
Mind over Matter

"In a world full of ordinary, Be the Tankhun." A side story to Kinnporsche the novel. Because we can't get enough of Tankhun. Let me borrow the character of Tankhun, eldest son of the Mafia family. **** What will happen when our Drama-King Tankhun goes to college and meets a not-so-ordinary Amy? **** Novel available on Wattpad @AprilsSmiles Tankhun fanfic | Mind over Matter ****

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44 Chs

12. Pete, the panther

Hey Readers,

    This part happened right after chapter [5. FIRST DAY]

Now I'm just gonna tell you what happens next from Pete's perspective. When Tankhun - after listening to what Amy whispered - gave up on his jacket.

-A.S. Styles ^^


Author's POV:

Khun left after giving his golden jacket to Pete. What is he going to do NOW? That's what came to Pete's mind after watching Khun's gone. For some reason Vegas looked like in a good mood. Now what is HE going to do?

Why do he always end up getting the uneasy feeling whenever these two does out-of-the-character things!?


"Let's go Pete." Vegas said while putting his hand on Pete's shoulder.



They were going back to home. Something was bothering Pete. That girl from earlier, something about her... but what? He doesn't know how to comprehend his thoughts.

"Pete.... Pete... PETE?" Vegas shouted and hit the brakes. Pete came out of his thoughts, eyes widen.

"Wh... What?" Pete first look outside then at Vegas. He thought they had an accident or something.

"I was calling you non stop! What's going on in that head of yours? Huh?" Vegas asked.

"...nothing." Pete said making Vegas furrowed.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah.. what was you telling me?"

"I was saying that after dropping you off I have to go back to main family's house."


"Nothing important, just to meet Kinn... about some small deal.." Vegas told him half truth. And started the car.

"...okay..." Pete was staring outside thinking about Khun and about .... that girl. It's was first time that Khun was trying to save someone. And that someone was no other but a girl. He didn't asked for Pete's help to beat that guy. He didn't even shouted like crazy at that guy. He kept staring at the girl. She doesn't even look like some celebrity or model or something so that can't be a reason for Khun to look at her. Then why? He even tried to start a normal conversation with that GIRL!

It's supposed to be Tankhun's first day but why is everything end up being Pete's first. The way Khun looked at her back when she was leaving, as if he wanted... something.

Pete didn't notice anything extra ordinary on that girl, except the English notes that she was holding. But that's not important... What was more surprising that she didn't even looked interested in Khun, maybe that's the reason behind Khun's uneasiness.

Khun's whole being was shouting rich, rich, rich... And not to mention Khun handsomeness. Maybe the girl was not okay in head. She was way too normal but at the same time not so ordinary.

"Stop the car!" Pete said suddenly.

Vegas hit the brakes without even asking why. And looked at Pete in question.

"I wanted to eat at that shop." Pete pointed at a food shop.

"No way. That's a cheap place. If you are hungry I'll take you to a better one." Vegas said.

"No I wanted to eat there. Taste is what matters to me.. and what's wrong with having something cheap." Vegas made a face. "Well if you don't wanna come.. you can go first to meet Khun Kinn."

"Are you kidding me! How can you..." Vegas was still saying while frowning but Pete opened the door ignoring him and step outside. "What the... Pete wait.."

"Don't worry after eating I will go back. See you later. Drive save." Pete was smiling but Vegas looked mad. Looking at his angry face Pete's smile widen.



Pete ordered two palates of fried rice, one spicy and one mild. He was sitting on a table outside the food shop. He looked around a little, but his eyes was set on the medical store across the road.

Obviously he's not here just to eat. He looked around for any fimiliar car. Every passing minute makes him more nervous. He was tapping his fingers on table unconsciously.

"Are you really not gonna tell me what going on?" A fimiliar voice said behind him, making Pete smile all the nervousness of seconds ago disappear.

Vegas sat in front of him, he gave a look to his surrounding. Why would anyone wants to eat here with all this annoying traffic sound, smoke and dust?

Pete was smiling at him, Vegas raised an eyebrow but smiled anyway.

A little boy came and placed two plates in front of them. Pete said thanks but his eyes were fixed on his food.

"Were you that hungry? Your eyes are literally sparkling..."

