
Naruto: Reborn With Useless Skills?

*Ahem* Please read the "tags" before you go about the story, Friend! Also the MC goes through a huge character development. The MC is like an insane dick at the start. But he grows. Now the synopsis: Surname Kaneko meaning Golden and Given name Mitsu meaning Light. Ahhh! Such a fitting name.... FITTING NAME MY ASS... But the name holds weight in the land of fire. Hmmm. Why? Well because, it's the name of the Fucking Fire Daimyo aka Otou-chan, my daddy dearest. Huhuhuhu... Yesh! You have guessed it! I was reborn as the fricking prince of fire. It's great right? RIGHT? WROOOOOOONG!!!!!!! Because the idiotic daimyos, don't let their dumb kids learn ninjutsu.... But worry not, yours truly, was lucky to be born as the third prince. Damn! I didn't know the fat lady had 3 children already, no wonder she was... You know what! I will stop right there. I don't want my fate to be the same as that Tora. *shudder* But the biggest issue here is, after I was run over by Scooty-Chan... Yeah! You heard me, Scooty-Chan. Coz, her elder cousin Truck-Kun, was too busy running over some fat NEET, she had to come and give me a ride... and a ride she gave... *Tears* I even got the worst reincarnating official... more like an assistant... Here, I have read about the awesome powers reincarnators get when they reincarnate. While yours truly was stuck with a pussy who can't even authorize a freakin Sharingan.... Well, you know what! It doesn't matter. Just see how I freaking kick ass with the worst list of skills. https://discord.gg/mtQutXpjky ___________________ Note: The name of the FF is a parody itself. And yes, the skills the MC gets are useless on their own. But using the parody of a certain Novel it became something else! Note: The cover and any images in the future are and will be drawn by me. So these belong to me. ___________________ Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of it's characters only my OC's and the change of plot

LuminouShadow · Komik
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113 Chs

Stealing..*cough* Borrowing Skills!

Chapter 5: Stealing..*cough* Borrowing Skills!

Jutsu of the day:

<Praying to Sissy no Jutsu>.

Courtesy of Yours Truly


Konoha Hospital, Konoha, Land of Fire~



First thing about babies, we are fricking lazy! Right after my mother fed me, I was soon drowned in dreamy, dream land. Thinking about all the thighs and boobies… Damn! I am a degenerate even as a baby…

Well, not like anyone is complaining.

But I did forget to use my appraisal on people. Being tired really sucks....

So, the next time I woke up, which is now. I started to observe my surroundings. I am now in the maternity ward, but I have additional privileges. Being a prince and all, I had a room to myself. With my personal nurses, yes you heard me, Nur-SES. Three, in fact. And some hidden ANBU. How do I know about the ANBU? Well, I used <Appraise> on the room of course.

Hmmm.. Let's see,… There are 1,2… 5 ANBUs. Well good to feel special.

Now I ask myself a question that can threaten the world.

Do I use my skills on fellow Konoha Nin or not? If I do use my skills, do I only use on bad people?...

I gave a few moments of silence to make a dramatic impact...


"GAHAHHAHAHA, to hell with consideration! I am the fricking Prince of Fire yo! I take what I want." I started laughing and said those words out loud. And one of the nurses came to check on me.

"Aw! Mit-sama, you are so cute, are you hungry? Let me get your milk." So, my little evil villain play just sounded like some baby's calling. Sighhh…


After my bottle of milk and some cuddles with the nurse-Onechan. I decided to try the skills out. I know they will work the way I imagined they would. After all that's what was written on their description. But I still want to know for sure.

So I looked at the Nurse-Oneechan and invoked <Appraise>.


Name: Tanabe Chou

Title: None

Occupation: Nurse

Bloodline: None

Age: 24 years

Level: 6 - Speciality: None

Chakra: 18


< Language* Japanese, Rank-E, Lv- MAX

[A/N: The language skill will be apparent on everyone, so it will not be mentioned from now.]

First Aid, Rank- D, Lv- 3

Cooking, Rank- C, Lv- 2

General Knowledge, Rank-C, Lv- 3>

[A/N: Basically how many years one studied in the academy.

Ps. These knowledge based skills will be directly applied to the MC as if he experienced them himself.]


Hmm, she has some skills that might come in handy. But she is just some mob in the Naruto world, so, meh. As for taking her ability to speak Japanese…

Will I feel bad about it? Yes!

Am I lying?


I am not stealing okay! I am just, ahem, borrowing.


After I had the little drama in my head, I looked intently at the appraisal window. I focused my vision on the skills section. Damn, it's hard to focus as a baby.

I then invoked <Cut>, to cut out the language skill. And then invoke <Paste> to put it on my skill window. And the result?

A lot of information and experience about learning and acquiring the language skill rushed inside my head.

Phew! that was some new shit show.


The nurse fell down and started looking around, terrified. The other nurse helped her up and asked, "Tanabe-san, are you alright?" She seemed worried.

But right after, the nurse, named Tanabe, tilted her head in incomprehension, and started spouting out gibberish.

I was laughing in my mind. God, I am evil. The nurse started panicking and the hidden ANBUs came out.

CHANCE BALL!... I mean, Now's My Chance!

My other reason for causing this drama was to draw out the ANBU. I mean, I know their number but I don't have any detection skill to actually observe and appraise them. So when they finally came to light, I appraised them all as fast as possible.


