
My Adventure in the Multiverse with Gacha (SI)

So I died, meet God, got wishes, and now I am reincarnating. I can't wait for my adventure to begin. MW: One Piece I own nothing but my OC please support the original works Tags: HAREM, Large harem, Multiverse, Gacha, System, One Piece, Naruto, Harry Potter, Marvel etc, Anime, Books, Movies, TV, Fanfiction, Smut

ShadowRose13 · Komik
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17 Chs

2 Adventure Begins

I put on the invisibility cloak and sneak onto Alvidas ship the Miss Love Duck. The Miss Love Duck is a large pink ship, with four sails, one higher than the other three. Each sail has a pink heart, and the ship herself has two hearts on each side. The figurehead is a duck and the Alvida Pirates flag flies on the mainmast.

I hid in the food storage where I know Luffy will be brought to after being stuck in a barrel after being caught in a fucking whirlpool! Still unsure how a barrel of all things survived a whirlpool but hey its anime logic. After waiting for about an hour the barrel was brought in by a pink haired boy with glasses, obviously Coby.

You know only now do I remember the Power up cards I got, silly me. So I used one on my DNA absorption power sending it to the next level. Now the DNA Absorption power allows me to copy DNA with just a single touch if I want it too now and I wont suffer like Kevin 11 in Ben 10 by transforming into a grotesque form from absorbing dna.

While I was doing that two pirates walked in and started talking about booze and threatening Coby. I decided to know them unconscious by slamming their heads together which frightened Coby.

"G-g-ghost!" he says loudly before I store the invisibility cloak away in my inventory.

"I'm not a ghost! My name is Alexander and I am of the living"

"B-but how did you become invisible?"

"Secret now you might want to stand behind me"

Coby doesn't know why, probably out of nervousness and fear, he listened to the boy before him.

I kick the barrel "Luffy wake up it's time for food!"

The barrel explodes outward revealing a boy in shorts, a red open shirt, and sandels with a straw hat "Fooooood!" the boy shouts before looking around and seeing me

"Alex? What are you doing hear and where is the food?"

"The food is all around you dummy and I am here for our agreement Captain Luffy" I say with a lopsided and endearing smile.

"Shishishi welcome aboard Alex." He said as he grabs an apple and eats it. I also grab an apple but it disappears into my farm "Woah how did you do that?!"

"Magic" I say with a grin

"So cool!"

"I'll tell you more later"

"So who is the boy behind you?"

"This is my cowardly friend um.. I never got his name hehehe" of course I know his name but I couldn't let them know that.

"Um my name is Coby. N-nice to meet you Alex and Luffy" he says bowing a full 45 degrees "Wait!" he stands up abruptly "This isn't the time for that you two should leave before Alvida finds you!"

"Who is Alvida?" I ask

"She is Iron Mace Alvida a pirate worth 5 million berries! You are on her ship if she finds you will either die or be forced to work for her like me"

"Ah only 5 million? Well no worries then me and Luffy can handle her easily but how did you come to work for her? You don't look nor act like a pirate"

"O-only 5 million?! You don't know how bloodthirsty she is! She is a cruel woman especially if someone comments on her about not being beautiful! You should hurry up and leave!"

"Ok ok calm down we aren't leaving and that's that. I'm also a bounty hunter." Luffy was just eating anything he could get his hands on.

"A bounty hunter?! Are you here for Alvida?"

"Nope I'm just here for him" I gesture to Luffy with my thumb

"Is he also a bounty hunter?"

"Shishishi nope I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!" said Luffy

"King of the Pirates! T-that makes you a pirate but wait you c-can't be serious being king of the pirates is impossible impossible! You'll die!"

Luffy bops him upside the head "Alex is right you really are cowardly. If I die for my dream then I die" he says with a smile on his face

"Luffy is right. I want to see all this world has to offer and if I die I die" Of course me dying just means I will meet God again or perhaps the God or Devil of One Piece. Am I afraid to die? Sure, but it depends on the how and with my cheats I am sure I won't die easily. Does that sound overconfident? Perhaps but so what.

"If you die you die…" Coby sinks into comprehension "T-then do you think I can be a marine?"

"Sure but it depends on you. If you quit being afraid of everything I am sure you can be a great marine."

"Then I'll be a marine! I'll catch pirates especially Alvida!"

"WHO DID YOU SAY YOU WERE GOING TO CATCH?!" said a voice from above before a large iron mace broke the ceiling and a very large fat woman fell through to look at us especially Coby

"AH! N-no one Alvida!" Coby immediately shouts losing his nerve from just moments ago.

"Hey Coby who's the fat lady?" said Luffy

"Now now Luffy a woman is sensitive about her weight." I pretend to admonish him

"S-shut up she is Alvida the most…" Coby thinks over our previous words "She is the fattest whale on the whole world!!" he shouts. 'There I did it!'

"Coby!!" She yells before swinging her mace down only to be blocked by Luffy

"Shishishi good job Coby" he said before punching Alvida back up to the deck of the ship before jumping up himself.

"Hehehe you are in for a good show Coby" I say grabbing the panicking boy before jumping up after Luffy "You want to divide the small fry with me Luffy? I'll let you take care of their captain too"

"Sure Alex!" he said before stretching his hand back, literally stretching several meters back before it shot forth at high speed "Gum Gum Pistol!" his fist hits a pirate sending him crashing back. This stunned all the pirates.

"How is this possible?!"

"He's a freak!"

"Did you see his arm?"

"Of course I saw it"

"Oh good it wasn't just me"

The pirates all begin to talk among themselves "Shut up!" Alvida yelled "He must have a devil fruit."

"A devil fruit!"

"They exist?!"

"I thought those were myths!"

"What are you all doing? Attack them!" Alvida said pointing at us three with her mace.

"Y-yes lady Alvida!" all the cannon fodder yells at once before rushing at us.

"Sorry about this pretty lady but we are gonna take down your crew." I say trying to build up some affection from Alvida before she gets the slip slip fruit. By her small blush I can see it worked. What? I am a pervert and she becomes a beauty later so of course I want her.

"Bring me that one alive" she says pointing at me. See it worked.

Soon I was ducking and weaving through a crowd of swords as I fight back throwing punches and kicks all around while Luffy does the same only with his devil fruit abilities. Each one I defeated makes me stronger thanks to complete dismantling giving me their stats even though I can't see them I can feel it. The other stuff gets put in my inventory automatically as loot.

Once her crew was reduced to a mere handful she got angry "Useless all of you" she then rushes Luffy and hits him with her mace but it didn't hurt him at all

"Sorry beautiful but I'll see you later" I say to her which makes her blush with a confused look on her face before Luffy punches her sending her flying off into the distance.

"Good Job Luffy" I then take down the rest of the remaining members of the pirate crew "Now let's steal a boat and some supplies before heading out to continue our adventure"

Coby looks at us amazed while Luffy laughs.