
Nalu: My first Love

My names Lucy I am a girl who's parents have died and they left me with my brother who is abusive and rapes me just like my father did after mom died. I am not sure what to do anymore so I just keep my head down at school and don't open up to anyone. I meet this man who is always after me and trying to get me. Will I open up to him or will I stay closed off even to him? Find out in this book click to read I do regular updates too just so you know. I respond to all comments just message me.

Anime808_for_life ¡ Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 24

Natsu's pov

It's time for the party which I don't really want to go to because I don't like not being with her all the time but I know she could use some time with the girls. They still haven't told me where we're going but I know it's to some club. I put low effort into getting ready as I'm not really trying to impress anyone. The boys just pulled up I know cause metal head always honks on the car horn when he's here he's one impatient bastard. I grab my phone just in case I head out the door sighing while shaking my head.

I take a deep breath in and walk right forward into the car with my head held high the whole time I'm walking to the car. We don't even have to wait because I'm VIP so we just go right past the bouncers as they nod and we nod back real quick. Even though we're inside I still put my sunglasses on. I don't want any of that drama tonight. We go to do darts and I'm up first as always we have the same order. (Idk how to play so I'm skipping it)

I go and order us shots and there is this bartender who keeps on eyeing me like I'm her next piece of meat. I roll my eyes and walk up getting straight to the point "5 shots please" and she walks over pairing them. She proceeds to lean over with her cheap ass lip stick and skanky dress and says "hey handsome anything else". I look at her in disgust at all these women with no self respect who will spread their legs for anyone disgusting. This woman could be as old as my mom which is gross to think about.

Thankfully the boys walk over and sit at the bar. I stay as far away from her as possible. She keeps on walking over to me which annoys the hell out of me. Can't she see like I'm clearly not interested in her at all. I'm not just playing hard to get so she should back off and take a hint.

Loke gathers us all up and says something that has me wishing we weren't here well, at least me but I guess for him because he's single he doesn't see a problem in it but I do. He says "we are going to have strippers that will be here any moment". We all groan and I go outside to take a drag of my cigarette. I know Lucy doesn't like me having them but she's not here and it does calm me down. Well nothing calms me down more than she does but she's not here.

They enter the door and I look away getting ready to be bored out of my mind. I'm not interested in anybody as long as it's not Lucy. I hear all the other guys gasp as they turn around to look at the door. I feel like even looking at them is cheating on her but out of curiosity I just take a quick glance. That won't hurt anything I dont think and I see someone who looks oddly familiar but she has a robe on so I couldn't tell until she took it off. When she did I had a situation in my pants once I saw her face.

Hey guys! Geez it's hard to write with a bunny on your stomach. I'm sorry for any errors that there might be. Please vote and comment if you enjoyed it!

Question of the chapter

I thought this was perfect considering this is an anime I'm writing about. Do you like Naruto or Fairytail more? For me it's Fairytail if you like Naruto more then get out I'm sorry. Not really but I'm just going to pretend I am for the sake of this lol 😂