"Hungry! I'm starving. And believe me food here is amazing. I have eat everything on their menu." Pete blurted out. Vegas narrowed his eyes..

"You eat here? This place is right in front of my college. When do you came here? With whom? I mean crazy cousin never really came to college in his first two years and I don't think I have seen you with Kinn." Suddenly a nice breakfast turned into an interrogation. Pete realized his folly.

"Ummm.. I didn't came with anyone...." He closed his eyes and took a breath "...actually I used to come Here when I was working undercover...  And I have to follow..... You."

He felt nervous after explaining and Vegas kept staring at him. That's it now he's gonna flip the table.

"So you used to sit here and eat?"

"Of course not. I just buy food and then eat in my car in front of college gate."

"... I see." Vegas said shortly.

Huh!!? what was that!?

That's it! No arguing or shouting! No table flipped!

"No need to stare at me like this I'm not mad at you. You can start eating. Well if you are staring because of my handsomeness  then be my guest." Vegas smirked making Pete laugh.

He's not the same Vegas anymore.. Pete gave him his plate. He just shook his head.

"I have ordered this one for you. Less spicy. Try it it's good."

"You knew...." Vegas smiled.

"...that you are not gonna leave? Yes!" Pete grinned.



They finished eating but Pete didn't want to leave yet so instead he asked Vegas to buy some juice.

Well juice was just an excuse, there was something else that Pete wanted to...

"Oh nooo way!!" Pete mouth fell open when he saw a fimiliar ca right r in front of medical store. He had an inkling that something might be...

"Is that Khun's car?" Vegas said making Pete jump in his chair.

"I have to go and check." Pete looked first left and right before crossing the road.

"What are you doing here Pol?" Pete asked as soon as he entered the medical store.

Hearing Pete's voice Pol startled then he turned around and saw Vegas's face. Poor Pol wasn't expecting to see him at all so almost had an heart attack, he placed his hand on his chest to see if it's beating properly. This strange Duo almost make him passed out.

"Hey Pete what are you doing here?" Pol asked after calming down himself a little.

"I was at the food shop across the road and saw you coming.. so what's up?"

"I don't know. Khun asked me to come and buy some medicine. I didn't have any idea what to buy."

"Is he hurt?" Pete's eyes widen in shock.


"Then why..."

"I have no clue."

"Where's he?"

"At college.. waiting for me."

"What about his class?" Pete looked at his wrist watch.

"He sent Arm in his place."

"Of course he did." Vegas smirked.

"But why?" Pete asked

"He said the class is too far...and he can't walk."

"..." , "..."

Hearing this both Pete and Vegas left speechless.

"What do I do now..?" Pol felt jittery.

"Let me help you." Vegas offered out of the blue. He bought some medicines, both Pete and Pol exchange befuddled looks.

"Here." Vegas gave the paper bag to Pol who was looking at him in awe.

"Let's go Pete!" He place his hand on Pete's shoulder who was looking at Pol "Is everything ok?" Vegas narrowed his eyes.

Pete first look at Pol then back at Vegas.

"Wegath.." Pete started to say




"I promise I just..."

"No way.."


"No means no.."

"... Wegath!"


Vegas and Pete was having some kind of conversation. And Pol was looking left and right like they were playing table tennis.

"Pol you can go!" Vegas ordered.

"Yes Khun Vegas."

"Pol stop!" Pete yelled.

"Pete you are going home and that's final."

"I will...but after doing what I have to do."

"PETE!"  Vegas finally lost his cool and shouted.

"You don't have to shout."

"Then don't make me!" Vegas glared at Pete then shouted at Pol "Why are you still here? JUST GO! damnit!"

"Yes Khun Vegas." He gave an awkward look to Pete before opening his car door. Pete looked at him making some kind of eye contact.

"Pete let's go!"


"Pete one.... two...."

Pete started walking. Their car was on the other side of the road. Pete followed Vegas quietly. He was making a sad face. Vegas was smirking to himself.

Pol started his car and make a U-turn to get back to college.

Suddenly Pete ran towards the car, open the door of the passenger side and jumped in, feeling rebellious. He turns to Pol and gave him a high-five.

On the the other side Vegas turned red with madness. He kicked his car HARD

Pete stick out his window and yelled at him excitedly.

