
Naruto - Light Ninja

In an AU, Naruto doesn't have his fate sealed as a Jinchuuriki of the nine-tails fox; instead, his sisters receive the halves of the Bijuu, and something else emerges in him. He receives powers and memories from another world, a world where there were pirates, sailors, organizations trying to dominate or maintain their power at sea. Naruto ends up being born without any chakra, as the only being in the world without this energy, however, he received something else in return. Naruto has the Pika Pika no Mi. Minato and Kushina are alive.

RaccoonLeague · Komik
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80 Chs

Chapter 35 - Leaving Fire Country 01!

[Chapter Size: 2100 Words.]

Third Person POV




It was still night as Naruto and Akame arrived at the location where Kimimaro had been all these years. Naruto lit up the sky wherever he passed, but he was so fast that all who noticed his light thought it was a shooting star.

Akame did not have an easy time, even using her chakra to cling onto Naruto while trying to withstand the high speed of the journey.

It was only after a while that Naruto stopped traveling with his fruit, as they began to fall to the ground. Naruto, using Geppo, softened their fall with Akame, while the girl was all disheveled at this moment.

"Are you okay...?" Naruto asked the girl, as she tried to fix her messy hair, "Yes, just a bit surprised by this... and quite nauseous." She admitted, never imagining that one day she would travel at the speed of light through the sky.

"It's always bad the first time it happens, you'll be fine." Naruto said and saw someone approaching the door.

"Who's there!" A drunken Tsunade kicked the door open and looked at Naruto and the girl with him.

"You're here and drunk... as always." Naruto said, it wasn't a surprise that Tsunade would show up here now and then after they met.

"Brat, you brought another with you this time, that's good, we can play some 4-person game!" She exclaimed as Kimimaro came out beside her with a face that indicated he didn't know what to do.

"Is she bothering you?" Naruto asked with a raised eyebrow as Akame looked on confused.

"Bothering... We're just playing, I may have lost a few matches, but I will surely win the next ones!" She exclaimed in a clearly drunken tone as Naruto wanted to slap this woman.

"She wants to play more, but doesn't have any more money... to bet." Kimimaro said.

Naruto looked up at Tsunade, who blushed. "Don't look at me like that, you're too young for a lady like me..." She said, and Naruto, already wanting to slap her on the head, folded his desire.

"Who is this crazy lady." Akame murmured angrily.

"Hm? It seems this girl is jealous, don't worry, I don't plan on stealing your 10-year-old boyfriend." She said as Akame glared at Tsunade as a challenge.

Fed up with this, Naruto simply walked over to Kimimaro, "We're sleeping here tonight, tomorrow you should pack your things, as we're leaving on the same day." Naruto said while Kimimaro nodded.

"You're already leaving, what a bummer, so there will be no game today..." Tsunade seemed dissatisfied while Akame passed by her looking like a hawk, with her following Naruto.

"Tomorrow I'll introduce all of you, for now, I want to sleep a bit." Naruto said choosing one of the beds and seeing Shizune already sleeping in a corner.

He lay down and didn't care about anything else, waking up in the morning with Tsunade on the floor with bottles of liquor, she was richer at this moment, even losing a lot of money, she managed to make money more easily due to being cured of her trauma while beginning to treat all sorts of diseases with surgery and treatment that could involve blood.

Of course, rumors about Tsunade Senju's cures began to spread throughout the country and easily reached the Leaf Village, Naruto's father and Jiraiya immediately tried to bring her to the village, even Hiruzen went to talk to her, but none were successful in convincing her to do so, with her remaining outside the village walls while gambling and healing when she needed money.

She was a woman who always used to come here, saying she wanted to see her old patient, but Naruto knew she just wanted to stay here to drink and Kimimaro had to endure her drunkenness. This routine continued for 2 years, while Naruto fought with her sometimes.

Naruto got up Akame was already waiting for him, as was Kimimaro.

"Take all your things, we're leaving this country." Naruto said.

Kimimaro nodded as he continued packing his things, "I prepared breakfast for you." Akame approached with something for them to eat and Naruto nodded, as they prepared to eat, Shizune woke up and soon after Tsunade with a hangover.

"I am now infested with brats..." She complained, looking at all three of them.

'As if you're not the one here without anyone inviting you...' Everyone thought that.

"Anyway..." Naruto ignored Tsunade approaching with her assistant and looked at Kimimaro, "This is Akame Uchiha, she will be coming with us." Naruto introduced and continued, "Akame, this is Kimimaro Kaguya, he will be our companion on our journey." Naruto introduced.

Both nodded, while Tsunade also ate with them. "So you're leaving the Land of Fire... What are you up to?" She asked curiously.

"We're going to start with mercenary services, looking for bounties on rogue ninjas and fugitive ninjas to raise some money." Naruto commented without wanting to hide this from the woman, moreover, he has to pay the loan shark he's been owing for years, so he needs good money.

"I see, I just hope you won't regret it..." Tsunade said and looked at Naruto, "I've always heard about the loving parents who are the Hokage and his wife, you know you'll break their hearts with this escape, don't you?" Tsunade spoke in a more serious tone than usual.

