anbu. For one of the clans, I was wondering if it would be okay to take my two students Akashi and Oyashiro as this would be a valuable experience for the two." Over time Kuroko had also taken Oyashiro as his student seeing great potential in the young Chinoike.

"Those two you say? Hmm, that may very well be a good idea Kuroko. With both of them being future leaders of our village, having them gain some political experience may be very good for the two"

"I agree with you taking them but bring extra anbu in your group to guard them. Akashi is the Jinchuriki after all"

"Yes, Lord Kage!"


We're you guys surprised to see the Hagaromo clan? And don't say its not canon, since it's canon for like one second in the anime 😛 Still I didn't have enough information on them so decided to merge their clan won't the gold and silver brothers since it's never mentioned what clan they come from.

Also hope you guys liked the 3 choices for future clans of Uzushiogakure I can already see some great potential with them and some short story lines involving the curses both clans have