"Don't worry Wegath I'll be fine. Drive save. Have a nice dayyyyyyyy." Pete kissed his own hand and wave at Vegas hysterically.

Pol also felt thrilled but then reality hit him. 'What if Khun Vegas shot him or worse kidnapped him to torture!' He felt goosebumps all over his body.

"Don't worry you'll be fine. Vegas is a nice guy." Pete pat his arm and start laughing at the face Pol was making after hearing Pete. "..okay fine.. maybe he shot you." Pol eyes widened. "But don't worry I'll take that bullet for you." Pete was smiling from ear to ear.

"Is it too late to drop you back at food shop?"

"Hahahahahaha maybe.."

"As if both Khun and Khun Vegas was not enough now you also gone mad.' Pol murmur to himself.



At college:

Pol gave the paper bag to Khun who kicked him a few times for being late. Pol just make a face of irritation.

Pete was hiding while holding a glass of orange juice, that Pol gave him earlier.

After getting dismissed by Khun, Pol came back to Pete. They were following Khun. There eyes widen when Khun stopped in front of a.... Girl. They both exchanged looks.

"Is she a celebrity or a model?" Pol whispered while trying to take a close look at her. "I don't think I saw her in any beauty pageant." Pol was saying but Pete recognized her, she was the same girl from earlier morning.

They were talking, actually only Khun was speaking she just raised her head to look at him. He was ordering her to do something, she just remains as she was before. She was obviously busy and Khun disturbed her.

They were so engrossed in the scene that they didn't even notice what's going on around them.

"Hey Pol where did you get this juice?" Pete asked while taking a sip.

"I bought this for Khun earlier. He was mad at me and Arm so he didn't take it. You can have it." Pol said while eating the snacks he bought for himself.

"What the..... !" Their mouths fell open when Khun sat on one knee.

Someone pat at Pete's shoulder but he ignores it. Then something poked at Pol's head at first he tried to ignore it. Then he heard something.


They both were too fimiliar with that specific tiny click sound. They both raised their hands in the air, and started to turn slowly forgetting the scene they were enjoying before.

Pete narrowed his eyes and tried to steal the gun, but the opponent was too swift. Before Pete can do anything the guy pulled him by his wrist, turned him around and put his one arm around his neck. He pointed at Pol with his gun.

"Hey P...Pete?" Pol stammered.

"Vegas don't!"

"Do you really think you can run from me?" Light but cold voice came to Pete's ear.

"Kh...Khun Vegas... Have mercy?" Pol almost cried out.

"Don't worry Pol he's not gonna hurt you." Pete assured him.

"Really?" Vegas sounds amused. He tighten up his grip around Pete's neck, chocking him a little.

"Pete! Kh... Khun Vegas?" Pol looked back and forward, didn't seems to know what to do.

Pete smiled, brought the straw to his mouth and took a sip of the orange juice. Pol was surprised to see him, he was still holding that damn glass, he didn't even spill the juice.

'Come on man there's a cold-blooded psycho holding a gun at the freaking head of mine.'

Pol was 'this' close to losing his mind.

"How did you find us?" Pete asked calmly while expanding the straw a little before offering a sip to vegas. Pol's eyes widen when Vegas took a sip and... smiled?

"Wasn't so hard. As soon as I came I saw two idiots hiding behind a tree, peeking and whispering. You both were way too obvious!" Vegas smirked.

As soon as Pete heard the word 'peeking' he elbowed Vegas but not too hard and looked at Khun who was... holding the hand of the girl. What the hell!

"I didn't thought that she was so easy.." Pete murmur.

"She's not..." Vegas stated behind him "..look closely.."

Pete looked again. Khun was wrapping up her hand. "Is he trying to do....?"

"... that's what it looks like." Vegas said while keeping his eyes on Khun and the girl. Pete narrowed his eyes at him.

"H...hey ... P... Pete?" Pol stammered. Hearing his voice Pete turned around and got surprised.

Freaking Vegas was still pointing his gun at poor Pol's face. Pete tried to take the gun out of his hand politely, but he didn't let go. So Pete glared at him.

"Are you going to shoot him?" Pete was holding the hand that held the gun.


"Okay" Pete let his hand go. Vegas looked at him, little confused.

