
MHA: The Mightless

Izuku, quirkless and unloved in this world, with help from villains whom sympathize with him, sets out on a quest to take revenge on the very world who shunned him and save all who are suffering due to the discrimination of the quirkless. Like him.... **** Like it? then add it to your library and give a 5 star review and send power stone. Discord:- https://discord. gg/qxvX7Tvpqp (without space) **** I do not own anything all goes to its respective owner. fanfic owner:- 'The Mysterious Banana' link:- https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12873025/0

Toji_Fushigoro · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
34 Chs

Chapter 26

"You, You look familiar." he said, giving Izuku a suspicious look.

Izuku, trying his best not to make direct eye contact, tried to lie and say that he doesn't recognize the man, but in doing so, nearly fell over. the waiter, seeing this, extended his hair to help the kid up.

Toga, on the other hand, just watched the two and chuckled.

As L'Oreal helped up the kid, he wrapped his hair around his waist to prevent him from moving and started to examine him.

"I really feel like I've seen you somewhere" he said.

Izuku, looking towards Toga, moved his lips, praying that she was a good lip reader.

"Toga help me!" was what he tried to say.

Toga, on the other hand, flashed a thumbs up. Izuku, thinking she got the picture, felt a sign of relief.

At least, he did for a second, then it all went away as she pulled out her phone and took a picture.

"Toga! Stop! No picture! I swear to god if you take a picture and send it back to the league, I'll...I'll..." Izuku whispered.

"What was that?" L'Oreal said in a suspicious tone.

Suddenly, a voice was heard from inside the shop.

"HEY GIN! STOP INTIMIDATING OUR CUSTOMERS AND GET BACK TO WORK!" Yelled the manager, who came to sort everything out.

Suddenly, L'Oreal, letting go of Izuku, quickly ran to apologize with his boss. Izuku, letting out a huge breath as he wiped off the sweat from his forehead with his sleeves, ran to Toga, who recorded the whole thing, giggling.

"Come on Toga, we're going." Izuku said in a salty tone.

"Oh don't be a baby Izuku, you know it was funny!" She said, showing him the image with the caption "Me when I don't cut my hair for a year vs My friend who didn't cut his hair yesterday." written on it.

"That's not funny." Izuku said, although he really couldn't hold back a chuckle.

"Hey! you laughed!" Toga pointed out, playfully shoving him.

Izuku scratched the back of his head.

"Okay, it was a little funny."


"Wow, they really stepped up their game with the special effects! That scene with the Zodiac Killer impaling the guy, it looked so real!" Commented Toga, stepping out of movie theater with Izuku.

"Yeah, the movie itself was So-So though." Izuku commented, "I mean, they really downplayed the genius behind the guy. A man who was never caught to this day, made a background character to some stupid heroes."

Izuku was always a wuss when it came to horror movies, in fact, he assumed Toga took him to one because she knew that those kinds of films terrified him.

Although, he was surprised at how boring the movie was if you we're afraid of jump scares.

In fact, halfway through the movie, he recall falling asleep and leaning onto Toga, the kind of thing that would happen when watching romance films.

"Hey! look at that, an arcade, it's been a while since I've been to one of those." Toga said, running towards the entrance while Izuku was dragged along.

"Wait a minute Toga! I'm still not fininshed with my popcorn! I payed like 700 yen (6.5 dollars) for it!" Izuku yelled as he got dragged along, spilling a trail of buttery popcorn.

Inside the arcade, Izuku excused Toga and headed to the bathrooms. Took him longer then usual though, number 2, go figure.

When coming out however, she was nowhere to be seen. Worried, he ran around the place, yelling her name.

Suddenly, he saw a huge crowd gathered near the Dance Dance Revolution Machine.

Pushing through the crowd, the corners of his mouth lifted as he witnessed his date at her most elegant.

"Wow! this girl is kicking ass! Not only did she just beat Trix, the best dancer around here, but she's about to insert her name to the top of the leaderboard.

