

Amelie is a young and beautiful businesswoman trying hard to set foot in the industry with her new company, ran with the help of her cousin,Dennis. The events lead to her taking the place of her cousin's fiancè-to-be,Rosè, in an arranged marriage settled by Rosè's family. Her soon husband?None other than the heir of the prestigious Yoxal group, Aiden Yoxal, the temporary ex-boss she had no less than a few months ago. At first, Amelie is thrilled to have her kind ex-boss as a fake husband.It was better than a complete stranger,right?Plus they seemed to get on pretty well together.But his attitude is completely different?He looks at her as if she is his enemy! Soon her husband's indifferent and cold attitude turns Amelie into a cold and indifferent wife. What will happen to these two? Will they finally divorce or will they give this marriage another chance? But it won't be so easy when the world's most stubborn man is against the world's most stubborn woman.

WandererXXII · Urban
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79 Chs

Chapter 50

Amelie raised her head slightly and was about to touch those lips,but suddenly stopped.She lowered both of her hands, holding his neck, putting them on his chest and pushed him away. From that perspective,Aiden could only see the top of her head,he had no idea what her expression was like.

"No."Amelie said firmly."I won't do this.I'm not some object with a price.I have respect for myself.No matter what you give or what you try,my stand will not change."Amelie then looked at him,her eyes deprived of any emotion as she said clearly each word."I will never be yours."

'I will never be yours' those words echoed in Aiden's mind, overlapping with the ones in his nightmare.He let go of her and just looked her down with the same gaze,deprived of emotion,then suddenly laughed in her face.

Amelie's expression didn't change as she watched him laugh at her.Aiden stopped and looked at her again with those dead eyes.

"You must think of yourself as someone very desirable."Aiden then tried to touch her face,but Amelie immediately avoided his hand.Aiden didn't mind and continued."People are bound to get bored of just a pretty doll.In the end,it's only a matter of years of how long this pretty face can get you what you want."

He then left the room and slammed the door.

Amelie's hands clenched.She wanted to throw all his rags away and scream at him to never show himself in front of her anymore.

She then weakly sat on the bed her eyes stinging, but she refused to let a tear slip.She swore she would never cry for him.

The real reason she felt so angry and sad,the real reason her eyes stinged,was because she felt too powerless.She had made an oath that she would become powerful enough so no one could hold her back,so no one could touch her or her family, but it took only one word from this man to make all her family's hard work to become futile.A word she was desperately trying to block.

Amelie looked at the mirror in front of her.She went there and wiped her eyes and looked at her reflection with hate.

It was always her who would make her family sad. It was always her who would ruin everything.

"[Why do you have to always ruin everything Ame?]" a young boy's voice told her in her memories and a young girl saw her with dissapointment.

Little Amelie who was haf their height, just lowered her head quietly,trying to surpress her tears.

Amelie noticed the thoughts were getting dark and pulled herself out of them,chanting in the mirror that everything would be fine.


After 1 hour and a half,Amelie opened the door and banged it loud enough for Aiden to hear that she had gotten out.Just as she had guessed he opened his door and followed her behind as she climbed down the stairs.

This morning it were only them two and her parents.They would have their morning cofee outside in their gazebo that was covered by the vines,filled with blooming,small roses.The garden was very beautiful,especially in the morning,with several blooming flowers of the season.No one would guess that they were far in autumn.The flowers and the morning,golden rays made it feel and look like spring,despite the slight cold air.

Aiden basked in the sun he could barely enjoy in his country.No wonder people loved everything mediterranean.Be it climate or food, everything was amazing for an escape from the stressful life.

The language barrier didn't stop Aryan from being chatty as always.Amelie who was a very slow person in the morning had to constantly be translating,draining her quicker than usual.

Aiden seeing the small cup of espresso Aryan drank ,thought that it would be a short morning chat,but it had been like two hours by now and he still hadn't finished it,while Helena and him who were drinking Americanos from large mugs had long finished theirs.

When Aryan finished his coffee half an hour later did he finally let everyone go.

Amelie went to her room and changed into a short plaid, pencil skirt and a white turtleneck then she spoke to Aiden who was sitting in the living room watching some TV.

"I told my parents that we're going out so I can show you around a bit.Go change." she didn't say anything more and went to put on some make up and style her hair.

Aiden turned off the TV and went to change.By the time he was down,Amelie was still getting ready so he had to wait alone again,since Aryan and Helena had their own things to do.

Amelie came out with her hair slightly curled in the ends and with a pair of huge hoop earings, with a white bag on her shoulder and a pair of white high knee boots on her hand.

She went to put them on at the door without saying a single word at him.

"[Mum,Dad we're leaving!]"Amelie yelled and soon both her parents came to say their goodbyes. Their family had this habit of informing and greeting eachother when they came or went for years.

"[You don't need to wait for lunch.I've planned to take us to a restaurant since he wanted to try the traditional cuisine.]"Amelie lied without blinking.

"[Have fun,but don't be late for dinner!]"Helena and Aryan told them.

Aiden also nodded and said goodbye like Amelie had told them and went to get in the car,but Amelie stopped him from getting in.

"You'll close the gate." she said coldly and entered the car after putting her sunglasses on.

She skillfully got the car out quickly and waited on the road for him to close the gate and hop in.

The drive was silent,but Aiden finally broke it after a while.

"Where are we going?"

"To murder you."Amelie said and didn't add anything else.Aiden side eyed her and didn't say anything anymore.

After a while Amelie parked her car near a park and got off.Aiden did too and followed her as she made way to the huge park.

Amelie walked quietly on the pathway that was around a lake and covered in huge trees.Aiden was next to her with no choice but to walk with her.

"You can go and explore wherever you want.I'm not planning to be your tour guide anyway.We'll meet at the center around 6 o'clock,then return home."

Aiden stopped his pace and looked at her.Amelie also stopped and turned around to see him,her arms crossed on her chest.

"Very well.I don't want to spend my whole day with you either."

"I guess that's the only thing we can agree on."Amelie said and then walked past him with no care.

Aiden turned his head and watched her leave.His eyes were gloomy.He then put on his sunglasses and continued walking in front,exploring the park.

Amelie went to the place where she had parked her car.At first she opened the door,but closed it again.She had no idea where she could leave to kill some time.The park was her favourite place, but she couldn't return due to a certain someone.

Finally she closed the door and went to the park again taking a small,hidden trail after seeing an old couple take it.She walked and saw a small empty playground and sat on one of the swings, thinking and sighing.

I can't believe I will have to marry that guy.After swinging for half an hour she left the car on foot and explored the area around.

The park was near a university with a century old architecture.Amelie looked at her previous university and remembered the times she would come to this park when class got cancelled.

She would either walk or do her homework waiting for the next class.

Her younger self would never think she would be in this situation before.

Amelie sighed as she watched the younglings sitting on the stairs laughing with eachother.Her eyes were drawn by a teen couple.The boy wiped the place the girl sat and put his arm on her shoulder pulling her in his embrace.The girl giggled and leaned her head on him with a happy smile.

In those moments she felt more pathetic.Those situations she had imagined with Aiden when he hadn't shown his real face.When she only knew the sweet and charming him.

Amelie looked away and continued walking. Romance wasn't made for her,she should've stopped hoping for something by now.