
Reality Check

[First person POV]

I was feeling good as I walked into the training room, excited and ready to test out my new abilities. "Computer, run sandbox simulation New York, beautiful day", I say as I float off the ground and the room changes around me.

As the scene changes I land on top of a tall building, enjoying a breeze on a clear, perfect temperature day.

One of the benefits of a simulation city is the air was clean and there was no pollution, I took a second to enjoy the moment before I started testing and training my new abilities.

"Beautiful, even for a simulation", a warm, slightly raspy male voice said from the right of me. "JESUS FUCK"! I yell as I jump a few feet away from the voice.

Looking at the person who spoke I see a man who stands about 6'2" and has wavy salt and pepper hair that sits perfectly and reaches his shoulders as well as a beard.

The man has a handsome face and kind eyes, he's wearing a white crew neck t-shirt, a dark blue denim jacket, jeans and tan work boots.

"Who-" I begin to ask only to cut myself off as the man starts to shine like a human-shaped sun, it was blinding for a moment before my eyes healed and got used to the brightness.

"You're the One Above All" I state dumbfounded, then I was confused why I hadn't gotten any abilities until I worked out a theory that this was just a projection of himself.

"He told me you were quick on the uptake", the One says with a smile as he looks over the virtual city. "And he is…"? I asked, leaving the question open ended.

"You should know kiddo, he sent you here", he replies with a care free attitude. 'Okay so he knows about God' I think to myself.

"It's an honor to meet you" I say to the One before asking, "To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit"? I ask him in a friendly manner.

It was at this moment that the warm, kind aura the One gave off turned cold; "I'm here because you're in serious need of a reality check"; he says looking me in the eyes for the first time since arriving.

The piercing cold blue was a stark contrast to the warm summer blue his eyes were before and a transparent force seems to shoot out from him.

On contact it feels like I was hit by a planet made of Adamantium, as I am rocketed through dozens of buildings before smashing into the Pradium wall of my training room, causing the virtual reality to glitch out for a second before fixing itself.

I find myself falling to the ground only to land back on the rooftop of the skyscraper beside the One Above All, back where I started.

I feel my shattered bones slowly reforming and my ruptured organs healing themselves, the pain I was feeling didn't subside like it usually does.

I was in so much agony I couldn't focus, "I'm also making sure you feel every second of this by slowing your healing factor, you will remember this lesson well", The One says as he looks down on me like I'm an unruly child.

"What… lesson"? I ask through my ragged breathing as I feel my spine reconnect in 1 of the many places it was snapped/broken.

"Your actions have consequences" the One answers as my body continues healing. Then an hour later my body finally finished fixing itself.

I take deep ragged breaths despite not being out of breath but slowly I get it under control and return to normal, now I'm just weary of more pain being inflicted on me.

"Listen to what I have to say and there won't be any need for more pain", the One says while watching as I stand up and change back to my "normal" form.

"I'll listen; believe me I'll listen, but what consequences? What actions"? I ask confused before taking the timing of this meeting into account, "You mean what happened on Asgard with Odin" I state rather than question.

"Yeah what happened with Odin, now this is but 1 of infinite Universes I watch over, so normally this wouldn't matter to me, except the Overlord of the infinite multiverses asked me to", the One states in exasperation.

'I never thought anything could affect the One Above All like this', I think to myself, to which he replies, "Actually it's easier to comprehend than you think, just imagine me being in the situation you're in now".

Okay that makes way more sense. I'm one of the most powerful people in the universe and the One Above All could kill me with a thought, it must be just as humbling to him as it is to me to be reminded your power means nothing in the face of some beings.

"Yes, it was an unpleasant reminder that although in my multiverse I am above all, there are other multiverses, planes of existence and beings that in the face of, I mean nothing", the One says with a slightly bitter tone in his voice.

"I still remember meeting him… God, it; it was amazing, like looking at universes contained into a human form" I tell the One, looking back at my memories of "the big man upstairs".

"He has many forms son; he is everything and nothing, the beginning and the end… He even invented death, now that's scary" the One says while, I assume, remembering his meeting with God.

"God doesn't do him justice kid, he's so much more than that... Anyway that's not why I'm here, we're here because the Overlord stepped in and prevented the fallout from your actions, and he asked me to talk to you because he doesn't plan to do so again", the One says while getting serious again.

"Okay, what did he prevent and what can I do to prevent more meetings like you just gave me with the training room wall"? I asked curiously.

"You know for one of the smartest people in the multiverse, you sure are stupid" the One replies before holding up a hand to indicate he wasn't done talking, preventing me from even starting to reply.

