
Mind over Matter

"In a world full of ordinary, Be the Tankhun." A side story to Kinnporsche the novel. Because we can't get enough of Tankhun. Let me borrow the character of Tankhun, eldest son of the Mafia family. **** What will happen when our Drama-King Tankhun goes to college and meets a not-so-ordinary Amy? **** Novel available on Wattpad @AprilsSmiles Tankhun fanfic | Mind over Matter ****

AS_Styles · Others
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44 Chs

13. Fan_following!

Tankhun's POV:

It feels like ages that I came back here. I woke up early on my own. To make that happen, last night I had to throw an alarm clock under my bed so that I can't fell asleep again after stopping my alarm.

We were early and all the way here Arm and Pol was giving me surprised looks. And I was like 'what! I didn't even do anything.... yet!' Haha.

I walked in parking area for a few minutes. Then I asked Arm to attend my first class, his face went blank as if I've said something new.

He goes to class leaving Pol with me. I just strolled along the corridor looking everywhere without being obvious.

I've noticed the guy behind me was sighing non stop. I halted in my steps making him alerted.

"Hey Pol what is wrong with you?" I turned my face to ask him. At first he didn't say anything then he asked me to sit while waiting for the next class.

"Don't tell me what to do..If you're tired go sit somewhere. I am not going to sit in this filthy place my expensive pants won't allow me." I asked him indirectly to go away.

"That's why we were telling you to change into something more comfortable. Tight leather pants are not for college." Pol mumbled. But I decided to ignore him. Because my eyes were looking for something.... actually someone.

A few minutes later Pol left me alone and finally decided to go to the canteen. Maybe he didn't had breakfast... Whatever let him eat. I continued my search.

Students were passing by me while making a sequence of clomping sounds. Their heavy footsteps are starting to irritate me. Maybe they didn't learn to walk gracefully with light steps! Not just these stupid students but every passing minute is also annoying me.

Where in the hell she is!!!!?

Suddenly I heard light footsteps.. someone was following me. I pretend to spin on my foot like a happy boy and that someone hide.

Ahaa I've been followed. College is not that boring after all.

I took out my cellphone. First I was about to call Arm but he's in class. So I tried to call Pol who didn't answer. Great!

At this point I won't be surprised if I get kidnapped.

I started to walk casually. From the corner of my eye I saw camera in front of his stupid face. He was secretly taking my pictures. Maybe I should walk all the way to canteen where Pol is.

On the second thought... I should take this chance and let him follow me all the way to the business faculty and let Kinn and Vegas handle this. My brother Kinn would act as a leader should while psycho Vegas just torture him for fun. Either way I will be free and he'll be dead for sure.

But where the hell is business faculty!!?

I was walking around for so long that my feet started to ache a little. Well if I sat in public place he won't be able to harm me, right?

Also this stalker is just clicking my pictures so I'll just sit and strike some poses for him.

I found an empty table and bench. I looked around there are too many students - walking, reading, talking, eating. Hah if the stalker tried to come near me I will shout at top of my lungs to get all the attention of people around me. Haha easy-peasy.

I sat while waiting for the class to end, then Arm will call me first. It'll be a lie if I said I'm not nervous because my foot is tapping continuesly on its own. I should distract myself... With what? I tried to focus on something else.

Lighting here is good for taking pictures. The stalker slash photographer was standing beside a pillar. Come on you are way to obvious! I rolled my eyes.

While rolling, my eyes stop at my shoes. They are not doing justice to my pants. Personally I wanted to wear me LED light up shoes. But Pol didn't find them in my closet. Then Arm put these Louis Vuitton loafers on my feet. I didn't say anything but they can't fool me. I knew about their little conspiracy against me. I even knew where Pol hide my LED light up shoes and that this idea comes from Arm's head because Pol is an idiot.

Suddenly a chill runs through my spine. Someone came silently and sat behind me. I didn't turn around to look, instead I grabbed my cellphone. And sent SOS text to both Pol and Arm.

Hell with the canteen and class... My freaking expensive life is in danger.

After sending the texts I turn my camera on and start recording a video of the surrounding just in case. Let's make this clear, kidnapping doesn't afraid me anymore.

Kidnappers kidnapped me, dad make everyone find me, Kinn come with his army to save me, there'll be blood and dead bodies. Same scenario every time.

