

Amelie is a young and beautiful businesswoman trying hard to set foot in the industry with her new company, ran with the help of her cousin,Dennis. The events lead to her taking the place of her cousin's fiancè-to-be,Rosè, in an arranged marriage settled by Rosè's family. Her soon husband?None other than the heir of the prestigious Yoxal group, Aiden Yoxal, the temporary ex-boss she had no less than a few months ago. At first, Amelie is thrilled to have her kind ex-boss as a fake husband.It was better than a complete stranger,right?Plus they seemed to get on pretty well together.But his attitude is completely different?He looks at her as if she is his enemy! Soon her husband's indifferent and cold attitude turns Amelie into a cold and indifferent wife. What will happen to these two? Will they finally divorce or will they give this marriage another chance? But it won't be so easy when the world's most stubborn man is against the world's most stubborn woman.

WandererXXII · Urban
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77 Chs

Chapter 47

Aiden woke up with his robe soaked in sweat.He wiped his face and looked at the empty bottles near him.Nightmares like this had been visiting him frequently every time he closed his eyes.

Aiden removed the soaked robe and walked towards the huge,glass window,looking at the city lights.Even though it was pretty late, the city still looked a bit lively.

Aiden gloomily looked down in thoughts.His grandfather would probably take his position immediately if he broke this nonexistent relationship off now.He might even guess that everything might've been a play,so he couldn't take any chances.

Even though he felt betrayed and disgusted, acting like a couple with Gabriel's lover,he couldn't waste his hard work and reputation.This position gave him more power in the eyes of people,so he could easily take his revenge against them later. He would crush Gabriel so badly once he got the chance.

Suddenly, the beautiful face that showed up in his nightmares came to mind.Aiden's eyes got even gloomier.He wouldn't let her off so easily either.


Amelie was waiting in the airport and anyone could see how her mood wasn't the very best. Today had been windy and cold so she had planned to wear a hoodie and a pair of matching trousers,but her mother didn't allow her.

"[You're meeting your boyfriend after so long dressed like a homeless person?I raised you better!Put a bit of effort like you do when you go to work!]"

She had even picked her the outfit for today.

Amelie was wearing an above knee, brown, nitted, turtleneck dress that hugged her figure.There was a huge black belt on her small waist and she wore a pair of knee-high black boots.

Amelie had recently cut and dyed her hair into her natural colour,dark chestnut.They were straightened, and hanging on her shoulder.She wore a pair of black sunglasses and waited with her hands crossed, her eyes on the gate.She was beautiful and eye-catching,but also aloof and unapproachable.

Aiden got out of the gate and was looking around.

Seeing how he hadn't seen her yet,Amelie called out to him,but he was still looking around,trying to look over the crowd.

Amelie approached him and only then did he look down,noticing the woman who had a cold expression on her face.

"Follow me." She didn't say anything else and just walked towards the exit.

Aiden didn't say anything either and just followed her behind.For a moment, he hadn't recognised her.She looked pretty different from the last time he had seen her.

Amelie shivered when she felt the cold wind,but in front of Aiden she seemed nonchalant and normal.She was desperately trying not to look pathetic and weak in front of him because of her pride.

Aiden followed her to the black sports car and loaded his luggage.He sat on the passenger seat and she on the drivers seat.

This sudden change of roles was a bit weird for both of them.

Amelie started driving, and during the whole, she didn't utter a word and only focused on driving. Aiden wasn't planning on saying anything either so he just looked at the unfamiliar city out the window.He had never been to this country before and he had never thought that he'd be here to meet his "in-laws".

After an half hour drive,they entered a neighbourhood with different villas, each one being different from the other.Aiden had never seen anything similar before,since usually neighbourhoods like these would have the same architecture with just a few changes.Soon Amelie stopped at the most eye-catching of the villas.A big three story white villa,with glass balconies,but what was the most eye-catching were the huge green pines that made a natural wall,hiding the garden.

Amelie climbed off her car and went to open the door herself and parked her car inside the garage.After that, she just climbed down after opening the trunk for him,she then said something to her father who was closing the door.

Aiden awkwardly got out of the car.He had been too used with having his door opened so for a minute he had forgotten to act like a gentleman in this setting.

For a moment Aiden felt his back sweating,when he saw the people outside,waiting for his introduction.

Aiden took his luggage and slowly went to Amelie with a smile.Amelie also had a shy smile as she seemingly introduced him to her family.

"These are my parents, Aryan and Helena."

Aiden smiled as he shook their hands.Her father looked pretty stoic when his face was serious,but that air around him completely disappeared when he smiled.His brow shape was similar to Amelie's, and his eyes were hazel,full of warmth,but he could feel the invisible intelligence and sharpness.Despite the smiles,this man was studying him well.Amelie's mother was very similar to her in a way.He noticed that the refined features came from her.Her nose was thin,and her face shape was small and refined,her lips had the same cupid bow shape.Helena had a pair of golden eyes with a black mole in her iris.All her features seemed detailed and delicate,but the look in her eyes was completely different.Amelie hadn't inherited only her mothers appearance,but also her high and prideful look.She was smiling, but her intentions weren't that well-hidden as that of her husband.

"This is my brother Ivan and his wife Rhea."

Aiden shook hand with her brother.

"We meet again."Ivan smiled at him.Aiden didn't know if it was his imagination,but that grip felt a bit stronger than it should.Rhea on the other hand was completely different from her husband. Smiling and looking very carefree.

"These are my sister Hekaterina and her husband Paulo."

Hekaterina smiled as she greeted him.She was more similar to her father than her mother.Her eyes were a bit foxy and hazel and they had the same warm smile.She seemed a bit more cheerful and warm than Amelie,while her husband was more serious and mature.It was probably because he was a bit older than them.

Then she introduced their children, who compared to his nephew and nieces,seemed more mature despite their younger ages.

"These are my brothers daughter and son,Ester and Julio.This is my sisters son Mattia."

The three children shook their hands and greeted him obediently.The oldest was Julio who was 6,his sister Ester was 4,while Mattia was barely 3.

Aiden greeted them,they were a bit shy,but returned his greeting.

"[Please,come in!]" Aryan said while gesturing with his hand and Amelie slightly translated it to Aiden.These days, this would be her job for tonight.

Ivan took the luggage from his hand and put it in one of the rooms inside.

Aiden noticed how everyone removed their outdoor shoes at the door and proceeded to do so like them.Then they sat down at the huge living room. Amelie stood up and started bringing a few snacks and drinks on a tray,serving everyone with the help of her mother.Mattia would follow her behind the whole time,even when she sat down next to Aiden.Mattia sat down between him and Amelie.Hekaterina tried to interfere,but Amelie just told them that it would be okay.It was better for her this way.

Aiden thought that it wouldn't be too hard for him since because of the language barrier,it would be Amelie who would answer the questions mostly,but boy was he wrong.

Maybe the parents weren't fluent,but her siblings sure were and there were basically 3 expert translators in just that room,so he didn't escape any question.Mattia on the other hand was almost glaring at him,making it even more stressful for him

After feeling the glare the whole time,Aiden lowered his eyes and made eye-contact with the small kid.Mattia saw that and immediately hugged Amelie's waist,rubbing his face on her tummy,without breaking eye-contact with him.

Amelie lowered her head at her nephew's actions and smiled while lightly caressing his head,which resulted in the bloom of a triumphant smile on his little face.

Aiden just blinked and casually snuck a hand on Amelie's waist while smiling and answering the questions he was hit with.

Amelie flinched.