"Do you really think Odin would react the way he did to you stealing his power"? The One asked before starting his lecture.

"Odin is a paranoid and violently protective king, do you think he would just let some unknown person just walk away with a perfect copy of his power, knowing what he himself was capable of with it"? The One asked rhetorically.

"No, if the Overlord hadn't manipulated Odin's thinking, something he told me he detests doing, if he hadn't done that then Odin would've attacked you as soon as he realized what happened, not to mention you stupidly telling him about your real power", the One goes on.

"The battle would have destroyed most of Asgard, then Odin would have sent his men to retrieve his weapons of mass destruction once he knew he couldn't beat you one on one.

The first weapon he used would have launched you into space, injuring even you; you would then escape back to earth to hide in your lair to recover, which despite your vast power and healing abilities would take time.

Asgard's armies would then come to earth using the hidden paths Odin knows all about, searching for you.

In their quest they would overthrow all world governments and Odin would remind everyone that he wasn't just the king of Asgard and protector of the 9 realms.

In doing so Odin would remind the 9 realms that he was also their conqueror, and with Asgard busy looking to kill or subjugate you, their enemies would rise up, using earth as an excuse to wage their own wars for independence or dominance.

Odin, knowing he couldn't find you but needing to quell the rebellions, decides earth is too dangerous to be left unsupervised so leaves it to one of his generals and their army to rule earth and bring humanity to heel.

The resulting fighting and resistance will leave millions dead and earth firmly in a losing war with Asgard.

While that's happening Odin uses his immense power to free Hela early by reabsorbing what power had been used to bind her to her realm, in doing so Odin restores his waning power .

Using his restored power he brings his now violently psychotic daughter to heel. They then resume their conquest of days past throughout the 9 realms, billions die before order is restored.

Meanwhile you finally recover and crush the occupation on earth, only to have to deal with Loki's invasion; Odin gets word of this and comes back to earth with his army.

Loki and his army are beaten, but Odin uses subterfuge and takes control of Loki's scepter and the Tesseract, and uses them along with his millennia's of experience to beat you down, if barely.

In the fight the scepter is broken and Odin realizes what he is in possession of.

He then uses the mind stone to take control of you and Hela completely, turning you into the loyal attack dog and protector of Asgard he needs, and Hela into an unwaveringly loyal daughter.

His thirst to conquer reignites and grows past what it once was when he was merely a conquering warlord. With you, his children and a desperate drive to protect Asgard and bring peace to the universe he pursues the infinity stones and captures them out from underneath Thanos.

Long story short, he reverts himself back to his prime, makes himself almost invincible and takes control as ruler of the universe, crushing anyone and anything that threatens his rule and the peace he strived for.

Trillions of lives are lost due to all the fighting, but like always the pendulum swings back to center and peace is restored, albeit under the unstoppable might of Asgard and the God-King Odin".

The One Above All finally finished his recount of the future that God/ the Overlord prevented and I'm left standing there dumbfounded.

Not only in this future did I lose, but I became a slave to Odin… And he freed and subjugated Hela? This was a lot to take in.

I walk up to the edge of the building and brace myself on the half wall edge with my arms straight and my head down, almost like I'm doing a stretch for my calves.

"Take as much time as you need kid", the One says as he stands next to me watching over the virtual city again.

A few minutes later I finally manage to form a thought, "How could I be so stupid"?

"You're only human kid, mentally you're barely 51 and even then no human is immune to power influencing them if they haven't prepared for it", the One tells me.

"But I've been preparing myself for getting powers my whole life here" I reply dejectedly, thinking about how arrogant I was to just take Odins power right in front of him, and not when he was in his Odin sleep and I could be ultra-stealthy about it.

"Lex there's a difference between preparing for power and getting it", the One tells me matter of factly before he continues on.

"I'd suggest you cool down, get used to the powers you now have and stop being greedy. Take the powers that come your way and stop pursuing them, you're hunt for more and more power has isolated you from your friends, family and life in general".

Thinking back on it the One was completely right, I'd been so focused on my UFC, Batman and now Superman goals I'd left everything behind.

My work as Batman had made me stubborn and blunt to the point I cussed out my own parents for worrying about my mental state which allowed me to practically torture a man on PPV.

They had apologized for making me think they were attacking me for what I'd done to the guy who routinely beat his partner.

Mom had explained their side of things and that ultimately she and dad were only worried about my personal mental health and what I was capable of after the violence they'd witnessed me administer.

I still didn't feel bad about anyone I ever hurt physically or killed as they were 100% guilty, but I did feel bad about exposing those I was supposed to care about to it with violent glee.

