

"Who the f*ck are you!?" "Hmmm... good question, I don't really know, but what I know is YOU ARE DEAD IN 3..." *cough* "Ho..w?" "2..." *cough* "Well, that is because.." ***** The book contains 2 MCs, having the theme "reincarnated in my novel". Our MC will do anything even if it's something beyond the moral compass. The first chapters will be somewhat boring and contain a lot of info bumps, but please bear with me! Also my writing will grow progressively (I hope) Insta: the.shame1ess The cover is not mine so if you don't want me to use it, please tell me!

TheShameless · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

Arcana Club (1)

[You completed the requirements for "Last thread of sanity"]

[You received "Glimpse of Madness"]


Waking up after last night I suddenly saw two notifications from the system.

What is Glimpse of Madness?

[Glimpse of Madness - Allow the user to let his target see the utmost level of madness that the user had, for a short period]


With a pleasant surprise, I read the description and I couldn't help but smile. Isn't this a perfect match with Fear Induction?



Ahh, it was to forget, I need to prepare...


"Hehe, you finally come"


Standing beside my door a redhead with dark green eyes and bountiful assets looked at me with a creepy expression on her face.

"What brought you here?"

"Can't a sempai take care of their kohai?"


Shouldn't she be at least E-?

How did she get beaten then? Was she hiding her strength? Did...

"What are you thinking?"


"If you say so..."

Mimicking a sad expression he looked at me with puppy eyes. But unfortunately for her, I'm no pushover, I won't yield to her trick...

"I was thinking about how beautiful you are!"

"Hehe, you don't..."

Indeed I didn't yield to her trick...

Anyway profiting by this brief opportunity I activated Old One and looked at her stats.


-Status effect(s): happy, in love

-Name: Luna Ravenwood (currently)

-Class: Witch

-Side Class: none

-Rank: D+ (E+ (19%))

-Race: Human

-evolution progress: 33.2%

-Age: 17 (body), 17 (mind)

-HP: D+/D+ (E+/E+)

-Stamina: D/D (E/E)

-Magic Power: D+ (E+)

-Endurance: D (E)

-Strength: D- (E-)

-Dexterity: D+ (E+)

-Agility: D (E)

-Charm: D+ (E+)

-Luck: E- (D-)

-Willpower: C- (D-)

-IQ: 120 (110)

-Authority: none

-Unique Skill(s): Yandere

-Skill(s): MP Control Lv.MAX; MP Concealment Lv.3; ...

-Manual(s): Acrobatics (69%); Insane Hands (87%)]


With genuine surprise, I checked again just to see the same overpowered stats.

In the name of all that's holy, how did I end in such a situation?



With a short kiss, Luna woke me up from my inner dialogue and trowed me in a state of confusion.


"Woke up sunshine!"

Looking around me, I saw a large hall filled with different spaces decorated after a theme. Every space had a table, some unique utensils, and a diversity of other equipment.

"Who did you bring?"

Approaching us, a tall but frail-looking youth, trowed a dispersed look at Luna and looked at me with curiosity.

"Do you know something?"

"Just some basics..."

"At least that..."

Turning around the youth, also known as Lucas, put me before one of the tables and gave me three pieces of paper, a bottle of ink, and a paintbrush.

"Make at least one talisman, and you pass"


Haering my response Lucas smiled amused and left in a greater mood than before.

Just wait until I finish, I'll savor your dumb-folded expression!



Without even realizing Luna grabbed my face and kissed me again but this time more passionately.

"If you do well I'll give you a present..."


That didn't help me at all! Also, from where are yandere so dold?


Seeing Luna leave I sighed in relief and smiled.

Even though it didn't happen as I planned, I entered directly into the admission exam for Arcana Club, and not just that but Luna probably has a high rank, if not even a position headmaster position.

By entering Arcana Club, you receive a workplace and materials for free, but in exchange, you need to contribute to the club's budget.


I lost enough time, so let's start!

[Unique Skill "Absolute Truth" has been activated]


[You obtained a normal skill!]

[MP: -/F+]

[Basic Magic Print Lv.1 - Allow the user to print an already existing model on a target. Requirement(s): physical contact with the target]

D*mn! I got the wrong one! I forgot about this one! Well what it is, it is...

Rising from my seat, I placed one of the pieces of paper, in the middle of the desk and opened the bottle of ink.

[Deep Squid's Ink (F+)]

Grabbing the paintbrush, I infused it with ink and started drawing a complicated symbol. The "writing" took quite a toll on my hand and mind but in the final, I obtained three talismans.

Mostly most peoples succeed in making the drawing for the talisman even though not perfectly, but when it comes to putting magic power in it, the chances of failure were as high as 25%.


Now that I terminated the first part, is time to use it...

[You activated "MP Storage"]

In an instant, the surrounding of the three talismans, which were in a safe place each one from another, illuminated briefly, and a void-like sensation surrounded the area, that was now sucking the MP from surrounding.

[You successfully created 3 talismans!]

"You are quite decent, at least..."

Did you need to say again that last part?

Standing beside me, Lucas who was wearing round glasses this time was looking at the talisman with an indifferent expression.

It seems that he was attracted by the sudden MP void.

"Let's see if it's at least useful"

Making a sign to follow him, Lucas entered a room padded with Silver Fish Scale, an extremely durable material and as well highly resistant to magic.

"This is the test room, where you can test an experimental product or an enchanted existing product"


[You activated "Enchant"]

Taking one of the talismans, Lucas took an apple out of his spatial ring and threw it in the air. In not even a second the apple was covered in small bark patterns and seeing it, Lucas snapped his fingers.


The apple exploded instantly and created a decent shockwave.

What do you think about it?

With a sneaky smile, I looked at Lucas, who didn't disappoint me and had a dumbfounded expression.

If I haven't used my MP already and barely regenerate some, it would have been even more grandiose.

Turning his head around, Lucas looked at me, but unlike the last time he...