
My Werewolf King

Born human a young girls dies for her family only to find out she is really the lost queen of the vampires. And her mate is none other than the king of the werewolves.

Betty_Tatum · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Getting Answers

After a minute Byron helps me up and the three of us head to the clinic.

It takes us two minutes to get to the clinic. Once we get inside I ask the receptionist if I can speak to my mom. She has us wait in the other room while she pages her.

Mom comes out and sees us sitting there. She tells all of us to follow her to her office. Once we get there she has us all sit down as she closes the door.

"So why are the three of you here? I already told your mom it's okay for her to stay over next weekend."

"Mom we are here because it's not safe for me to go home. If Byron and Ariana weren't there I don't know what Chris and the twins would have done to me. While we were walking the track during p.e. Chris came up behind me and kicked me in the back. Then he said Your a freak and you need to die. I know why dad hates you and I can't say as I blame him. You should die. Can you tell me why he said that and why he did this. Oh and this isn't the first time he has hurt me."

Then I turn and show her my back. I know there is a shoe print on my back because Ariana said it was there.

She puts her hands over her mouth and just stares at me for a minute. I drop my shirt and say," I think something might be bruised it hurts to breathe. Once she checks me out and agrees with me she then writes me a note for the next two weeks to get me out of p.e. No excessive movement I'm excused from p.e. Then she has me sit down before she starts pacing.

" Look first of all I want to apologize to you for everything. The way you have been treated all your life is my fault. I don't know how Chris found out but he did. I'm very sure it wasn't Micheal who said anything but I'm not sure. Let me start at the beginning, you know I have always said I hate large hospitals because they ruin family's. Well that's because one ruined mine. You see before you were born we lived in Colorado. I worked at the hospital in Boulder. I had been the chief surgeon there for three months when a very cute doctor came in to be my intern. There was something magnetic about that man. I was drawn to him in a way I was never drawn to Micheal. I was a happily married women with three kids. I should not have been having those kinds of thoughts or feelings. I thought I had it under control. But one weekend there was a horrible blizzard. I was trapped at the hospital. Well to make a long story short I had an affair. We were only together twice but I got pregnant with you. The sad thing was he died in a car crash a week after we were together. The car he was in exploded. There was no saving him. He had third degree burns all over his body. He died on my table. I don't know why but it felt like a piece of me died that day. He never knew about you. After I found out I was pregnant I confessed to Micheal. After a horrible fight he managed to forgive me. He raised you with minimal issue. I know he always favored your brothers and I'm sorry. None of this is your fault. Micheal took care of you as well as he could. But over the last year he has started changing and I'm not sure why. I know he hasn't said anything to the boys so I'm not sure why Chris did this."

"Excuse me Dr. Richards my name is Byron and I am your daughters mate. There are a few things you both need to know and I think it might help a lot if my mother were here to help explain."

I look between my mother and Byron and wonder what the hell is going on. Mom nods her head and then Ariana leaves the room on to come back with a women I assume is her mother five minutes later.

"Hello Amber, Makayla my name is Laura. Ariana tells me I can help you and your daughter

How can I help?"

Mom once again repeats her story in a condensed version. Then I tell her about what Chris said today. Then I ask why. She looks at her children and then back at us and says," Okay both of you need to sit down. Amber I have a few questions for you. First do you know anything about the doctor you were with? How was the pregnancy? Has she done anything odd over the last year or just recently that would have turned Micheal against her?"

"I didn't know him that well. He was only there for a month. His name was Jocob Novac. She was premature by two months but came out fine. She was only in the hospital for a week before she got to come home. As far as I know she hasn't done anything odd."

"Guys what about at school?"

They both shake their heads no. Then Laura comes closer to me. She sniffs once and looks at the twins. You said Kindra started all of this right?"

They both nod their heads in agreement. Then she turns back to us and says," Okay working in Boulder you would have been in Shadow land pack territory. That will help when I do the search. You are currently in Bright Moon pack. It might take a little time but I will find out who you father is. Now what we are about to show you is going to be different. I think the reason Kindra told Chris about you is because she has always been after Byron. But it sounds like Chris is her mate. So now she is causing you trouble. Your father is what is known as a werewolf. Yes they are real. We are not crazy. Werewolves only carry a child for seven months that's why you thought she was premature. The reason my kids want her to spend the night on her seventeenth birthday is because that's when she will get her Wolf. You will also learn who your mate is on that day. But I can already tell you it is Byron. Since the twins are of age they will be able to feel their mate. He says it's you. I see your smiling I take it that makes you happy. You already like him that's good. Now just so you don't think we are crazy Byron is going to shift for you."

In two seconds flat he changes from Byron to a beautiful grey Wolf. He steps forward and butts my hand. I smile at him and pets him. I swear he starts purring. Then he steps back and changes again. Ariana hands him his clothes and he gets dressed.

"My guess is Kindra did something similar to Chris. If they are mates he would have felt the draw toward her, like I'm sure you did with the doctor. First things first, you all currently live in a werewolf pack. Whoever offered you this job probably met Makayla here and knew she would change soon so they got her close to a good pack. Where were you at before transferring here? Now it sounds like she might not be safe at home. if you want We can get your stuff from the house and you can stay with us."

Mom and I look at each other then she says, first off we were in Greentree Washington when I received a call about coming out here. Micheal wasn't happy at first but I got a raise and he got a job. All I know is some lawyer called and set it up. And even though I'm sad about everything that has happened I think it would be best for Makayla to move in with you. I'm sorry I did this to you baby but I want you safe. I will always love you and be your mother but I can't do what they do so go with them. I would like to know what you learn about her father and if it helps I will give you the paperwork and the name of the lawyer who set up this job."

"That would be very helpful, thank you. And since she will be moving to the heart of the pack lands I am telling you now you are the only one who is allowed there. With the way she has been treated no one else is allowed. Now I know your husband doesn't get off work till six so I think now is a good time to get her moved out."

"Yes I agree. maybe you knew deep down you wouldn't be in the house long I know you never took your stuff out of the boxes."

As I shrug my shoulders Laura says," there will be a moving van there in ten minutes you guys should head out. I will see you guys at home."

I hug mom one time then we head out to the house.