MJ and Felecia were still away at college and were dating each other and probably other guys, I didn't really care as looking closer at it I had no close romantic feelings for either of them, I just had the usual lust and desire than any man looking at them experienced.

Peter and Gwen were happily together and we were just casual friends and occasional work partners now. Mostly because I was either busy or off doing my own shit… I'm glad they have each other, I'll make sure to protect that happiness they have.

As I stand there coming to grips with how isolated I'd become, how driven, how stubborn and bull-headed I realize one thing.

I wanted to live freely, but that drive had long gone from wanting to live without worries, doing what I wanted, to pursuing power for the sake of power.

Saying I wanted to live freely was a way to justify my greed, and it would be something I'd have to keep tabs on.

There was also another matter to attend to, "Sir-"? I begin to ask before I'm cut off.

"You've made the right choice kid, the Overlord told me if you came to this conclusion to help you, but only this once", the One says mysteriously.

"I didn't even finish forming the thoughts of what I wanted to ask you" I say with half-hearted chuckle.

The warm smile was back as the One says, "You wanted to ask me very respectfully to clean up this mess and hide what happened in the throne room from everyone/ thing that witnessed what happened".

I let out a "ha" in mild disbelief and then reply, "Yeah.. yes, please uh, thank you so much", not really knowing what to say.

The One Above All replies, "It's no problem kid, all anyone will remember is that Odin thanked you for your help, said he was uncomfortable with someone as powerful as you being on Asgard and asked you, as politely as he was able, to leave.

He'll just think you're a powerful seidr, not as powerful as him, who wanted to defend earth, and in return for Thor's help, defend Asgard as thanks".

"Thank you sir, I don't know what else to say, but I do have one more small request if possible"? I reply to the One in gratitude and a little trepidation.

"What is it kid"? He asks not fussed. "Umm, could you please remove the Superman name from everyone/thing as well? It shouldn't be up to me what I'm called, it should be up to the people", I tell him.

There's a small pause before the One replies, "Sure thing kiddo but remember, this is, The. Last. Time. That you will be getting either mine or the Overlords help".

"I understand sir, thank you again" I tell him with genuine gratitude. "I know kiddo, you're welcome, and just call me One", he replies as a comfortable silence descends on us.

After a short silence there're some things I know I have to ask him and if I don't I'll kick myself for wasting the opportunity. "One, just curious, but why can't I copy your power, I mean you're here with me".

The one barks out a laugh and says, "I'm only a projection Lex, I'm not dumb enough to show up in my true form for you to copy".

Feeling slightly embarrassed by my lack of critical thinking I realize and quickly accept that even being in the "projected" presence of the One Above All makes thinking clearly more difficult.

With that question answered I have one more that's more relevant to where I think I'm headed in the future, "One, what's it actually like being omnipotent"? I ask him.

There's a small smile on his face as he answers, "Yesterday I would've said boring, but after meeting "the big guy" again... It's a privilege; it's something that should never be taken for granted nor should the responsibility it brings".

"So it's a great power that comes with great responsibility"? I ask with a smile. "Haha, yeah something like that" the One replies with a chuckle.

"One, I don't want to be presumptuous or over step my bounds, but if you ever need someone to talk to or just hang out with, I'm here. I mean even the One Above All should have a friend", I offer him with legitimately no hidden agenda.

The One smiles warmly at me and places his hand on my shoulder before saying, "Thanks kiddo, I appreciate it".

It feels genuine but at the same time I knew it was more like something a grown up would say to a child. 'I may have to live a few hundred thousand years before we have anything in common', I think to myself.

The One Above All lets out a hardy mirthful laugh before looking back at me and saying, "I'll see you around Lex, stay outta trouble", before giving me a conspiratorial wink, like a father to his son, and vanishing into thin air.

"Haha that was terrifying and awesome", I say out loud to myself as I look out over the virtual city again.

After a time, I deactivate the training room and start making my way out, 'Maybe it's time to try living life a bit more', I think to myself as I head back to the main hub of my lair, 'At least with Odins enchanting ability I can live a bit more normally and not have to worry about holding back as much'.


[First Person POV]

In the months that followed my meeting with the One Above All I took some time to reconnect with my parents, Pete and Gwen, it was nice to just be kind of normal and enjoy life.

I had enchanted a ring made of gold uru to reduce my strength and speed to peak human levels, and after it was activated only I could see or even touch it (it was intangible to anyone but me), meaning it could be worn at all times.

With the reality check the One had given me I'd been taking it relatively easy, the Batman still patrolled and doled out his brand of justice, it's just that I wasn't always in the suit.

