
Naruto: Rise Of The Uzumaki Dropped

MC Transmigrates into the world of Naruto as the heir of the Uzumaki Clan Follow MC as he tries to reach the top while he also grows his clan What to expect: Smart but arrogant MC that doesn’t care about the Canon at times No Harem MC won’t be OP right away but will eventually get strong Good amount of training and original arcs Some things may be different due to my lack of knowledge so let’s just say this is an AU New writer so there may be mistakes

Unknown_To_All · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Chapter 23 New Mission and Legends

While walking back home Akashi couldn't help but think of all the progress he has made during this time of peace. Whether it was his Ninjutsu, Fuinjutsu, or Taijutsu he could easily be considered Tokubetsu Jonin the only thing stopping him from fully reaching the rank of Jonin was his lack of experience. 'Sad to say but I need this war to start soon. I have no true combat experience besides duels and if this continues I might as well be a glass canon.' Akashi could only sigh since when was he the type of person to hope for war? This world has truly changed his way of thinking.

'Well if war doesn't start soon I can always focus on other things...'

Even if Akashi has become proficient in his Shinobi skills there are still some things he lacks that can potentially boost him straight to Kage rank. Awakening his eyes is one way but he has been unlucky so far in all of his attempts. Akashi even tried losing on purpose so that he could possibly awaken the eyes like the original did but alas it didn't work.

Now this leaves him with two options the 7 tails and Senjutsu. Akashi had already planned to become friends with Chomei but wanted to gain personal strength before meeting him. Fully relying on a creature that can be easily ripped out of you is foolish after all. 'Looks like I'm going to have to meet Chomei earlier than I originally planned but that should be fine.'

As for Senjutsu... this one is a bit more complicated compared to the others. When Akashi asked his parents if the clan had access to a summon that could teach it he was left disappointed. According to them, the only places to learn Senjutsu are the unexplored sage regions.

'Still, this can't be true, right?' When Akashi lived on earth he used to love watching Naruto theory videos and there was one theory most fans agreed on which he also fully supported. The theory they all came up with is that Mount Myoboku, Ryuchi Cave, and Shikkotsu Forest are not the only places to learn sage mode.

'Maybe Gramps will know of a place I mean Hashirama was able to learn it from trees and Jugo and his clan had a natural affinity to pull it in so it's not far-fetched that there is possibly other summons or ways to learn.'

Before Akashi could continue thinking about his future he felt familiar chakra signatures heading toward him. Realizing it was Kuroko sensei and Oyashiro he quickly body flickered and met up with them on one of the many roofs in Uzushio.

"Teach were you and Oyashiro looking for me?" asked a curious Akashi since he just parted ways with Oyashiro after their duel.

"That's right Akashi we have a mission, So your grandfather is requesting our presence. That's enough questions for now Lord Ahina will answer the rest."

A mission? but me and Oyashiro don't even have a third teammate. well, it's still better than doing side jobs in the village. Looks like Im finally going to see the outside world!

- Uzhushio Kage Building -

Entering my Grandfater's office we were allowed unobstructed as we made our way to meet him.

"Lord Ashina Iv'e brought the two." said Kuroko giving his proper respect to Ashina.

Looking up from his desk Gramps gave us a gentle look before returning to his Kage mode becoming serious.

"Good job Kuroko quick as always." said Ashina with a hint of appreciation before he returned his focus to me and Oyashiro.

"I Know the two of you may have your questions but hold onto them until I'm done with giving you both the full details. Now as for why I requested for the two of you, if Kuroko hasn't mentioned it yet then ill say it first. The both of you will be heading out on a diplomatic mission to gather allies for the village."

Allies? Does Gramps mean more clans? if that's true then it is great for the village as a whole.

"Seeing Akashis face I can tell you have already figured it out. Yes, you two will be heading out with a squad of Anbu to meet new clans that will possibly join us in the village just like the Chinoike."

Hearing this Oyashiro became visibly intrigued. "Will these clans have Kekkei Genkei like our Chinoike and Uzumaki Lord Uzukage?"

"Hmm, that's right Oyashiro from what I have heard, two of those clans have abilities that can be considered Kekkei Genkei while one is mostly an all-rounder with high Chakra matching even our Uzumaki. Originally I was going to have the two of you go and meet only one clan but seeing this as a great opportunity for the both of you to grow I have decided that the two of you shall meet all three clans and convince them to join."

"What are these clans, Gramps?" I decided to ask as my future knowledge can possibly help us get these clans quicker or even avoid them if they are too dangerous.

"The Iburi clan, Doi Clan, and Hagaromo clan. I know the two of you may not know them so here take these notes and study them before leaving. They contain all the information we have on them and what you should expect their abilities to be like."

