

Zeus's eyes sprung open, only to be greeted by an entirely different place. A lush, green scenery opened up to him with streams and waterfalls present everywhere he looked around. The entire place was covered with trees, bushes, and other foliage, giving it a natural and mystical appearance.

Zeus took a deep breath, feeling how natural the air here felt, but then frowned. He made Chidori with his hand, putting it against Gamaton's neck, staring at him from above. "What is the meaning of this? I have helped you and you repay me by doing this? Where the hell even are we?"

"Man, I have just saved your life!" Gamaton shouted, clearly offended by Zeus's remark. "What? Were you planning on fighting that entire army? Even Jirayah would rather run away!"

Zeus stood in silence, thinking over the frog's words. Surely, Gamaton couldn't have known Zeus's true power, and the frog had done everything in its power to save him from that perilous situation. Zeus couldn't really find any reason to be angry at the frog, for he just didn't read the situation properly.

Still, Zeus was left quite dissatisfied. He wanted to understand what was that familiar divinity he was feeling, but he was ultimately left with no such opportunity.

Putting away Chidori, Zeus enabled Gamaton to turn around. Looking around at the beautiful scenery once again, Zeus sighed. "So where the hell are we now? Is this your homeland?"

"Yeah, that's Mountain Myoboku in its full beauty." Gamaton didn't let their earlier dispute get into his head, once again putting on a peculiar smile. With stars in his eyes, he looked around. "I have missed this place so much, but I think we might have some problems."


"Mhh...entry for humans here is strictly safeguarded. One either has to get here by using a secret passage or receive approval from the elders, thus being summoned. I kind of sneaked you here illegally..." Gamaton scratched the back of his head with a strange smile. "I used a Reverse Summoning Technique on you forcefully, even though you don't have a summoning contract with me."

Zeus raised an eyebrow. "So, what will happen to me now?"

"Actually, I don't know." Gamaton took a few steps back, thinking that Zeus might get angry. "I am sure everything will be resolved. Anyway, my friends must be worried sick." Gamaton turned around, walking away slowly like a cat.

Zeus appeared behind Gamaton, grabbing him by his leg and lifting him into the air. Despite how fragile Zeus currently looked, he still held some enormous strength within him, simply because of his amazing chakra management. Gamaton's eyes almost popped out of his head when he understood that he had been lifted.

"Listen, friend, I really don't want to get into trouble with the elders...they can be quite annoying." Gamaton pressed his hands together, begging while being upside down. "Just let me go. Elders will already be angry with me for running away, but also bringing back a human? They will kill me, literally."

Zeus was about to open his mouth when he suddenly felt danger coming from the south. Immediately, Zeus threw Gamaton away while completing a flip back himself. A huge chopstick collided with the ground, getting stuck inside of it and causing a lot of dust to rise upwards, momentarily blinding Zeus.

A gust of wind followed afterward, forcing Zeus to look back where he saw a water tornado falling onto him. Promptly, Zeus created an electrical nail within his hand, throwing it towards the tornado. The two forces collided, creating a huge tremor that shook the entire place and dispersed the dust.

'What the actual fuck?' Zeus cursed in his mind, presented with the sight of over thirty different frogs standing before him. They all ranged in appearance and size, some of them towering even over the trees. However, at the center of them, stood one little green frog, yet Zeus felt him to be the most dangerous.

"Hey, bastards! Let me go and don't touch him. He saved me!" Gamaton shouted, struggling to escape the hand of a red huge frog. Zeus squinted his eyes, finally understanding how different did Gamaton look compared to others. His skin was cerulean white, which was very distinctive in this group.

The old frog in front of the group stood in silence for a few moments before a few veins popped on his forehead. Gritting his teeth, he shouted at Gamaton. "You little prick, you disappeared for a few months and then came back with a human who looks like he had come out of straight hell! What do you expect us to do?!"

"It's not my fault, Sir Fukasaku!" Gamaton stopped trying to escape. "At first, I simply wanted to look at the world outside, but I was suddenly captured by some snake-man Orochimaru. I spent a few months there before I was rescued by my skinny friend over there."

'At least I am not fat as you.' Zeus said internally.

"Orochimaru?" Fukasaku furrowed his eyebrows and calmed a bit down, suddenly in deep thought. After some deliberation, he sighed and glanced at Gamaton one last time. "Are you alright? Did anything bad happen to you?"

Gamaton glanced sideways, not making eye contact with the old toad. "I am alright."

Fukasaku nodded with an indifferent face and then concentrated on Zeus, walking forward with a straight face. The other frogs wanted to stop the old one from doing so, but Fukasaku pushed them away. Soon enough, they were standing a few feet apart, all the frogs in the back ready to attack.

"It's a pity that we have started on such a note. I am really grateful to you for saving Gamaton. He can be a troublesome kid." Fukasaku said without a change in his voice, but he hesitated for an instant after scanning Zeus's wounded body. "I can see that you have seen your share of ordeals in life, but, as Gamaton may have already informed you, you have appeared in this place through illegal means."

"I understand." Zeus nodded. He didn't have anything against these frogs, besides being quite interested in their way of living. However, killing Orochimaru was what was on his mind currently, and he couldn't be bothered to stay here, so he would rather respect their wishes. "How do I get back then?"

"Actually, that's where the trouble arises." Fukasaku smiled in shame, putting his hand behind his back. "We have a few ways to send you back, but before that, you will have to talk with the Great Toad Sage of Mount Myoboku."


Gif: Oracle

Hello, the updates are going to be more stable from now on!

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