I helped when it was needed and shut down some drug and sex-trafficking operations but mostly the regular hero work was done by Spider-Man.

With his financials well and truly taken care of and the advanced lab he had access to, Peter had really upped his game and Spider-man was widely considered one of the top heroes around.

While I had been enjoying some down time I had 2 title defenses, which were far more fun with my new enchanted ring, but still easy.

I'd then made it look like I cut down in weight to 205 pounds and took that divisions title as well, I was 21-0 and champ champ season had arrived, I had a lot of fun just taking things as they came after that extra fame boost.

Christmas and the New Year were spent at my parent's estate along with May, Ben, Peter and Gwen. My mom and May had kept the friendship they'd made and had organised the holidays for all of us; it was a good holiday even if I did feel like a bit of a 7th wheel.

It's now 2012 and I'm sat in my lair thinking about the battle to come while working on the enchantments for my new Uru-Pradium nanites.

With the last of the enchantments made I stick my hand into a pool of what appears to be swirling liquid metal.

The metal runs up my hand, arm and shoulder before covering my entire body, head to toe before seemingly sinking into my skin.

"Selene run scans" I order my A.I. and a blue light appears overhead and surrounds me for a few moments before turning off.

"Scan complete Lex, new nanites working within projected parameters" Selene informs me shortly after the scanning was complete.

"Awesome" I say while walking over to the main terminal and going over the scans and information that was gathered, as well as some x-rays and deep tissue scans.

The nanites that had gone into my body had coated my skeleton and vital organs like a second skin, and then with a thought the nanites exit my body and form my new hero armor almost instantly around me.

"This will definitely make keeping my suit with me a lot easier" I say out loud, "That enchanting you picked up sure comes in handy" Selene replies.

"I'll say, now my suit is with me at all times and it protects my vitals when not in use" I say with a smile as my suit recedes again.

"Okay now it's time to try the interface" Selene presses on, "Right, well fingers crossed, it may not kill me but an aneurysm would still suck" I reply as I raise my right hand towards the terminal.

The nanites in my system and in particular my brain activated and made a connection between my mind and the computer without even touching it.

Files and plans I'd made pop up onto the screen and I sift through them with a thought, I quickly open up a new program and start writing code for a new training room scenario that I was making up on the spot.

The speed force channels through my body and mind and I start entering code faster and faster with my mind, all of a sudden the program I'm using freezes and an error sign pops up.

"Selene, it's time you got another upgrade" I say while walking into my lab and making my way over to one of our metal stockpiles.

I use my telekinesis to grab a large bunch of gold Uru bricks and bring them over to a large workbench in the middle of the room.

I center myself and proceed to lay enchantments on the bricks that will affect the metal itself, making anything built with it carry the same enchantments. In this case the enchantments were for cooling, transfer rates and capacity.

When I was done I tell my A.I, "Selene, use these bricks and upgrade all necessary components in the main terminal and your systems".

Happy that she was getting a new upgrade Selene replies, "Aww Lex, you always get me the nicest things" in a happy and sickly sweet voice before saying, "Upgrades will be complete within the next 24 hours", in a more business-like tone of voice.

"Good to hear, I'm gonna go into the training room for a while before heading home, good work today Selene, you're the best", I inform the ever helpful A.I.

"Have fun Lex, I'll be busy so unless it's important I'll talk to you tomorrow", she replies. "Yep, talk to you tomorrow Selene" I reply as I make my way into the upgraded training room, intent on finding some of this suits new limits.

The training room itself had been the first thing I upgraded with my Uru-Pradium metal and various enchantments along with new tech.

The training room was basically an endless hyperbolic time chamber with variable gravity and almost no limits now, although the time dilation effect was extremely difficult to implement.

Getting the time inside the room to move faster than the outside was an exercise in persistence and ingenuity but eventually I managed to make it into its own subspace where 1 year inside the room was only 1 day outside… I may have borrowed The Eye of Agamotto to help a bit.

I walk into the room which now has a 2-tone silver/gold coloring, "Computer, activate program B.O.N". The air in the room ripples as an ultra-realistic scape forms in front of me, "This should be fun", I say with a smile before leaping into action.


A shorter chapter this week, it's not entirely to my liking but I had it planned and followed through as well as I could.

I wanted to have Lex get slapped with reality and reminded that "Just because you're strong, doesn't mean your invincible".

In the infinite multiverses there are beings out there that can beat him without even stepping in the same room and in some cases (e.g. Odin) they can edge out a victory with their experience and resources.

Anyway I hope you all enjoyed it and if not I hope to get ya next time. Please leave a comment, review, or some power stones if you're feeling charitable, have a good one people.