
My Necromancer Class

Jay was merely an abandoned butcher’s son, living in a small village on the outskirts of a magical world. When humans came of age, they would receive their class from a mana conduit, granting them magic powers, and begin their lives as adventurers. “Status,” Thought Jay, checking his class. [Necromancer Level 1] “...I’m a Necromancer?” His eyes widened in shock. Looking around in fear, he breathed a sigh of relief. No one heard him. This was a monster class, and one of the more powerful monsters at that; a powerful being which raised the dead to fight on its behalf. If anyone knew, they would hunt Jay down and kill on sight. He was not just a threat to the authority of the nobles, but to all living things. “But am I a monster now? Or human? I guess it doesn’t matter. They’ll kill me all the same.” Jay had only one option: to get stronger, building his necrotic powers up so that he may one day become untouchable. Through plotting, secrecy, and sometimes by sheer carnage, he can only attempt to survive in this hostile world. Join Jay as he struggles against all odds and misfortune, against a world that wants him dead, as he secretly rises and bends this world to his will.

Aero182 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
373 Chs


Jay was lying on a mound of roots, hiding among them as he stared at the patrolling knights, trying to find patterns as they marched around the outer settlement below the grand castle.

Blue lay next to him, also taking in the sight and receiving a lesson while Jay whispered to himself; its privilege as an aspiring commander of Jays future army.

“Hmm… there’s no way to sneak in, not with these roots covering and flattening everything, but luring them out would give away our presence. Plus, after killing a few, the intelligent ones will probably catch on quickly and only send larger forces out. There has to be a better way than to use the skeletons to bait them out.”

Blue glanced at Jay, perhaps not happy that it may be pathetically used as bait, though as a commander it would probably use such a strategy at some point.

As Jay looked across the empty, root-covered land, his eyes caught a glimpse of something, and with the gaze of a predator, his lips curled into a smile.