

Amelie is a young and beautiful businesswoman trying hard to set foot in the industry with her new company, ran with the help of her cousin,Dennis. The events lead to her taking the place of her cousin's fiancè-to-be,Rosè, in an arranged marriage settled by Rosè's family. Her soon husband?None other than the heir of the prestigious Yoxal group, Aiden Yoxal, the temporary ex-boss she had no less than a few months ago. At first, Amelie is thrilled to have her kind ex-boss as a fake husband.It was better than a complete stranger,right?Plus they seemed to get on pretty well together.But his attitude is completely different?He looks at her as if she is his enemy! Soon her husband's indifferent and cold attitude turns Amelie into a cold and indifferent wife. What will happen to these two? Will they finally divorce or will they give this marriage another chance? But it won't be so easy when the world's most stubborn man is against the world's most stubborn woman.

WandererXXII · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
77 Chs

Chapter 46

"You're not the one who decides when it's done." Aiden stood up and downed all the whisky.

Amelie didn't turn her head.

"I agreed so I decide." she then slammed the door.

Aiden followed her and saw her take her luggage out of the room,obviously she was leaving.

He didn't stop and just landed a question.

"How much money do you want?"

Amelie paused and looked at him confused.

Aiden laughed when he finally got her attention, making Amelie even more confused.

"How much money do you want to marry me?I know your kind,so just state a price.You'll get both a green card and millions.This must be really easy money right?"

Amelie finally understood and was disgusted.She didn't entertain him anymore and continued her way making Aiden laugh even more loudly.

"You still want to continue pretending?Fine,we'll do it like you want.I insist,"Aiden blocked her way and had a hand in his pocket as he took a strand of her hair,wrapping it on his finger."What's your price?"

Amelie felt even more insulted and disgusted.He was treating her as if she was a prostitute.

She slapped his hand away.Aiden didn't mind and just looked down at her amused.

"Move.I'm not dealing with you ever again."

Aiden didn't flinch.

"I'm saying it again.State your price."

"I said I'm done.Do you need me to tell it in another language for you to understand?I never want to see you again!"

Aiden's face changed and his smile fell.

"I'm being nice enough,but if you want it the hard way then I will do it the hard way."Aiden took a step forward.Amelie wanted to back away,but she had to stand her ground and didn't avoid his eyes.

"If you don't agree to marry me,"he paused and towered over her."I'll make sure you regret it.Don't forget, I am much more powerful than you think and that power can reach your country."

Amelie's face became colder.

"So you're going as low as to threaten me?"

Aiden didn't anwer her,but got closer,his breath sprinkled on her face.

"Think very well.You're a smart girl."

He then backed away and brushed against her,as he entered his room.


Amelie clenched her hands and her lips,trying to surpress her angry tears.Then she left and slammed the entrance door while wiping her tears.


Almost 2 months passed.

"[So when are we meeting Aiden?]"

Amelie stopped chewing and raised her head to look at her father.Her heart jumped,but she continued chewing and after swallowing answered.

"[I don't know since he has been quite busy. Running a company is pretty hard work.]"Amelie awkwardly laughed.

Her father who was usually happy and kind,was slightly dissatisfied.

"[I can understand that he's busy,but you made time to meet his family.The least he could do is the same.]"

Amelie was quiet,but no one noticed her fingers were white as she gripped the spoon.

She hadn't contacted him at all since that day. Neither did he.All this time Amelie had been like sitting on thorns and constantly asking her brother about his work.That threat had really scared her so she hadn't dared to tell her family it was over and made excuses when they asked. Just when she had finally started to relax, her family dropped this.They were reaching their patience limit,they wouldn't be taking her lies anymore.

"[...I'll ask him today again.When do you think would be a good day to meet?]"Amelie asked as if she didn't mind much.

"[It would be good if it were a weekend so that Ivan and Hekate could join us too.]"

