

Inside the elevator, Xu Nuan who was burning in anger pursed her lips and wondered why he was acting this way. He was in the office and was not that busy, then why the hell was he ignoring her. She was busy thinking if she had done something wrong to piss him off while the elevator was moving to the Presidential office.

' He didn't find out that it was me who donated the money right? Or that I am Jiang Yue?' she thought but the next moment she shook her head and said, " Not everyone is stupid to believe in such fairy tales. It might be a truth for me but for others, it will be nothing less than a joke."

When the elevator reached the 23rd floor, she waited as the door opened, however, she stopped in her steps seeing Feng Sheng standing there, looking at her nervously. She could see his forehead covered in sweat, she shook her head and stepped out of the elevator.

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