Naruto could not lie that he felt nothing hearing those words, after all, he knew it would not be easy news for his parents to digest as soon as they woke up. "I know I will hurt them." Naruto admitted while Akame, Kimimaro, and Shizune looked at him. "But I can no longer stay in the village and one day I will confront the ninja system of this world, Konoha will treat me as an enemy most likely when that time comes." He spoke, after all, to change the status quo, there will always be people who will not allow it, and usually, it will result in mountains of corpses with a war.

"You know, you think very differently from everyone in this world, I just hope you won't regret your decisions..." Tsunade spoke calmly.

"I know and I won't regret it, after all, this is my path and I intend to follow it to the end." Naruto spoke with a determined tone.

"I understand..." Tsunade murmured in the end.

"Anyway, did you get what I asked for?" Naruto asked.

"Yes, it was kind of difficult, after all, they've never made a cloak like this at the tailor I went to." Tsunade said. "It's by the door, you can pick it up when you leave." Tsunade pointed to a bag.

Naruto nodded. "Thank you." He thanked her and turned his attention to the whole group; "Shall we?" He said and they all began to leave the table finishing their chores.

They started to leave the place with Naruto picking up the bag that Tsunade mentioned, he looked and nodded, starting to take off his shirt, showing his toned chest after years of training, while Tsunade looked at him strangely. "Why are you getting shirtless?"

"This is my style, with this cloak, I'll no longer need to wear my shirt." Naruto said as he started to walk towards the group. He put his hand in the bag and took out a white cloak suited to his current size, he spun the fabric and placed it over his shoulder, fitting perfectly there, there were some unique ornaments on this cloak.

As everyone looked at him, his shoulder pads were detailed, and the word "Justice" in Japanese boasted the back of the cloak while its sleeves swung if Naruto were to wear them, leaving them loose at the back, as he used to wear his vice-admiral cloak in those memories, now once again he would boast this word, the word that would change this world in the future.

"This is really unique..." Tsunade had to admit looking at Naruto and admitting that he had style.

"Naruto..." Shizune commented while Akame and Kimimaro just looked at Naruto with a bit of admiration.

"Now it's time to go, did you all put everything in the storage scrolls?" Naruto asked and both nodded.

"That's good, remember, now it's a path of no return, we will first delve into the underworld of this world and as soon as I find a path for us to follow, we will follow it, I hope you know what you're doing..." Naruto commented looking at the two.

The first part of their plan would be to be a bounty hunter or mercenaries, until they find something worth fighting for as they continue on their missions.

"Yes!" Akame responded and Kimimaro nodded.

"We just need to get rid of this house..." Naruto said, pointing to the house made of bones and wood. Before anyone could react, Naruto lifted his finger, before emitting a glow and firing a laser shot, exploding the whole place with a ball of light.


The explosion disintegrated the entire house as the light faded, leaving only an empty crater, while everyone looked stunned, some less than others due to knowing Naruto's powers.

"This brat, he was hiding this and never used it in our fights?" Tsunade knew Naruto's brute strength, but this ability was something she had never seen from him while Shizune by her side turned pale.

"Well, we're done here, let's go then!" Naruto said, ready to head north, but someone stopped him at that moment.

"Wait, I have something to give you." Tsunade, who had been off to the side with Shizune listening to the children's conversation, called out to Naruto. He looked at the woman with suspicious eyes.

"Don't look at me like that, you'll certainly like this." She said while moving her hands to her neck and taking off her necklace, given to her by her grandfather, Hashirama Senju.

"Tsunade-Sama?!" Shizune couldn't believe what she was seeing.

"I know what I'm doing, Shizune, you don't need to scream in my ear while I'm still hungover." She said, placing the necklace in front of her and handing it to Naruto, who took it, looking a bit surprised.

"This is important to you, why are you giving it to me?" Naruto couldn't help but ask.

"You deserve it more than I do, I could gamble it with you, but you would certainly win anyway, so I want to give it to you myself, so you remember your path and don't regret it. You can do something that none of those old men or kages could, so I hope you succeed in what you seek." Tsunade spoke sincerely, thinking of her brother and former lover whose dreams were to follow the path of the Hokage, but for the first time, Tsunade, who thought this dream foolish at the time, found someone who wanted to achieve something much greater than being a Kage.

Naruto nodded, "If you truly trust this to me, then I will accept it as your deposit of faith in my path." Naruto said and put the necklace around his neck.

Then they turned to their companions, before jumping and the other two following them through the trees as Naruto used geppo.

"Tsunade-Sama..." Shizune murmured as the two watched Naruto and the others leave.

"It's okay... I won't regret this, I'm happy that necklace is with someone like him." She admitted.

"What will we do now?" Shizune asked curiously.

"I wanted to rest a bit more, but he destroyed the house... Let's go to Konoha, I want to see some gravestones that I've been avoiding for a long time..." Tsunade said, wanting to see the graves of her brother and Dan after so long, a feeling that Naruto brought out in her.

"Yes..." Shizune commented as she followed Tsunade going north too, but in a different direction than Naruto.

Meanwhile, in Konoha, the Namikazes were having their first meal at the table...

Kushina looked at her family with a smile, but soon frowned when she saw Naruto's empty chair, "Where is he... he never misses breakfast... Sora, can you call your brother in his room?" She asked, and the girl nodded excitedly, running to see why her brother hadn't shown up yet.


Raccoon Here:

Should I create the drama in the family with Naruto disappearing and his parents searching for him all over the village and even outside it?


🦝 Raccoon here: 🦝

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