
Naruto: Rise Of The Uzumaki Dropped

MC Transmigrates into the world of Naruto as the heir of the Uzumaki Clan Follow MC as he tries to reach the top while he also grows his clan What to expect: Smart but arrogant MC that doesn’t care about the Canon at times No Harem MC won’t be OP right away but will eventually get strong Good amount of training and original arcs Some things may be different due to my lack of knowledge so let’s just say this is an AU New writer so there may be mistakes

Unknown_To_All · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Chapter 21 Progress

With Oyashiro by his side, the two boys made their way to the newly constructed library. Which was built within the academy.

"Oyashiro what's your chakra natures?" Akashi hoped that their nature was at least similar making it easy for them to bounce ideas off one another when it came to Jutsu.

"My natures are Lightning like most members of my clan but I also have fire how about you?" He asked a bit curious about what nature the prodigy of the Uzumaki clan had

Chinoike naturally have a lightning affinity. That makes sense with them originally coming from Kumo. He should have more experience than me with lightning jutsu so that will definitely be a great help.

"Those are pretty good and are great offensively. When it comes to nature I'm the same as you with lightning affinity except instead of fire I have wind."

"Sounds good we can get a couple of lightning Jutsu here and maybe I can ask for some extra when I get home. We should still have a couple more Jutsu not readily available in the library from our time in Kumo."

Nice so they do have some more Lightning Jutsu. When we were invaded by Kumo and their allies, they left behind many Jutsu's on their fallen but most were of low rank and nothing too powerful. Now with this, I can push my Lightning abilities to a higher level once I'm done mastering a couple of D and C-rank Jutsu.

"Nice with that thought in mind we should also get some Wind and Fire Jutsu here so we can try out some combo Jutsu"

With my wind element, I can literally fan his flames making even a low-rank Fire Jutsu extremely deadly but we won't be able to use those kinds of Jutsu for a while. Still, it's better to know how to use it than not.

While outside the library we continued to bounce ideas off one another until we eventually came up with a couple of good ones with a pretty solid fighting style in mind.

Alright time to look at the Jutsu. Walking inside me and Oyashiro separated so he could check out the Fire section and I'd check out the wind section. After we were done borrowing some Jutsu from those sections we'd both head over to the lightning side and pick some out there.

It took me a while to look through the Jutsu but I eventually came out with a list I felt fairly comfortable with.

[ Wind Release ]

Great Breakthrough

Gale Palm

Exploding Wind Clone

Wind Slash

Armor of Wind

Most of the Jutsu were below C rank with the exception of exploding wind clone being the only Jutsu of B rank available to students.

Wind Breakthrough is pretty good if I combine it with one of Oyashiros Fire Jutsus. It would definitely cause a lot of damage.

With that settled, I made my way to the Lightning section where I saw Oyashiro already holding a couple of books.

"Akashi what do you think about these Lightning Jutsu? I took the opportunity to take a couple while I was waiting"

[Lightning Release]

Lightning Beast

Lightning Blast

Electric Net

Lightning enhancement

These are pretty good as well two are for attacking while one is for trapping. Lightning enhancement is also pretty good even if it's a ripped-off version of the lightning cloak. By using electricity to stimulate your cells you are able to move faster or become stronger for a short period. The only problem is you are extremely exhausted after but it's good for training since it stimulates your cells.

"Nice Job Oyashiro these look good"

"Thanks, Akashi but now that we have the Jutsu when do you want to start practicing"

"Hmm, we can start tomorrow for an hour after school. After that, I have to go home and practice Fuinjutsu."

"Alright sounds good. I'm not able to stay late either with my grandfather training me to get better at using my Occular power."

"Then let's end it here for today. My dad is probably waiting for me. I forgot to tell him I'd be late today"

"Nn, See you tomorrow then"

- Akashi's House -

What a fruitful day made a new friend and hopefully my future teammate. Made great progress on the Jutsu I want to learn and which direction I wish to head in. Now all that's left is my training and well finding a third teammate but sadly no one else in class catches my eye.

That's not to say they're not talented. My classmates are indeed talented but that's not enough. Maybe I'll figure something out down the line.

"Akashi your home late what happened?" Asked father while he was writing inside the same scroll as usual.

"I made a training partner at school today. So we both went to the library to pick out some Jutsu to start learning"

My dad instantly got up "Wait till I tell your mother that our little Akashi is finally making friends! It's a miracle"

Damn was I that bad… Okay maybe I was but still, this reaction is a bit over exaggerated

"Yes yes I made a friend, okay Dad stop that's embarrassing" I could only sigh at his antics as he kneeled on the floor with his hands raised

"Haha, sorry son just like messing with you sometimes but it's good you're here. It's time to accelerate your training! You've already completed Book 1 but now it's time to start Book 2 which begins with Barrier seals and some simple sealing techniques like the Chakra seal"

"Chakra seal? That sounds useful"

"that it is but it's mostly used for shinobi prisoners as we can't leave them with access to chakra"

The Chakra seal kind of reminds me of the chakra suppression seal that Jiraiya makes in the future to stop the Nine-Tails chakra. Perhaps Lady Tsunade helped him learn the Chakra seal and he further developed it. Nevertheless, it is still a useful seal, and who knows I might be able to develop it before him as well. Would definitely be useful when battling Jinchuriki.

"Alright Dad I'm ready"