Taking a look at the paper I had no choice but to be pleasantly surprised

Iburi Clan

Location: Land of Fire

Kekkei Genkei: Smoke Release

Smoke release information: Unkown

Clan State: Hidden somewhere underground for reasons Unkown

Doi Clan (Jugo Clan did a name change since a whole clan can't be named after Jugo PS Doi means earth or nature)

Location: Land of Rice

Kekkei Genkei: Natural absorbtion of Nature Chakra

Nature abilites: Berserker form

Curable? Unknown

Clan State Low amount of members Unkown how many

Hagaromo Clan

Location: Land of Lightning

Kekkei Genkei: None known

Abilities: High chakra Density

Clan state: Currently traveling as a Nomads selling their services as mercenaries

Interesting! Really interesting I remember the Iburi being Yamato's clan and the Doi should be Jugo's clan but who is the Hagaromo clan? Who are they to be named after the Sage of the 6 Paths? Next thing you know I'll start hearing about the Hamura clan.

Deciding to take a chance and gather information Akashi proceeded to ask about the Hagaromo "Gramps wasn't the Sage of the 6 paths named Hagaromo?"

"Hoho, you've been reading those old books I see. That's right according to legend the Sage of the Six Paths name was Hagoromo Otsutski."

"Doesn't that make them related Gramps?"

"Well, that's what they claim. In fact, there are many clans who claim to be related to the Sage our Uzumaki included."

So Gramps knows we're related to the Sage, huh but he also said there are others who make the same claim.

Noticing I was deep in thought Gramps decided to brush off the matter "You need not worry Akashi even if we are all related to the Sage it wouldn't matter. There hasn't been any Shinobi to reach that level of power since the Sage himself if what the legends say is true. Not even Hashirama or Madara can hope to reach the level the stories mentioned."

Well Gramps is right I shouldn't worry about this sort of thing till I'm at least Kage strength

"Well if that's everything you may go and prepare, and remember to take this mission seriously" Said Ashina as he began to write in documents again.

Kuroko and Oyashiro began to walk out of the room while I followed closely behind but before I could close the door I remembered something.

"Sensei you mind if I stay behind I need to ask my Grandfather something"

"Hn go ahead but don't take long will meet up at the training ground 2B before heading out"

walking back inside Ashina looked at his grandson wondering what it is he could want.

"Gramps, Do you know if there's a way to get Senjutsu without going to the unexplored regions?"

"Senjutsu huh from what I know it can be taught by the toads, snakes, and slugs. Hashirama had his own Sage mode but that was thanks to his wood release. I'm sorry Akashi but I can't help you with that one."

Sigh, I knew it wouldn't be that easy, maybe when the Doi clan arrives we can make something similar to a curse mark to learn sage mode. Imagine fighting a group of Uzumaki using Senjutsu.

Seeing I was dishearted Gramps began to frantically think if there was something he was missing. "Well, there is one thing... But I'm not so sure"

one thing? what does gramps mean?

"Well, you see there is a whirlpool that is so big and strong that even shinobi avoid it out of fear. The strength of this whirlpool even stops Kirikagure from trying to travel through it and instead forces them to take long routes. Which has led to there being somewhat peace between our villages thanks to it being located between us. We Uzumaki have a legend that states Long ago when the Uzumaki first arrived in the land of whirlpools our leader of the time got lost and sucked into that very whirlpool. When this happened most thought he died and they were going to choose a new clan head but he survived. He even returned with the ability to use Sage chakra and on the Head of a large sea dragon. Apparently that large whirlpool led to a massive cave that belonged to the dragon. After learning this many have tried to reach the cave but none return. So now most believe it to be just a legend and entering that whirlpool is just a death sentence."

A dragon in a whirlpool! It may very well be true... not much is known about the world of Naruto but one thing is true at least here and it's the fact that most legends are based on truths. Heck, look at the legend of the Sage of Six Paths or the one of the Moon Goddess. Those are real!

Gramps easily noticed my excitement due to the grin appearing on my face. "Akashi! Don't even think about it at least not yet. To survive that whirlpool you would need some sort of secret ability or be as strong as a kage. So keep that one out of your head for a while unless you want to end up like all those Uzumaki that willingly gave their lives to it."

Argh he's right I don't want to die yet but still I'm so excited to know it's a possibility. I mean It's a dragon!

Hehe, one day ill head down there. Now I know I need to talk to Chomei soon. Using his strength could help me reach the cave so I can improve my own strength.

"Alright go now Akashi I have a lot of work to do Shoo shoo"

Listening to Gramps I quickly left to get ready for my mission

While I left, Gramps gave a gentle smile as he watched my back. "Haha, my grandson is still a child who loves listening to old fairy tales. Maybe I should tell him some other ones like the story of the people who live on the moon?


A/N Hey guys hope you enjoyed this chapter i tried making it longer then usual.

I also posted some of my fanfic ideas on my other book if you guys are interested