"[Hmm?]" Amelie thought."[How about two weeks later,on Saturday?]"

"[We'll ask Ivan and Hekate if they are free,then we'll decide.]"

Her parents were finally satisfied.

For the next few days her family decided on the date to meet for a dinner at their house.

Amelie looked at the caller ID for several minutes still hesitating to call after many hours of avoiding.

Finally,she closed her eyes and tapped the name.She heard the sound of the dial for a bit and the call was finally picked up.


None of the people were speaking,but then a sarcastic voice spoke from the other end.

"I thought you had completely forgotten about your fiancè?"


"You didn't call because you miss me so what do you want?"

Amelie took a deep breath and spoke with a serious tone.

"My parents want to meet you."

"...I'll see what I can do with my schedule so we can decide a day."

"The day is already decided and it'll here at my house.It'll be on the 18th."

"That's too soon."

"Either that day or it's over."Amelie said with a cold tone.

Aiden started laughing at her.

"You really think you're in a position to make demands."his tone then became cold."Don't forget,I'm the one who decides."

"You're wrong Mr.Aiden.For my marriage,my parents decide.If they don't agree then it's over.They're already enough dissatisfied with you."Amelie said to him.

Aiden chuckled.

"I didn't know you were such an obedient daughter.I wonder if they're aware of your values."

Amelie had a hunch that he thought of her as some kind of golddigger,but she was still unaware of why.

"I don't care what you see me as.I said what I said. If my parents don't agree then consider this thing over.They would never allow me to marry someone who offers me no respect and no care."

Aiden was silent for a few minutes.

"...Fine,I'll be there on the 18th."

"You don't need to prepare anything.My family doesn't lack anything.We want nothing from you." then she ended the call.

Aiden heard the disconnecting sound and took the phone of his ear,throwing it away.

He then sipped from the wine in his glass. Lately,the bottles of alcohol he drank were adding in numbers and that call wouldn't help his case.

Aiden remembered the cold voice that spoke to him now and couldn't help,but compare it to the one a few months ago.He then downed his glass and didn't fill it anymore,but drank from the bottle.

After finishing a few other bottles,his mind was in a hazy state.

Aiden closed his eyes as he leaned on the sofa.

"Aiden!Aiden!"that sweet,sultry whispered in his ears.

Aiden opened his eyes immediately and saw her face smiling at him.It wasn't the innocent smile he had seen before.Her eyes looked down at him and her hair locks tickled his face.

"Aiden!"Her luscious lips said his name in a whisper and her eyes looked at him playfully and seductively.

Aiden just stared at that beautiful face mesmerised and in a deep trance.

His voice was hoarse as he asked her.

"What are you doing here?"

The girl who was behind the sofa,made her way around it while sliding her fingers lightly.She was slowly making her way towards him in a black, sexy satin dress and finally was in front of him.She didn't hesitate and sat on his lap,hugging his neck,her face a few inches away from his. Amelie leaned on his ear and whispered.

"What do you think?"

That whisper sent chills down his spine.She then moved from his ear and kissed his lips deeply.

Aiden's hand made way under that thin,black dress and held her waist,pulling her closer and kissing her deeper.

The kiss was long and lingering, revealing all his pent-up desire.Their tounges danced together and when they finally broke from it, a string of saliva joined their lips together.

"Do you want more?"Amelie whispered to him.

Aiden was as if under a spell and answered obediently with a hoarse voice.

"I do."

"Do you want all of me?"

"I do.I always do."

"Too bad." Amelie had a wicked smile as she put a her finger on his lips."I'm not yours.I'm Gabriel's and his only." she then stood up and said like a curse looking down on him."I was never yours, and I'll never be yours."

She then turned her back on him.

"Amelie!Amelie!Amelie!" Aiden tried to follow behind her,but was too weak to get up.He couldn't even crawl on the ground towards her.No matter how many times he called for her,she didn't turn her head,never sparing him even a glance.