Izuku was mesmerized as Toga elegantly twisted and spun with grace.

He can feel her passion, energy as she matched the on-screen model perfectly, like it was her shadow. one move after another executed flawlessly as her opponent struggled to keep up.

992 000... 993 000... 994 000... 995 000 she was about to get a perfect million, no, she was about to get OVER a perfect million.

The crowd cheered, as she danced like a fairy in the wind. the song was nearing it's end, and the crowd was counting down to her perfect million score.

"996 000! 997 000!..."

Izuku counted along.

"998 000! 999 000!"

Toga heard him, she smiled. Izuku noticed, he smiled back.

"1 000 000!" The crowd cheered.

As they were cheering for her however, Izuku suddenly remembered, running in like she was about to die, he cried out.

"YOU'RE MISSING ONE MORE!" Izuku said as everyone noticed a sudden last arrow falling.

As Toga realized it however, Izuku ran in, stepping on the tile at the exact right time.

"1 000 001! Congratulation!" The announcer in game said.

The room went silent, then a loud cheer was heard as the crowd threw the two in the air.

Toga, while airborne, looked at Izuku with a grateful expression drawn on her face. As the two got down, they hugged each other.

"Thanks." Toga whispered.

"No prob, Toga." Izuku replied as the two turned to the crowd and bowed.


As they continued down the road, sakura blossoms started to pop up more and more, and before they knew it, they were in the middle of a pink petal rain.

As Izuku and Toga traveled down the path, a group of people followed in the shadows, spying on them almost.

"Wow, I didn't realize that the Sakuras were blossoming early this year! It's really beautiful, don't you think Toga?" asked Izuku.

Looking at Toga however, he noticed that she was taking on a more somber tone.

"Yeah... they really are... uh... beautiful."

"Hey, Toga? are you alright?" asked Izuku.

Toga turned to him, with a crooked smile, like she was trying to hide something.

"N-no, it's fine." Toga replied.

"Toga... are you really trying to hide something from me?" Izuku asked, "You know I'm a master of deducing"

Toga's hands trembled.

"It's just... It's... just..."

"Come on... say it!" Mumbled the spies, looking at them from a distance.

"Come on Toga, just say it." Izuku said."

Suddenly, Toga hugged him out of the blue, clutching his chest.

"I never took pleasure in anything else other than watching others suffer. And even though they never say it outright, I know there isn't anyone in the league that ACTUALLY likes me. It's either out of fear or pity, and I don't blame them, as I like messing with them in a daily basis. For someone like you, despite everything I put you through, to still put up with someone like me... I'm so happy I finally found a destined friend... my... my soulmate if you will." Toga said as tears of joy streamed down her face.

"Oh my god! THIS IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING!" Another one of the of the spies whispered in excitement.

"Toga..." Izuku muttered in shock, " I never knew I meant so much to you."

"You didn't before, I wanted to bug you for as long as I could until you too decided you had enough of me! After all, no one would want to be friends with a sadist, right? it's just an obsession that I can't help, a curse that drives me to always be alone, treating people like playthings. But you, you accepted me, put up with me and everything, Izuku, I started off seeing you like another toy to mess with, but now I see you like a person! But now, I don't know what to do, It's been so long since I've talked to someone I felt on my level, someone with feelings I don't want to hurt, I've tried to interact with you, but all i can muster was the occasional "thanks". Toga continued, "Izuku... I... I lo..."

Before Toga could finish however, Izuku hugged her close, embracing her in his warmth.

"I know." Izuku said, making an unintentional reference on the way.

"Izuku..." Toga uttered.

and thus, the two kissed each other, locking mouths for the first time under the Sakura Trees and the glistening sunset.

"YES!" a sudden cheer was heard as the pursuers hopped out of cover.

"Kurogiri? Dabi?! What in the blazes are you two doing here?!" Asked Izuku.

"We wanted to see how the date went." Explained Kurogiri, "So we followed you, the entire league followed you two."

"WHAT?!" Toga shouted out.


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