
My Sword Reject the Ninja Path[COMPLETE]

This is the story of a soul that as result of an error is gifted a second chance at life the only problem is that he won't know when,where and who he'll be and can have only one limited gift. And so he find himself in the world of naruto......but he can't use ninjutsu. Let's find out how he will survive. Hi there everybody i am a newbie writer ,so i choose to make a fanfic as they are easier, and i'm writing this only for fun hope you like it. Disclaimer: Until the chunin exam arc will follow the canon, with some small change, it is just that the MC will be more daring the stronger he get. The cover is found on Google and all credits goes to Prometheus@WingsofWax i think

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185 Chs

Chapter 30 - Preliminary Part 5

While he was trash-talking with Kiba, Naruto notice Akamaru presence and says "Hey Kiba! Do not bring a puppy it is in the way!" but Kiba explain that Akamaru was fighting with him, then Naruto ask at the referee if that was alright and Genma replies with "Yes, animals and bugs are the same as ninja tools, there is no problem".

Then Naruto taunt Kiba about needing help to defeat him and Kiba counter by saying that he will defeat him in one punch.

Genma annoyed by the kids antics says "Begin!" and soon the fight starts with Kiba taking a crouched stance and then using the Shikyaku no Jutsu(Four Legs Technique), upon activating this technique, Kiba gain a more feral appearance, his canine teeth lengthen, finger and toenails become claw-like, and pupils turn to slits.

Kiba then takes a four-legged stance says "Here I come" and with fast speed rush at Naruto and hit Naruto in the stomach with the elbow sending him flying into the ground then says "He won't be opening his eyes for a while referee" then make to go back to the upper level.

But just as Kiba turn his back, Naruto with a trail of blood coming out of his mouth get up and says "Do not underestimate me"

Ren from the stand look at this scene and think 'How strange is seeing this moment in real life, the starts of Naruto rise to power from this moment on He and Sasuke will gain power at ridiculous speed until they reach the top of this world in just 3 year, we can say that from here the real story starts...'

Ren's reminiscence was interrupted by Sakura next to him that screamed "Go Naruto!" then he again concentrated on the fight.

Kiba is running toward Naruto with Akamaru, then he throw a smokescreen bomb at Naruto's feet and when Naruto tries to come out of the smoke he is then attacked and pushed inside by Akamaru.

When the smokescreen fade away, what greeted everyone was the sight of Akamaru standing near the unconscious Naruto, then Akamaru run toward Kiba and suddenly bit him in the arm and then with a puff Akamaru become Naruto that still biting Kiba says "Hahaha you fell for it"

While another Naruto is holding Akamaru from his front legs noticing the situation Kiba decide to get serious and throw a soldier pill at Akamaru who eat it and start turning red and free himself from Naruto's clone, then he jumps on Kiba back and together use the Jūjin Bunshin(Beast Human Clone).

This technique transforms Akamaru into his partner Kiba. By doing this, Kiba gains a copy of himself that serves the same practical purpose as a shadow clone but without a shadow clone's steep chakra requirement.

Now both Kiba attack Naruto at the same time and he find difficult to defend himself and soon Naruto find himself in a rought spot.

Kiba then noticing the opportunity use together with Akamaru the Gatsūga(Fang Passing Fang),they rotate their bodies and deliver a strong body-blow to Naruto.

Naruto is now on the ground and tries to get up while saying"I....Hokage....can't lose" hearing that Kiba laugh and say "You become Hokage? Even though you are weaker than me? Stop acting tough hehe....If you want a Hokage, I'll become one!"

Hearing that Naruto get's up and replies "If you are gonna compete with me for the Hokage name, I'm gonna whip you like a dog"

Then Kiba hits Naruto with another Gatsūga raising a lot of dust obscuring everyone vision and when Kiba was about to hit Naruto with a third one he suddenly stops.

When the could of dust fades away what everyone saw was three Kiba looking at each other, seeing this Kiba grin and say "So that is your plan ,but I'll warn you about something, I wasn't focusing and didn't notice that last time but Henge No Jutsu won't work anymore" and start throwing a hard punch at one of his clones face knocking him out "Because you smell, do not underestimate our nose Naruto, we have won".

But the Kiba clone turn in a downed Akamaru then Kiba without thinking Hit his other clone saying "then you are Naruto" but also that clone turn into Akamaru and while Kiba was confused the first hit Akamaru get up and with a puff turn in Naruto who now jump on Kiba and Kick him in the face and says "Think before using a jutsu or it will get used against you, and also don't fall for such obvious traps, idiot!"

And as Kiba take out some shuriken to attack again, Naruto then says "Eh..so you're finally serious eh Kiba?" then using the ram hand seal to gather chakra he says "Then with my new special jutsu I'm going to end this!"

But Kiba do not give him the time and throw the shurikens that Naruto is forced to dodge then again use the Shikyaku no Jutsu and rushes behind Naruto.

And Naruto tense too much and let one out hitting Kiba right in the face, the bad smell stunned Kiba and from the upper level Sakura yell "Naruto now is your chance!"

Then Naruto make 4 Kagebushin, the clones kick Kiba into the air, each yelling "U-ZU-MA-KI" as they do so, while the target is airborne, Naruto himself performs a spinning heel drop, sending Kiba back towards the ground while yelling "Naruto Rendan!"(Uzumaki Naruto Combo).

Genma check on Kiba then he says "Winner,Uzumaki Naruto!"

Then Naruto run to the upper level where he met with Hinata that shyly give him some medicine for his wound the he goes back near Kakashi and Sakura where he offer her some of the medicine but she refuse saying that Ren has already given her first aid.

Meanwhile Hinata goes near the medic team that was taking Kiba away, and Kiba says to Hinata to give up if she met with Gaara or Neji and when she goes back to the stand,the referee Genma says "Now we'll announce the next match"

And our pal Scoreboard-kun shows

Hyuga Hinata vs. Hyuga Neji.

Pick Up of the Day

Something is rising and it isn’t the shield hero.

Have a Nice Day Cya

Odyincreators' thoughts