

"Who the f*ck are you!?" "Hmmm... good question, I don't really know, but what I know is YOU ARE DEAD IN 3..." *cough* "Ho..w?" "2..." *cough* "Well, that is because.." ***** The book contains 2 MCs, having the theme "reincarnated in my novel". Our MC will do anything even if it's something beyond the moral compass. The first chapters will be somewhat boring and contain a lot of info bumps, but please bear with me! Also my writing will grow progressively (I hope) Insta: the.shame1ess The cover is not mine so if you don't want me to use it, please tell me!

TheShameless · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
25 Chs


In a dark alley, three teenagers filled with dark burn marks were scattered in all directions and trambled looking at a brown-haired youth.

"Y..ouu! Dee...mon!"

With his last thread of courage, Anthony spoke with palpable hatred in his voice.

"Hmm? I didn't hear you, can you say it again?"



Out of nowhere, Anthony woke up with his abdomen crushed by Azael's leg and shed a lot of blood at once.

"I didn't hear you, can you say it again?"

As he said that Azrael's face twisted and a terrifying sadistic smile appeared on her.

"My my, you won't speak?"

Rising his leg, Azrael placed it above Anthony's hand and let it down with an even bigger and more terrifying smile.


"Upssie! It seems that your vocal cords are almost useless! You know, I can empathize with your suffering, so I'm really really..."


"O my, I didn't observe that I broke your leg..."


"Ahhh, stupid me! I broke your other leg as well! What should I do?"


"Tchh, now your vocal cords turned useless? Well, I suppose that your friends can take your place..."


"O? You are still conscious, you know I always wondered what if an III-degree burn is placed above an II-degree burn, how much will it burn?"

With a simple motion from his finger, Azrael created a small flame above his index finger and moved it above one of Anthony's burns.

"Shall we proceed?"



D*mn I almost lost myself!

I really hoped that it won't happen again, but it even got worse.

Ohh, it was almost to forget, where is Scarlett?

Turning my head around to search for her, I felt a tight hug around my chest.

[You are targeted by a Unique Skill, "Yandere"!]


[Yandere (passive)- As long you do something related to your loved one, you have luck on your side and receive a substantial buff.

Side effect: You become a yandere]

What the f*ck is this?!

"Hehe, you are so comfy!"

No, f*ucking shit! I can't have a psychopath, well not that I'm any better, with me! To not say that she is a two-sided sword!

"Ahhhh... you smell so good!"

Or? Can I use her... in one way... but in another... you know what, I should better wait for some time...

"Hehe, your hair looks so pretty, and that blood on your face makes you look so sexy..."



I'm a virgin, you can do this to me!

"Ahhh... even your shy expression looks sexy..."


"Don't worry, your Onee-san will take the lead... and savor you wholly!"


"Is anyone here?"

Aaaa... sooo... thee insulating barrier has been deactivated?"

"Tchh! Who are you to disrupt my lovey-dovey time with my kohai!?"

In just a couple of seconds, a security officer appeared, the same one as back then, and seeing the burned students he placed his hand on their bodies and teleported them to the infirmary.

"I don't know what kinky stuff you two are doing, but I advise you to leave"

"Thank you for your advice officer, we will go now, right, sem..pa..i?"

"Ahhh, so cute"

Without caring about what she was saying I simply left the dark alley and observed that quite a crowd gathered.

"Ooo, who are they?"

"Hmm, I don't know any of them..."

"Wait a minute, I think I recognize him..."


Moving through the crowd, I let go her hand and lost myself between the people, thus I successfully evaded from her. It's not like I wanna be a virgin all my life but that girl scared me to death. I even forget to use my authority and find her information. What I am, some idiot!?

Accelerating my steps, I headed straight to my room, as a matter of fact, I wasn't only covered in blood but my Magic Power was almost depleted so while I could use my body I still had a feeling of tiredness.





Staying in the shower I started washing and thinking about what happened this last week. How I started becoming better, how I finally started having a sense of relief, as well how I didn't beat an eye for playing with her life, or how my sanity just got worse and I started even torturing people for fun.

"Did power get to my hand?"


I'm not even Azrael but live his life instead of him and the best part? I don't give a f*ck! I don't care if he is in hell or Heaven, or is he in my old world, for what I care he can be dead, and I still won't beat an eye!

"Hahahaha... I'm even a human? No, the truth is that I don't even give a f*ck, everyone can die and I still won't give a f*ck! Haha..haha...."

With a hideous smile on my face, a clouded mind, and hysterical laughing crosses, I left the shower and jumped on the bed. I didn't remember almost anything that I have done after that, but what I did remember was a faint notification sound...


Seeing them leave, the guard cast a little insulating barrier, and with a cold voice said:

"Are you here Shadow?"

"Yes, Miss"

As her question was asked, a sarcastic voice responded and, from the officer's shadow, a black thing exited and formed itself in a humanoid form.

"What do you think about him?"

"Hmm, he is quite talented and powerful..."

"And yet?"

"...he is mentally unstable"

"But didn't he control himself?"

"Maybe right now, but what in the future?"

"That remains to be seen, Shadow"

Hearing the officer's cold voice, Shadow backed away some steps and started speaking again, but this time a little bit more respectfully.

"Be your way, also it was to forget, the Ice Fairy will come to the academy"

"What brings her here?"

"Boss's orders..."

Hy everyone, would you like an R-18 Chapter?

TheShamelesscreators' thoughts