
Naruto: A Different Power

Born in Ninja World and granted the power of Ope Ope no Fruit, Kawano Naoki tries to utilise it's power every way possible to reach the apex and live freely. AN:- It is a non harem book. chapters ahead on my P@treon.com/Yuki7145

Sato_Yuki_4787 · Komik
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62 Chs

2 Family

Walking through the somewhat deserted streets of Konoha was Naoki, on his way home.

"Next war, I hope I have enough time before it starts"

Said Naoki, slowly walking on the path that lead towards his home, a solemn look on his face, his eyes on the under construction third stone face.

The first world war just ended two months ago, the death of second hokage a big blow to konoha despite winning the war.

The aftereffects of war were still lingering around, the deserted streets a proof of that, probably some more time required for it to reach the past bustilness.


I'm back!

Soon Naoki arrived at a typical japanese styled two story house, pushing open the door and announcing his return like usual.

Welcome Back!

A woman in her thirties with long brown hair walked out of the kitchen, welcoming him back, a relieved look on the face seeing her son back.


Nodding at his mother, Naoki went to freshen up, after a while in the dining room a family of four eating dinner.

Next to Naoki sat a boy who looked around 11, black hair and brown eyes, digging in the rice relishly.

Kawano Koji, the older brother of Naoki who turned 11 this year.

And on the opposite side of the dining table, with his mother sat a girl who was around 12, long black hair with fringes, also digging in the dinner.

Kawano Maki, the oldest of the three siblings, turning 12 this year, a 6 year difference with Naoki, the youngest.

This was the Kawano family, though the absence of one person prevented it from completion.

Naoki's father, a special jonin, months before he even took over this body had died in the war, leaving quite a big family behind.

His status as a strong ninja though had allowed the family to receive a steady flow of pension, enough for them to live easily.

The siblings of Naoki were also students at the Ninja Academy, and they both had already participated in the first world war.

Children above 8 were sent to war by second hokage, though still cruel but a lot better than warring states era when even a four year old had to fight.

The elder sister, Maki is also going to graduate from academy this year, completing her six years in the academy.

(A.N:- To join the war maybe being a genin is required, but since it's just a doubt I'll ignore, as it really doesn't effect the plot much either way)

Even without being granted the status of genin, students of the academy were sent to war, as the siege from all villages required konoha to get as much manpower as possible.

Both Maki and Koji had already experienced the cruelty of war, losing a lot of friends in the war, the innocence of there age was long gone, both having a mature and calm aura.

"So Maki, have you really decided to pursue the path of becoming an Anbu?"

Asked Koji, breaking the silence in the dining room, putting the rice bowl in his hands back on the table, calm eyes on Maki.

"Well, I do know it's tough but trying for it isn't really a loss, the tougher the goal, the more I'll try to improve my strength"

"Even if I don't succeed, the effort done for it will surely improve my strength, at least enough for survival"

Told Maki while shrugging her shoulders, her mother next to her quietly putting another scoop of rice in her bowl.

"I had hoped you transfer to konoha hospital after becoming a genin, it's less dangerous there"

"But if you have truly decided on this path, all I'll say is live, that's all I want as a brother"

Said Koji calmly, some sadness in his eyes, as a brother, to him nothing else mattered more than her safety.

"Don't worry, I'm not that weak"

Assured Maki in a nonchalant tone, though some warmth in her black eyes that had seen all kind of hell on the battlefield.


Hearing her assurance, Koji nodded and didn't say anything more, going back to digging in.

"Hehe~what about you Naoki? Aren't you worried about your sister?"

Maki's eyes suddenly fell on Naoki, who was in a world of his own, wolfing down on the dinner, like he hadn't eaten for years, the former finding him kinda cute like this, asking teasingly.

"Well~good luck as well"

The mental age of Naoki was way above Maki and Koji despite being the youngest physically, being treated like a child was always uncomfortable for him, so with a blank face wishing her, knowing fully she was teasing him.


"Oi~Oi, don't you have more encouraging words for your sister"

"I'll leave those words for you, as we are worried more about you"



Koji with a smile patted Naoki on his shoulder, trying to tease him as well, though Naoki mercilessly poked his weaknesses, the former stunned, though there mother and Maki laughing out loudly, a warm atmosphere on the dining table.