
Nalu: My first Love

My names Lucy I am a girl who's parents have died and they left me with my brother who is abusive and rapes me just like my father did after mom died. I am not sure what to do anymore so I just keep my head down at school and don't open up to anyone. I meet this man who is always after me and trying to get me. Will I open up to him or will I stay closed off even to him? Find out in this book click to read I do regular updates too just so you know. I respond to all comments just message me.

Anime808_for_life · Komik
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24 Chs

Chapter 23

Lucy's pov

I pick the girls up in this order. It's based on who lives closest to me: Levy, Erza, Juvia, Cana and Mira. We go to get manicures and a massage at a salon that is kind of close to our house but not too far either. I get a light pink with silver glitter on my pinkies. Levy took a while deciding on a color but finally picked dark blue; it looks so good on her. Then of course Erza got red like her hair and last name.

Juvia got a kind of unexpected color and chose a pastel yellow. Looks good on her but not what I would've expected her to pick. Mira got a nice lavender which is like a light purple. Cana got a bright orange which was popping like her personality so it fits her perfectly. I'm the only one who decided to add a bit of glitter to my nails. Now I feel a little bit childish but I don't care. I love my nails. At least they didn't make fun of me or anything. They are my friends after all and I don't care what other people think of it.

We all get set up for our massages and have natural face masks and wrap our bodies in two different towels one with our head and one for the hair. We used cucumbers for the eyes and I'm not sure what they put on our face. When we finally finished that I was kind of uncomfortable that the men were the ones who were going to be massaging us. It's not that I'm sexist or anything, I just feel more comfortable with women. I also have Natsu and I know that he will not be happy with this and I don't want another man touching me there besides him.

Some men tend to be very pervy and one track minded and always try to fulfill their wants no matter what. There were no available female ones at the time Levy politely and quietly asked the front office not wanting to be seen as rude or ungrateful. They are clearly discussing who should take who and one is eyeing me. I shift under his gaze feeling uncomfortable. I look up and he has blonde hair with blue eyes. He's attractive but not nearly as attractive as Natsu is and he's the only one I have eyes for.

He smirks clearly thinking I'm into him but boy does he have that wrong so I'm going to shut him down real quick. I don't know why boys get so overly confident and like to smirk like I'm not into that kind of stuff. Now that I think of it he kind of looks like Sting but stronger and broader built and an older version of him. This creep watches as I reluctantly take off my robe and lay on the table with my stomach down. I hate that his gaze is on me. I wish it was Natsus instead of this guy.

The massage starts off good and I try to suppress a moan but fail when he hits a real tense part of my body and it feels so good to have that stress relieved off my back and shoulders. I have been on my feet and working a lot. I haven't really had time for this and Natsu being the awesome boyfriend he got me tickets for the girls and I to have a night out. It was very sweet of him that he didn't have to do that. He clearly has some boldness because he's to go lower and parts my leg. I quickly stand up and try to push him away but he pins me down on the table.

I look at the girls for help but the others have them pinned down but Erza's having none of that and goes all bad ass. She flips him over pinning him down then flings him on top of the guy holding Levy and they go crashing into a table. I kick the guy who is hitting me where it counts and I see a blur of red that I think is Natsu. He is beating the crap out of the guy who was holding me down and I pulled him off. He proceeds to storm off to talk to the manager of this salon and probably fire that dude.

Oh Natsu what am I going to do with you you're so short tempered and could get us in a lot of trouble. I find a way to calm him down a bit but then he goes off at me saying that it's my fault too for letting him. I explained to him that u tried to find a female one and there were none available at the time. "If you don't want to listen to me though then fine" I say stomping out of the room now in my regular clothes that I just changed into.

What just happened?

Will they make up?

What will happen to all the people in there?

Question of the chapter?

Texting or calling?

Well since I'm a very antisocial person when someone calls me I'm like "who died?" I prefer to text. It's quicker and easier for me to do. My mom on the other hand always wants to call me like mom ugh 😩 anyways lmk about you.