
My Werewolf King

Born human a young girls dies for her family only to find out she is really the lost queen of the vampires. And her mate is none other than the king of the werewolves.

Betty_Tatum · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs

Moving And Testing

As we pull up in front of the house the van pulls up next to us. Two big strong guys get out of the van. Byron introduced then as his cousins Mark and Adam. Then we head inside.

I unlock the door to find no one there. We head up to my room and start moving boxes out. Ariana helps me box my clothes and other things as the boys put it all in the van. Twenty minutes later with the van loaded we all head to the twins house. I send mom a text saying no one was home cleaned out my room. Hope everything gets better now. love you bye. Then I got no response.

Once we got to the house I was shocked and amazed. The house was huge. Most of my things were moved into the room next to Byron's

but I saw him put some of the boxes into his room. After we were done bringing in the boxes we told the guys thank you and they left. Then we made food and sat down to eat.

Both of the twins were watching me so I finally asked," Why is everyone looking at me funny? I'm not so fragile I can't handle things. Right now I am processing. Don't worry I will have plenty of questions when the shock wears off. I mean it's not everyday you find out your whole life is a lie, or that the supernatural world is real. I wish I knew more about my father besides the fact he was a doctor. I just need a little time. But I will say Byron your Wolf is beautiful. What's his name?"

"His name is smoke. We have to admit you are taking everything surprisingly well. I was born into this life, you were raised as a human we are just amazed, and since your mother gave us a name and a state for the man we should be able to find some information for you."

Ariana nods her head in agreement and says," I am so happy to have a sister now. We have three little brothers. Another set of twins who are twelve and a little guy who is four. You will meet them later tonight."

"Great I would love to have brothers that don't hate me. Where are they at now?"

"Since mom and dad both work they go to the pack daycare till they come home."

" Speaking of work I need to get a job. Micheal never let me work outside the house before. I need to start earning my way."

"For tonight let's get you unpacked a bit and settled in. Tomorrow after school we will deal with getting you a job."

"Oh I'll talk to Mandy about hiring you at the store. I'm sure she will do it, we need the help."

"That would be great. I can't wait to start."

"At some point we will have to take you back to the clinic to get you tested. They will take your blood and do a few tests with it. Mom will give you more information on that later. For now let's go upstairs and get things taken care of."

So the three of us headed upstairs and we unpacked my stuff. It didn't even take an hour because I didn't have much. After we unpacked I offered to make dinner. Ariana said she would help while Byron had to talk to whoever knocked at the door.

A half hour later as we were getting the table set Laura comes in the house. Ariana asks about her dad and brothers. Laura told us about a hurt bird that was found at daycare and the boys offered to nurse it back to health. So they are setting up a safe haven in the garage. Laura gives the twins a hug as I go back in the kitchen to bring out the platters of food. Laura comes in and grabs the platters and helps me take them out. Then on our way back in she stops me and asks," I know today has been hectic how are you holding up?"

"To be honest I am feeling pretty good. I feel better than I did this morning. Byron said I would need to be tested, when can we do that? I want to know about my real life."

"Come by the clinic tomorrow after school and I will take you blood then. It should take twenty-four hours to get some answers. I did get the information from your mom about who offered them the jobs here. I will let you know what we find out as soon as we get the information."

"Thank you, I don't want to sound like my mother was a bad person but you have been more honest and open with me in four hours than my mom has in nearly seventeen years."

"Well first of all as Byron's mate your are now my daughter. Secondly I have never lied to any of my other children I will never lie to you. Now get over here I need a hug from the newest member of the family."

After i giver her a hug we grab the rest of the stuff and go sit down to dinner. After everyone is served Laura introduced the boys to me as well as her mate Mathew. I learned he is the Alpha of the pack. Rather than pry he asks about how school is going. And asked if we moved everything in okay. And then they told us about their day at the clinic. After dinner all of the kids work on homework, while the adults worked on reports from the hospital. Then we watched a movie as a family. Finally around ten we all went to bed.

The next day at school things went pretty well. I saw all three of my brothers. Chris treated me like I didn't exist. But the twins said hi. And said it's not the same without me. After school we stopped by the hospital to draw my blood. After that was done we dropped Ariana off at work. She introduced me to her boss and we talked about me working there. She said I could start tomorrow. I was so excited I hugged her. Then Byron and I left.