
Chapter 335 Lin Huefeng's choice

Liu Mei's mother was also shocked when she saw the black panther that quickly appeared in front of them.

Although this magic beast was actually smaller in size compared to her 'red-winged condor', but the oppressive aura coming from its body, was actually countless times more powerful than the condor itself.

After all, as an early rank 7 Heaven grade cultivator, Lin Huefeng could vaguely sense the terror hidden inside the 'Silver-winged panther king's' body! 

Although Liu Mei hadn't explained to her exactly how powerful this panther named Little Silver was, with her experience, how could Lin Huefeng not realize that it was even more powerful than the personal magic beast of the head priest from the 'Golden Buddha temple'?

Seeing that the 'red-winged condor' had already started to tremble and was nearing the brink of collapse, Shun Long had Little Silver restrain its aura.