
Modern Family: Living the Chef Life

An aspiring chef hit by the almighty caucasian semi-truck gets sent to ROB. He convinces ROB to send him to his favorite TV show "Modern Family", with some cheats and of course no system. ROB says sure and sends him on his merry way. Watch as this chef becomes the best of the best as he aspires to be while dealing with the sitcoms shenaniganery. Disclaimer: I do not own anything except my OC's. Also to reiterate, there would not be any systems, however he would get slight help in this situation. MC is twins with Hailey.

Jin_K8po · Televisi
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9 Chs

Bicycle Thief (Part 2)


"Right, so, let me get this correct. This girl named Katniss Everdeen shot an arrow at a force field and lightning came by to strike a tree?" Felix stared at his girlfriend with bewilderment and panic. Whatever she thought was cool terrified him to no end. Imagining a world where the regime was giving "protection" for people while they use their children for entertainment.

"Yeah, that was the badass thing about it." - Cecilia

"What do you mean badass thing? It's not like the arrow was magic..." - Felix

Cecilia hurriedly interrupted his long winded whining of physics and nonsensical logic. "It also doesn't make sense that a someone would get teleported in narration to someone else's crimes when they're describing a suspect."

Felix stopped and stared at her, squinting with seething judgment and disappointment. "You said 'you loved Criminal Minds.' "

"The show is unappealing when you're eating lunch." Cecilia turned and walked forward disregarding any mention of an argument further. He rushes towards her catching up before Felix notices a familiar duo across the street.

Cecilia looked towards them as well, "Hey, isn't that your dad? I recognize him from the picture..."

Phil happened to look across the street feeling a gaze from a source he couldn't point out.

Felix forced Cecilia to turn and look towards the shop in front of them. "Look at that beautiful dress."

"Baby, it's a sandwich shop." - Cecilia

Realizing his blunder, he pans slowly to the sign that read; "Joe's Sandwich".

"I knew that..." Felix trailed on, turning around to see if the parental figure had went into the bike shop. "Stay here, 'kay?"

"O-" Before Cecilia could make her response, Felix bolted across the street jaywalking fast-paced. Cars sped by cursing him out for his stupidity.


Phil and Luke were looking at several multicolored bikes, the pair holding bike horns pressing them in front of each other.

"Okay buddy, what if we go look around and I try to surprise you with the horn?" Says Phil, bending down to Luke's height level.

"Sure, let's do this Dad, promise you I'm not gonna be surprised." - Luke

The third man, a clerk of the store stood between the two menacingly. He sternly shut down the idea before it blossomed. "Please do not do that in the store, Sir." Emphasizing the manner of fact tone in his voice.

Winded Felix wheezing with much needed air huffed and puffed arriving in front of the trio.

"Felix, where'd you us?" - Phil

"I saw you across the street, so uh... Why uh... are you guys here?" Breaking his words every few beats. Nervousness is not a word he was familiar with, but if his girlfriend was to meet one of the psychos earlier than he planned, the reactions would not go the way he could.

"We're just buying Luke a bike." - Phil

"Yeah, Dad says I get to have an awesome bike." - Luke

Felix stared at Phil, wide-eyed and communicating. 'Mom, let you buy Luke a bike?'

Pursing his lips, Phil slowly nodded his head, afraid that Luke would see the conversation. "What about this one Dad?" Oblivious to the silent short one-two conversation between the elder son and father.

"Hm... this white one that costs way too much." Phil's voice slightly ever faltering gazing at the prize tag.

"You can surely afford that." Adding fuel to the fire, Felix looked at his Dad grinning at his expression. A mix of guilt and hesitancy covered Phil's face before bowing to the will of the two...


Heading out the trio conversed about the chic new bike Luke now owned. "Dad this is the coolest bike ever."

"It really is, I wish I had one before having to borrow Hailey's." - Felix

"That was a pretty good bike." - Phil

"Grandpa said I looked like gay barbie doll learning how to ride a bike." Felix continuing the low ride of guilt tripping his father.

Stepping unto the wall of the shop Phil gave the talk to Luke. "So, buddy. Certain member of this family don't think you can take care of this bad boy."

"You mean Mom?" Luke inquired.

"Felix's words not mine." Phil redirecting the blow to the third person in this. Felix looked at his Dad with an unbridled 'the audacity of this bitch' type look. It's not to his fault, he was also scared of his mother, less so than Phil, but still very terrified of her.

"Look, your mom and I are a team, and she... We feel like this is a chance for you to show some responsibility." - Phil

"And if you don't Mom's gonna take away your laptop... your freedom, and she's gonna lock you in school, and make you study forever and ever until you become like Alex." - Felix.

Luke's face crumbles more and more into a feared deposition. The imagination of a child turning towards an endless hours of nonstop studying and lessons, fearing the sun, no laptop or electricity... All because of an untaken care of bike. "No, Felix he's um... He's just joking there buddy. But, what he's trying to say is, don't make us look like jerks here."

"I won't." - Luke

"Okay. One more rule. Have, like, three buttloads of fun." - Phil

"Thanks Dad." Luke sped away on his new bike with a renewed sense of fun and youthful vigor. Leaving Phil and Felix in front of a bike shop. "I'm gonna go too Dad, see ya."

"Oh... okay. Stay safe!" Phil waving to Felix goodbye before realizing the child had run-off.


Author's Note: Ah, shit. I really need to use the Author's Thought function. Yet another short chapter, I don't feel well enough. I'm gonna go back to my usual chapters, it doesn't feel too correct to just focus on Felix, cause it is Modern Family. Drop this whenever you guys want, I won't blame you if you think it's too boring. Have a fun summer y'all.