But I don't want to be the center of all this bloody cycle, not anymore. Because I don't want to get hurt. I don't want any cuts on my beautiful skin - stitches often left marks. Bruises are ugly looking joke that those cheap kidnappers crack. And lastly, I don't want any broken ribs or bones - few years ago when I got kidnapped those piece of dead meats breaked my three ribs. As a result, I didn't get to dance for months.

I was sitting straight not alerting this new guy behind me. I can't believe it's my freaking second day here and I've found two guys following me around. What a wonderful life to have!

Their useless existence don't make me afraid but I'm slightly nervous. Maybe because I'm alone at the moment or maybe because it's been a long while since I last get kidnapped. Thanks to my lovely Pete.

"Long time no see." An alluring voice came.

This voice! To my own surprise, I can recognise in thousands voices.

Let me take my words back.. cause now I'm afraid. Not for me but for her.

I just raised my eyes while sitting straight, pretended my best to look relaxed and unfaltered.

She put her bag and folder file on the table and looked at me. She looked happy to see me which make it even worse.

The guy behind me shifted in his seat. I tightened up my fists ready to take action. If it comes to fighting I won't hold back.

Where in the hell are my bodyguards!? I should have text Pete then he'd be here at the speed of light.

"How have you been?" She asked sweetly and I found myself gazing deeply into the most bewitching dark eyes. Damnit!

Just go away, run for your life... I was shouting inside. And that silly girl just kept smiling at me oblivion to possible danger. She shouldn't be involved in my world. If our enemies come to knew about her...

I can't imagine any further. But one thing is certain... that won't be a pretty picture. Now I have to do something that I might regret later..

"Who are you?" I asked sounding uninterested.

She just looked at me still half smiling.

"I don't know you so go away." I said quite rudely.

She tilted her face looking confused.

"Why are you still here!?... Just leave... What an annoying brat!" I said in a high pitched voice. That was my final blow to her self-esteem.

Her smile vanished completely. She grabbed the strip of her bag too tightly that her knuckles turned white. Oh I'm already hating myself for doing this. But I have to be tough for both of our sakes. Suddenly I didn't mind stitches marks, ugly bruises, or even broken ribs.

"I thought you were someone I knew. I didn't wanted to disturb you. Excuse me." She said without looking at my face and left. I flinched as if I got hurt.

I want the guy behind me tortured to death. And I want the photographer guy with broken bones and broken camera. I can't believe he's still hiding behind the pillar. I had a sudden urge to stand and shout informing him 'I can see you buffalo!'


That's my cellphone. I saw the screen -  Arm's calling.

"Khun where are you? Are you okay?"

As soon as I answer he asked without giving me a second to say hello.

"Yup I'm okay but that doesn't mean that I'm happy. Now listen after you both gone I've found myself a fan taking pictures and all. As if that was not the enough I've found another fan following me closely. So if you didn't come here soon I'm gonna start a whole freaking fanclub for myself."

Arm's on his way... now I'm a bit relaxed.


Pol's calling.

"Kh...Khun??? Are you okay? After getting your text I looked everywhere and I tried to call you but your number was busy."

"You can ask Arm for details. Just come fast. I'm getting late for my class."

I looked around now there's only a few students left. Maybe others already gone for there classes.

From the corner my eyes I saw someone grabbed the guy with the camera from behind and dragged him away silently. Not even a soul noticed. Good job Arm! I almost clapped and whistles but it's not the right time. An evil grin appears on my face.

"Excuse me can I sit with you?" A fimiliar heavy voice came from behind.

"..." The guy didn't replied.

"Thank you man!" That heavy voice said and sat with the guy behind me.


A loud sound came making me jump a little. I turned around to look. Pol hit the follower's head on the table so hard that he fainted.

"Is he dead?" I gave a disgusting look to the unconscious guy.

"No Khun."

"But his head is bleeding so that's mean he'll be soon dead, right?" I narrowed my eyes.

"No Khun. He just passed out from the impact,he will be fine." Pol explained and I raised an eyebrow.

"Then hit him again. I want him passed away." Pol's eyes widen but I just glared at the half dead guy.

"Khun you should go now. We'll handle this." Arm came running while giving a little glance at the passed out guy.

"What about my other fan?"

"After seeing your text I asked for backup they took the guy. I have his cellphone and camera with me." He reported me while taking the other cellphone from the man's pocket.

"Good job! Now clean up this mess. And give me my bag I'm leaving."

"Pol you take this guy away. I'm gonna clear all the CCTV footage." Arm said while opening his laptop without delaying any minute.

I was about to go left when two voices came almost blended together.

"That's not the way Khun!!"

After hearing this I spin around and walked to the right side.
