
Nalu: My first Love

My names Lucy I am a girl who's parents have died and they left me with my brother who is abusive and rapes me just like my father did after mom died. I am not sure what to do anymore so I just keep my head down at school and don't open up to anyone. I meet this man who is always after me and trying to get me. Will I open up to him or will I stay closed off even to him? Find out in this book click to read I do regular updates too just so you know. I respond to all comments just message me.

Anime808_for_life · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 22

Unknown pov

It's been two weeks and no one has tried to help me. I haven't even been fed in all that time so I'm not sure what's going on in the world about me.Don't they need me for something? I just don't get it something doesn't add up but I'm not sure what. My brain is not working properly without food the rumbling stomach doesn't help much either. No one has even come by my cell in what seems like forever now. I've kind of lost track of the days now and hope that I'll ever get out of this hell hole.

Natsus pov

I don't know something feels wrong but I can't for the life of me figure out what. At least I'm hanging out with the boys today Lucy wanted to go shopping and I said that I didn't want to. She asked the girls and they said yes. I didn't want to just stay at home so I decided to invite the boys over. We are going to the club not for girls when I have a wonderful girlfriend. It's just drinks and games like dart and stuff. I get ready and just throw on a pair jeans and a black T-shirt. While Lucy comes out looking extremely stunning in red my favorite color she knows it. Yet she looks so innocent but she isn't trying to do this to me it's because of her very low self-esteem and it hurts me that she doesn't see what I see in her every time I look at her.

As she walks down the stairs I tell her "you can't be wearing that out". She looks down and frowns clearly not seeing the problem "Why not?" She challenges me crossing her arms under her breast making her top go up a bit. "All of the pervy guys will see you like that" I say walking up behind her. "You're mine I will gouge their eyes out for seeing you like this" I say resting my head in the crook of her neck. She looks up at me now not turning around and says "you don't have to worry I'm yours, all yours." That calms me down a little bit but I still proceed yo marking her. Seeming unable to control she lets out a very sexy moan which turns me in even more.

"Luce get out of here before I take you right here and now." I whisper in her ear sending chills up her spine and I smirk at the affect I have on her. She still manages to make it out the door in time even though her knees probably went weak at the thought. Now I need to calm my little friend down there before the boys get here.

Lucy's pov

Damn I just managed to get out of there in time. My panties are soaked from just that simple thing I had to get out of there before he noticed. I would be even more embarrassed than I already am if he saw that. I put my hair up in a high ponytail I put some light make up on with blush, light lipstick and some eyeliner/eye stuff. We will be going to a lingerie store when we go to the mall like Erza wanted. Since Natsu into that kind of shit I'll be getting stuff too. We are going to go shoe shopping first because it's my obsession.

I'm going to be late to pick up the girls all because of him and that little jealously thing he pulled. I grab my car keys for my purple mustang with pink stripes. I'm obsessed with my car I love it I've had it for a few years now. I could talk about cars all day but I'm not going to sit here and bore you with all that talk I can only drive or else I'll get car sick even though I drive so fast.

How will it go?

Will something happen on either of their nights out?

Who is this person?

What is their plan?

Hi guys! So sorry that I haven't been updating as much as I've wanted to life just got crazy all of a suddenI'm sorry for that. I will be updating more in the future and as of now. Please don't be a silent reader and comment and vote if you enjoyed for a shoutout. It really helps me to stay motivated and know what type of books you would want me to write. Please share your thoughts.

Question of the chapter

Are you a dog or a cat person?

I'm a dog person cats just have lack of empathy. They do things that only make them comfortable. Dogs always love you and are around you doing stuff with you and that you enjoy. I can't have a dog right now but I would if I could. It's just where I live prevents me from having one.