
My Werewolf King

Born human a young girls dies for her family only to find out she is really the lost queen of the vampires. And her mate is none other than the king of the werewolves.

Betty_Tatum · Fantasy
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9 Chs

A New Job And Answers

After we dropped Ariana off at work Byron took me out to lunch. He wanted to do something special so we went to the next town over and we had a late lunch at Applebees. After that we went to a move. When the movie ended we went back to the house. As we sat down on the couch I looked at him and said," Was that our first date? It was the best first date I have ever had."

"Yes you could say it's our first date. And I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. Now there is something I have been dieing to do for a while now and since we are alone I think it's the perfect time."

"Well stop talking already and do it."

He smiles at me as he leans in and kisses me. At first he is gentle but after a minute I can't take it anymore and I climb into his lap. Our hands are roaming all over each other. Finally I pull back because I need air and ask," Um okay so was that because your sexy as hell or is it because of the mate bond your sister was telling me about? I don't have any experience in this area at all. All I do know is I want you badly but don't know how to progress from here."

"Baby I want you just as badly but I want to wait until your birthday. BUT that does not mean we can't touch and taste each other till then. After all we only have to wait a little under a week. I just want your first time to be special."

"Okay I can understand that. But can we go to your room in case someone comes home. I just don't want to be on display if someone shows up."

"Come on baby let's get to know each other on a personal level."

After going up to his room we make out for a while. He shows me how amazing his fingers are. Then we talk. We get to know all kinds of things about each other. Then an alarm goes off and we get dressed again and got pick up Ariana from work. Once we come home I make dinner and dessert. By the time Everyone walks through the door I have the table set and ready.

Once everyone is seated mom says," This looks

wonderful, did you do all the cooking at the other house? I just ask because it seems to me the first thing you do here as well."

"Yes I had to clean the house and make sure the meal was on the table as soon as they got home."

"Well I hope you know we appreciate that you cook for us but you are not required to. We are just happy to have you here as one of the family not one of the staff."

"Sorry I have been doing it everyday for the past ten years it might be a hard habit to break."

"Well we like your food. But we like your desserts even better. Please say you made something."

"For you little bit always. But you have to eat all your dinner first."

"You are going to be a great mother. What did you make for dessert anyway?"

" Oh just a black Forest cake and home aid chocolate chip ice cream."

Both of the twins get up from their seat and run over and give me a hug and a kiss then they get back in their seats and eat dinner.

"You are going to spoil them. They will expect dessert every night now."

"Nope I think I will take a break from cooking for a while. I need to find new recipes anyway."

After I said that the twins looked at me and started tearing up. Then their dad and mom started laughing. Then everyone else started laughing as well. I couldn't help the pitiful look on their faces so I said," Maybe if your good I won't take a whole week off." Then they started smiling again and that just made everyone laugh even harder.

After dinner was cleaned up and putting away the left overs when mom and dad asked me, Ariana, and Byron to follow them to the study. I started getting nervous usually when Micheal called me to his office it was to be yelled at and hit.

"Okay so we asked Byron and Ariana here as support for you. Some of what we tell you might be hard to understand. Today I got the results of your blood tests back as well as some of the information about your father. First of all it sounds like your father never got the chance to mark your mother so when he died it wasn't as hard for her as it would have been if they had marked each other. That is actually a good thing otherwise your life would have been much harder than it was. Second your dad called the Alpha of the Shadow Land Pack to see what he could fins out about Jacob Novac. It turns out he is the son of the current alpha of that pack. So this means you have alpha blood, we also verified it with the blood test. Anyway the Alpha wanted to know why someone was asking about Jacob after all these years so the Alpha told him in as little detail as possible about you. Now they have requested to meet you but since your mate is the future alpha of this pack they can't take you back with them. So it is up to you if you want to meet them or not. Just tell dad when your ready and he will call them and tell them one way or the other."

"Do you guys know anything about them? Are they nice people? I have had my share of jerks I really don't want to meet anymore."

"Honey as far as I know the Alpha who's name it Thomas is well liked by his pack. He is said to be honest and fair to his people. But I have not personally met him so I don't know anymore than that."

"If I do agree to meet him will you be here with me?"

"Sweetheart as your mate I will be by your side the whole time. I won't let anyone hurt you again."

"And I'm your bodyguard you know I'll be there."

"And since he is a visiting alpha here to meet my daughter we will definitely be there. Also since he is an Alpha it's only polite that I be there."

"Thank you all, it's okay to set up a meeting. I start work at the store tomorrow so maybe do it during the weekend."

"Okay I will take care of it right now. And congratulations on the job we are happy for you. Now everyone go do your homework."

As we all get up we say yes sir and leave the room.