
Naruto: Blind Hyuga

He was a transmigrant from Earth and was born in the Hyuga branch family. To avoid being controlled by anyone, he willingly became blind. But with his blindness came his cheat that is template of Fujitora from One Piece. Patreon Link:https://www.p@treon.com/Hkj822 Discord: https://discord.gg/3bVuQxhY

Hkj · Komik
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220 Chs

Ch-60 Joint Effort.

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The storm dragon appeared suddenly, swiftly swinging its claws towards the Anbu ninjas encircling Jiryoku. With each swipe of the storm dragon's claws, three enormous wind blades were generated, assaulting the Anbu ninjas. Upon seeing the wind slashes hurtling towards them, the Anbu ninjas promptly retreated. Meanwhile, the storm dragon redirected its assault towards Jiraiya.

"Protect Master Jiraiya! Deploy an Earth wall as a shield and counter the storm dragon with water and fire release ninjutsu!" Kakashi shouted.

Following his command, the skilled Earth release practitioners from Konoha swiftly erected an Earth wall, which gradually formed multiple layers. However, the Earth wall struggled to halt the relentless onslaught of the storm dragon conjured by Jiryoku, fueled by his dwindling chakra. Despite diminishing in size with each impact, the storm dragon persisted.

Observing this, other ninjas proficient in fire release techniques unleashed an array of Fire Release attacks, targeting the storm dragon. Similarly, those skilled in water release utilized water-based jutsu against the creature, causing its size to shrink significantly.

Nonetheless, the most impactful blows against the storm dragon were delivered through the combined efforts of the Konoha ninjas, particularly Kakashi and Asuma. Kakashi employed the 'Chidori' to carve through the storm dragon, while Asuma harnessed the 'Fire Release: Ash Pile Burning' technique. These two assaults proved the most devastating. Concurrently, additional Anbu ninjas collaborated, employing joint ninjutsu to combat the storm dragon.

Finally, only a lump of chakra remained from the storm dragon, yet it was the most destructive part. "Retreat! It's going to explode!" Kakashi's voice rang out.

Upon Kakashi's command, all the ninjas immediately withdrew using the 'Body Flicker technique.'

The chakra lump exploded, unleashing sharp wind blades and thunder that obliterated everything within a 10-meter radius. When the explosion subsided, horror was etched on everyone's faces. Just one maneuver from Jiryoku had compelled them to collaborate in order to confront it.

As they searched for Jiryoku's whereabouts, he was nowhere to be found. Jiryoku's final action wouldn't have been necessary if he hadn't been so thoroughly drained. Exhausted, he needed a maneuver to keep everyone occupied, ensuring his successful retreat.

Jiraiya took a seat on a broken stone, flanked by Fukasaku and Shima. Jiraiya contemplated, "Sage, did I make the right decision today by saving the two Konoha elders?"

"Don't worry, Jiraiya boy. We toads of Mount Myoboku aren't feeble. You can have confidence," reassured Fukasaku.

"I understand that with his current strength, he poses minimal threat to Mount Myoboku. However, the issue is that he's only thirteen years old and has ample room to grow in strength," Jiraiya mused.

Fukasaku and Shima exchanged glances. "We can't do much about the future. We can only inform the Great Toad Sage about this matter, and if something like this were to happen again, the Great Toad Sage should notify us."

Jiraiya nodded and summoned the Gourd Toad, retrieving both Koharu and Homura from its stomach.

Once Koharu and Homura emerged, they beheld the state of Konoha, which had deteriorated further due to Orochimaru's implementation of the Konoha Collapse plan.

"Was all of this orchestrated by Hyuga Jiryoku?" Koharu inquired.

"Yes, and we have you to thank for it," replied Jiraiya, his expression grim.

"Jiraiya, now isn't the time to discuss this. In the absence of a Hokage, the village needs leadership, and someone like you is the best fit for the role," Homura asserted.

"I won't assume the position of Hokage, and you're well aware of it. I'm not apprehending you solely because I wish to avoid further destabilizing the village, already reeling from the loss of our teachers. What to do with you will be determined by the next Hokage," Jiraiya stated firmly.

Homura and Koharu fell silent after absorbing Jiraiya's words. However, Koharu eventually inquired, "Do you have someone in mind?"

"Someone whose strength rivals mine, and whose accomplishments are no less impressive—Tsunade," Jiraiya responded.

"What are your intentions regarding Jiryoku?" Homura questioned.

"I don't know. Let's leave this for the Hokage to handle. I'm quite injured, so I need to go to the hospital," Jiraiya stated.

Homura and Koharu nodded, and Jiraiya departed for the hospital.

On the rooftop of a building, Ino was seated, her gaze fixed on Inoichi. She questioned, "Why would Jiryoku do something like this?"

Inoichi sighed, proceeding to explain everything to Ino.

"If they were indeed at fault, then they should have faced consequences. It's troubling that Jiryoku was unfairly blamed," Ino remarked with a sorrowful expression.

Inoichi shook his head, recognizing that Ino's emotions were driving her response. Being part of a family closely associated with Konoha's administration, Ino had gained insights into the workings of politics.

Shikamaru and Shikaku approached the spot where Ino and Inoichi were. Shikamaru voiced his thoughts, "I had anticipated that Jiryoku would be remarkably powerful, given that I had placed him at a level where he could contend with the Third Hokage. However, I hadn't foreseen that he would achieve victory over Master Jiraiya, who is unquestionably mightier than the present Third Hokage and could have even matched him in his prime."

(A/N: Not much is extensively detailed about Hiruzen's prime. If he possessed greater physical strength and chakra than he does presently, the disparity in strength wouldn't be overly substantial, unless he also mastered Sage Mode—though I'm inclined to believe he didn't. Share your thoughts on Hiruzen's strength.)

"Yeah, his strength has reached a level that even we couldn't have predicted. His most fearsome ability is his aura alone, which is enough to make Genin and Chunin faint," Shikaku stated.

"Ino, don't be overly concerned. We'll locate Jiryoku and do our best to bring him back, alright?" Shikamaru reassured.

Upon hearing this, Ino's memory was jogged, and she exclaimed, "Is the Jokan of Fire Country still in Konoha?"

"Yes, she's being kept in a safe house within Konoha," Shikaku confirmed.

"I wish to meet with her," Ino declared.

"Why?" Shikaku inquired.

"She might possess knowledge about Jiryoku, and only she can provide answers to my questions," Ino explained.

"Coincidentally, I was planning to check on her, so you can join me," Shikaku offered.

(A/N: If you like the story please vote power stones.)