

Amelie is a young and beautiful businesswoman trying hard to set foot in the industry with her new company, ran with the help of her cousin,Dennis. The events lead to her taking the place of her cousin's fiancè-to-be,Rosè, in an arranged marriage settled by Rosè's family. Her soon husband?None other than the heir of the prestigious Yoxal group, Aiden Yoxal, the temporary ex-boss she had no less than a few months ago. At first, Amelie is thrilled to have her kind ex-boss as a fake husband.It was better than a complete stranger,right?Plus they seemed to get on pretty well together.But his attitude is completely different?He looks at her as if she is his enemy! Soon her husband's indifferent and cold attitude turns Amelie into a cold and indifferent wife. What will happen to these two? Will they finally divorce or will they give this marriage another chance? But it won't be so easy when the world's most stubborn man is against the world's most stubborn woman.

WandererXXII · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
79 Chs

Chapter 49

Amelie was waiting for him outside with a few clothes on her hands.When she saw him coming out,she opened the door of the stairs in a glass wall and continued upstairs first.They reached the second floor.

Aiden noticed that the second floor also had a few rooms with white doors like downstairs,but the layout was completely different.The space they were was like a hall that had a huge beautiful mirror and a table on a side with a huge flower vase and a carpet in the middle.But they continued in the third floor which also had a different design from the other two floors.

The reason was because until Amelie was in university,these two floors were seperated in small apartments and given for rent.After the big housing project in her families land,they earned quite a lot,so her family didn't mind losing this source of income anymore and decided to redesign these spaces so when she and her siblings got their families,they could stay here more comfortably,in their own rooms.

Amelie then started to guide him.

"These two rooms have double beds and the other two have two singular beds.There are also two bathrooms here,pick one to use so I can use the other.That one over there is just a storage room, so you don't have to bother yourself with that.The other room there is like a walk in closet, you can put your luggage there if you want or in your own room.Your choice."

Aiden picked one of the rooms and took his things there,then he picked one of the bathrooms.

"My family doesn't like invading people's privacy, so they won't come upstairs unless for a good reason,but that doesn't mean we can't be too careful."Amelie warned him.

Aiden nodded again,she then went to the other room and closed the door.


In the morning Amelie immediately got up early. She wasn't mentally relaxed enough to sleep in.

She opened the door and went to do her morning routine.After that she went back to her room and scrolled on her phone to pass time.

It didn't take long and she heard a knock.Amelie got up and saw Aiden who was wearing a pair of casual clothes and his hair wasn't as styled as usual.

She raised her eyes and quietly waited for his request.

"...When should we go downstairs for breakfast?"

"My family doesn't eat any breakfast like your family.Go back to your room and I'll call for you when it's time for the morning coffee."

"...Aren't your parents already awake?"Aiden had went to the balcony in the morning and was admiring the beautiful garden downstairs.The he saw Amelie's mother watering her flowers.

"My parents usually wake up early,but they won't have their morning coffee without us.You don't want to start acting this early in the morning do you?"She then said sarcastically."I didn't know you liked acting like my boyfriend this much."

Aiden looked at her eyes and took a step closer. Amelie didn't move and let him tower over her.He smirked and played with one of her locks of hair.

"How can I not when you've been taking your job as my girlfriend so seriously?"His hand moved from her hair to her cheek,slightly caressing it while saying."Though there are still some services as a girlfriend,you haven't properly given yet."

Amelie slaped his hand away in disgust,feeling humiliated by his words.Aiden put the hand in his pocket and leaned on her ear whispering.

"I guess,I need to give you the status of wife,for you to provide me that special service.Aren't you scamming me a bit?Some just need to give you the status of mistress for you to give them your service."

Amelie pushed him away and said with full coldness, her eyes filled with hate.

"You can insult me for my character or anything else,but you have no right to insult me for my morals!I have no idea what type of people you've met to think of all women as some shallow creatures,but let me tell you that your fault doesn't lie on me or anyone else,but the people you associate yourself with!If you try and look at women with another filter,but that filthy,negative one in your eyes,maybe you'll finally realise that all of us are not the same!"

Aiden coldly looked at her,not saying anything. Everytime he saw her,that scene with Gabriel would replay.Everytime he remembered her face those nightmares would replay.

Amelie saw how he just stared at her and didn't want to waste her time with him anymore.She tried to shut the door on his face,but Aiden held it.

Amelie tried even harder,but Aiden didn't budge and opened the door with a swing of his arm, slowly making his way towards her.

Amelie noticed how the look in his eyes was different and her heart jumped as she backed away from him.

"How much?" Aiden asked as he walked towards her.

Amelie took a step back.

"How much do you want for you to be mine?" Aiden took another step forward,while she didn't answer.

"How much is your price?"

Finally,her back hit the wall.There was no way for her to escape as Aiden towered over her and trapped her in the corner.This was the same way that bas**** trapped her.

Aiden slid his hand on her waist,under her hoodie, touching her bare skin,the place immediately heating up as if on fire.

"Let go!" Amelie finally protested."I don't want anything from you!"

"You must definitely have something you want.If it isn't money,then it can be anything else.Do you want me to help you with your company?I can get you some good resources.All you have to do is be mine."Aiden had a completely dead look in his face as he uttered those words while he pulled her to him,their bodies clashing together.Amelie felt his warmth that on her,her body involuntarily becoming weak.Aiden lowered his head near her,his warm breath sprinkling all over her face.

"I said I don't want to!"

"Then why aren't you rejecting me yet?"

"I am!"Amelie said.

"Are you sure?"the tips of their noses touched and Amelie's body which originally, was barely holding together,instantly became weak.Its reaction was completely the opposite of her words.It was then when Amelie noticed that her voice was weird and very weak and her body was responding to his touch.Aiden breathed heavily,his voice hoarse as he said on her lips."Are you willing to cross that line with me?"Now Amelie was also breathing heavily as her eyes were misty,looking at his lips. Aiden took her hand and put it around his neck and whispered."What do you say?Is it still a no?"

Amelie closed her eyes as her body slightly trembled at his whisper which was like the devil telling her to fall to that temptation.

She knew that if something happened now,then there was definitely no turning back from that point and on.If she leaned in or let him lean in then there was no way for her to get away from him anymore.That man had broken her heart,but that man was also the only one who had actually managed to get her heart.She hated him,but couldn't help but also feel attracted to him.

Amelie slowly leaned in.Her mind screamed no, but her heart screamed yes.If her face leaned even a few more milimeters in,then she was about to do the biggest mistake of her life.

Let yourself free for once Amelie.Make a thoughtless mistake for once in your life, maybe you won't regret it as much as you think you will.

Aiden waited for the girl to lean in.He could see how she was accepting his invitation so he let her come to him.The words from the Amelie in his nightmares kept replaying in his head.

"Too bad,I'm Gabriel's."

"I was never yours."

"I will never be yours."

But the real her was the one leaning in now,her body responding to all of his touches,her lips about to clash with his.

Was this the revenge he wanted?Aiden didn't care about after,all he wanted now were those lips that he tasted every night in his nightmares.