Name: Tashiro Masa

Title: ANBU

Occupation: Konoha Nin

-Rank: Tokubetsu Jonin

Bloodline: None

Age: 21 years

Level: 42 - Speciality: Agi, Espionage

Chakra: 23,456


First Aid, Rank- D, Lv- 1

General Knowledge, Rank-C, Lv- 6

Advance Ninja Theory, Rank- A, Lv- 2


Transformation Jutsu, Rank- E, Lv- 8


Earth Release: Earth Spear, Rank-B, Lv- 5>




Name: Tagawa Kazuhiko

Title: ANBU Captain

Occupation: Konoha Nin

-Rank: Jonin

Bloodline: None

Age: 29 years

Level: 51 - Speciality: Agi, Espionage

Chakra: 43,612


General Knowledge, Rank-C, Lv- 6

Advance Ninja Theory, Rank- A, Lv- 4


Transformation Jutsu, Rank- E, Lv- Max


Wind Release: Pressure Damage, Rank-B, Lv- 7>




Name: Yoshikawa Kyo

Title: ANBU

Occupation: Konoha Nin (ROOT)

-Rank: Jonin

Bloodline: None

Age: 29 years

Level: 48 - Speciality: Agi, Espionage

Chakra: 33,121

Status Ailment: Under Suppression Seal


General Knowledge, Rank-C, Lv- 6

Advance Ninja Theory, Rank- A, Lv- 3


Transformation Jutsu, Rank- E, Lv- Max


Wind Release: Pressure Damage, Rank-B, Lv- 5>


I stopped when, I read the third ANBU's Stats… ROOT? What the frick!! What is that eunuch's Ninja doing here.

Yours truly, ain't into those kinda kinks. Na-uh, UNSUBSCRIBE!


This also means…


I can fuck with this bastard, without any worries.

Welp! You know what they say,

"ITADAKIMASU~ or Let me f*ck you up! Which ever language you prefer!!"


I quickly focused on the ROOT bastard's skills and swiped them all clean. Don't worry fat bro, I am just borrowing them.

What!? You don't believe me? Then here,

I took the language skill of the bastard and gave it to the Nurse-neechan. And she suddenly noticed, everything seemed to be back to normal. And she frantically tried to explain what happened.

I then pasted all the ROOT Nin's other skills and Jutsu's on my own section.


Like how I experienced the language, all the skills came to me as if I experienced them. But having the most OP ability among all the sissy Intern God's disposal, <Gamer's MInd> I wasn't too affected... But experiencing the ROOT training was no cup of tea, I tell you.

If the <Gamer's MInd> didn't stop mental traumas, I would've been scarred for sure.

"ROOT-KUN NO ECCHI!!!" Blah just kidding.

But thanks to this broken skill, I acquired so many jutsus's that requires some ninja their whole life.

[A/N: A complete list of skills will be posted on Auxulary Volume]

The ROOT Ninja, seemed to have noticed something. And he started looking around. When he realized that he couldn't mold Chakra, he tried to rush out of the room.

But after getting used to the wings, can a bird walk on two legs?

He instantly fell down, face first.

'Waw! That was so anime like! Goodjob ROOT-Kun.'

I praised him mentally.

The other ANBU's were looking at him in confusion. And when Tagawa-san the ANBU team's Captain, realized it was the same symptoms as the nurse. He became alert. He ordered the nurses to take the fallen ANBU to the 'special' ward. And then ordered one of the other Ninja to report to the Hokage.

The only good thing was, they didn't even suspect me. Well, I am a baby after all. I eat, I poop and I act cute. What can ya do, ya kno-

Before I could finish that thought.

The ANBU Captain, looked towards me. I can't see his face, but I am pretty sure it looked like vegeta's poker face right now.


It didn't work. He was still approaching me… I couldn't control my bowels at the moment. Don't know if it was due to fear or because I was a baby… But it didn't matter at the moment.

He was almost close to me. So I started to pray. Damn! I have been doing that a lot lately... Well as long as it works...

I prayed to the only God I knew.


As I prayed, the man was right beside me and was about to pick me up. I was sweating baby sweats, whatever that is.

When I heard him say.

"Aw, my, Mitsu-sama, you seemed to need a change of diapers. Let uncle help you! Sorry, the nurse Oneechans can't help you right now." I heard a cheerful voice people usually use on little children to dote on them.

I was like, "HUH?!!"

"Where is the scrutiny? Where is the lab experimentation? Where is the doubt? PAY ME BACK FOR MAKING ME PRAY!!" [A/N: Maybe your prayers worked, you Idiot…]

Maybe my prayers to the sissy worked?. [A/N: That's exactly what I said.. Just now..]

Yes,yes, that must be the case. I am such smarts. I nodded to myself. [A/N: ….]

The ANBU helped me change and put me down, so I could get my rest.

I was satisfied with this development. I was very tired after those activities… And I needed my beauty sleep…


"I wonder... What happened to the ROOT dude… well that's a thought for tomorrow."




Somwhere in the Hospital~

A man was standing beside the bed of the ROOT ANBU.

He had dazzling blonde hair. And a white coat that had the writings, "Fourth" on it with fire designs on the bottom hem.

He was examining the patient intently.

But even after a long time, he couldn't find anything wrong with his chakra.

Not until he checked inside his mouth.


Being a Seal Master. He quickly formed a hand seal, and it revealed a strange mark on the tongue of the patient.

The blonde man knew what it meant…

"Root… Danzo…"


Second chapter of the day. I will post more later if I feel like it.

Have a nice day!

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