

"Who the f*ck are you!?" "Hmmm... good question, I don't really know, but what I know is YOU ARE DEAD IN 3..." *cough* "Ho..w?" "2..." *cough* "Well, that is because.." ***** The book contains 2 MCs, having the theme "reincarnated in my novel". Our MC will do anything even if it's something beyond the moral compass. The first chapters will be somewhat boring and contain a lot of info bumps, but please bear with me! Also my writing will grow progressively (I hope) Insta: the.shame1ess The cover is not mine so if you don't want me to use it, please tell me!

TheShameless · Fantasy
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25 Chs

School life (5)

"Welcome to the Magic Power Class!"

Standing on a footing chair, a man in his forties looked down at his students. With white hair, blue eyes, neat facial hair, and sculpted-like features, the man was like a God, attracting all the girl's attention.

"As you know, I'm "The Ice Commander", and from today onward I'll be Mr.Solomon for all of you"

"Understood, Mr.Solomon!"

Hearing his students, Solomon stroked his mustache in satisfaction and with a flick from his fingers small crystal balls appeared in front of each student.

"Magic Power, the source of everything, an almighty existence, the power to make everything come true"

Saying this Solomon stroked his mustache again and continued his explication.

"Every living being, possess it, and so do humans, and not just that, and not just that, we have different attributes"

Taking another break, Solomon raised his hand and a dark blue flame appeared above his palm.

"What you see, is a flame infused with my attribute, Ice. And as I precedently said humans have different attributes, thus is very important to know which attribute you have. That's also why I gave you the crystal balls."

With another pause between his words, his face suddenly become serious and his aura lacked outside of his body.

"If you broke them, I kill you!"


"Then what are you waiting for?"


Is he a melodramatic b*tch?

Placing my hand on the crystal ball, I poured a little bit of my MP and it become a combination of black and dark purple.

[MP attribute: Shadow (+10% ATK; +20% Defense (passive))]

D*mn it! I was quite sure that I'll get Fire!

"Woah, you got Shadow?"

"Yes, what did you get?"

"Just electricity..."

Just!? That's the most op attribute in terms of offense!

"What do you mean? Electricity is very op and useful"

"But it's not cool!"

Huh? That's your problem!? No, rather why am I surprised by it? I f*cking wrote you!

"Think about a mighty dragon made of thunders in a thunderstorm sky"

"Huh? What is with it?"

"Isn't it cool?"

"Cool? You want to say lame"

Huh? Lame!? My heart...

"Hahaha, isn't this a surprise?"

An amused voice covered the entire class, and the source of it was Solomon, that was now beside a student.

"I didn't see Ligh attribute for quite a while..."

"As expected from No.1"

"I can't wait to see..."

"..but neither Shadow"

As in unison, the class shut down, and Solomon turned around to look at a youth with dark brown hair and pale skin.

"Who is he?"

"Idk, I didn't even realize that he existed until yesterday"

"Yeah, he stayed together with Evelyn-sama yesterday during the Herbology class"

"Tchh! I'm so jealous!"

Like he didn't even see the reaction of the class, Saliman appeared before the youth and asked in a kind voice:

"Who are you?"

"No.47 Azrael Bates"

"So a top 50. Not bad, if you decide to come to me during your free studies, I'm willing to help you"

"I will keep it in mind"

"Hope you do so..."

Moving from Azrael, he arrived in front of the class and with a deeper voice he attracted the attention of every student.

"Ahem! Now that I have the attention of everyone, we shall proceed with attribute infusion. First is very important to understand your attribute, your similarities with him, how can it..."


"Man, that was boring..."

"Hmm... I don't know, for me at least, it was quite pleasant"

"I suppose we have different meanings for pleasant"

Why can't she leave me alone?


"It seems that I need to go..."

"Sure, see you tomorrow"

"Yeah, bye!"

Hurray! I'm finally free!

Without blinking an eye, I hurried my steps and headed toward the dorms.

"Ha b*itch!? What don't you understand?"

"She is just trying to mess with you"

"Hohoho, it's that true?"


Why couldn't I have a peaceful day?

"I'm not keen on the fighting, but if you insist, I don't mind... beating all of you to death"

"Big words from a nobody. Why don't you try to make them real?"


Standing in a dark alley, a pale youth stayed before three others. With a faint smile on his face, he raised his hand in a sign of invitation and said:


But it did not even matter what he said, cuz already a muscular youth attacked him, aiming for his head. Without a hint of worry on his face the pale youth, Azrael, moved his hand and within a couple of seconds he unleashed his barely visible attack.


Falling on the ground with his arm filled with circular deep wounds, the muscular guy screamed and looked at Azrael with pure hatred.

"I'll kiilll... youu!"

On the other side, the other two made their moves, and even though it was a tight place, and were mostly blocked by their friend, they managed to land clean shots toward Azrael's left shoulder and right knee.

Not even batting an eye at the attacks, Azrael opened his mouth and let loose a blackish fire breath.

"Not bad"


Screaming in pain the three, that were now full of grade I and from time to time with grade II burns regrouped before the muscular guy and a weak shallow light covered them.

"You just got lucky that we didn't activate our Unique Skill!"

"You are right Anthony, he is now dead meat!"

Positioning himself in a battle position, Antony disappeared and with his fist clenched at maximum power, he aimed again at Azrael's head. But before he could hit him, a hand stopped his momentum completely.

"Aren't you a little bit too weak?"


With a simple move, Azrael destroyed Anthony's hand, but at the same time, Anthony used his right hand to hit him in the stomach.

"So that light is a healing skill?"

"Heh, so you start to understand"

With a smile, Anthony moved again from his position but was taken aback when he saw Azrael smiling maniacally as if he was a devil.

"Indeed, doesn't that mean... that I can beat all of you multiple times to death?"