"Go on.. shoot him." Pete said while looking in Vegas' eyes.

"H...hey Pete!!" Pol was having a nervous break down. While Vegas and Pete was busy doing a staring competition.

"Pete what are you doing?? Why are you encouraging him? Have you changed you mind? You said that if he tried to kill me... you would take that damn bullet..."


Pol sat stupefied. Vegas drop his.... Gun? What just happened? He didn't even glance at Pol. He was just glaring at Pete. Pol thought if Khun Vegas had laser beam eyes Pete would be burn to ashes right now.

Not just Vegas, Pete also didn't spare a glance at Pol. Pol felt a little out of the place.

"Haven't I told you pol? Vegas is a nice guy." Pete said pointedly.

Suddenly something happens Vegas grabbed Pete by the neck. 'Is he going to chock him? Again! For accusing him for being a nice guy!? How terrifying!' Pol thought but instead of chocking he hugged Pete. But his hug was too tight he almost choked Pete. 'Great!' Pol rolled his eyes at them.

It's like one of the moment when you don't want to see but you can't take your eyes off instead you end up watching everything even the minor details.

Pol shifted his eyes from them and saw something more interesting. He pulled out his phone and start recording a video.

"Pete look!"

Khun and the girl was bickering over something. Three pair of eyes were looking from behind the tree.


There eyes widened. (including Vegas)

Crazy Khun slapped the hand of the girl!

Now the girl would run away while crying and shouting.

"Aaaahhhhhhh" They heard the not-so-manly ear piercing scream coming out from Khun's mouth.

That GIRL freaking pinched him. Sweet!

Pol: "Where's my snack?"

He was still making the video so Pete had to put a chips in his mouth.

Pete: "Should we go to help or stay back and watch!"

He asked without even moving an inch.

Vegas: "Savage girl.. I like it. It's like a match made in some kind of mad heaven. Haha!"

He looked so happy that both Pete and Pol unconsciously moved away from him.

Pol: "I'm gonna ask Arm to do a background check on this girl. Even though her face is not showing.. it's okay I'll follow her later and click her photos."

Pete: "Okay. But don't tell anyone in the Main mansion about her."

Vegas: "When Arm did her background check, tell him to send her BioData to me."

Pol didn't say anything, Pete just nod at him to do as Vegas asked because he too wanted to know about her.

Pol: "Look! Why's that girl grabbing her stuff?"

Pete: "Maybe she's mad at Khun."

Vegas: "Let's see if crazy cousin can make her stop."

They both stood up, Khun gave her the bandage after saying something, obviously he sucks at doing anything good and useful. Pete rolled his eyes.

That girl did the dressing herself using her good hand while Khun was watching her movements with stars in his eyes.

Vegas: "What a joke! Dumbest guy ever!"

Both Pol and Pete just nodded in agreement.

Khun ended up tying the dressing without breaking her hand. Who said miracle don't happen? Haha

Then Khun took a pen and wrote something on her hand.

Vegas: "Don't tell me he's going to write Get well soon!"

He said don't tell me so Pol and Pete didn't tell him.

Then Khun took a step back.

Pol: "Hehe Now he's going to do the thing."

Vegas: "What thing?"

Pete: "Just look for yourself."

Khun just turned and walk away. Vegas was a little lost. Then Khun turned back. The girl was smiling to herself while looking at her bandaged hand.

Pol: "Now he's gonna flatter her by just standing and looking handsome."

He did as Pol anticipated but he did a little extra. He mouthed something to her.

Three pair of eyes were looking at crazy Khun intently.

"Get..Well..Soon." Khun mouthed and finally left.

Now the same pairs of eyes turned to the other side expecting a reaction.

The girl first didn't do anything but then...  she smiled brightly.

Pol: "Maybe she charmed our Khun with that beautiful smile."

Pete just nod, totally agreeing with Pol.

Vegas agreed with Pol too. Her smile reminds him of someone too. Then he turned to Pete who was also smiling brightly while looking at the girl.

Now Vegas knew. She definitely charmed crazy Khun with her smile.

"Let's see what our famous self-indulgent Tankhun can do for a beauty's smile." Vegas murmur to himself and smirked.


Smile like a sunshine...

AS_Stylescreators' thoughts