
MHA: The Mightless

Izuku, quirkless and unloved in this world, with help from villains whom sympathize with him, sets out on a quest to take revenge on the very world who shunned him and save all who are suffering due to the discrimination of the quirkless. Like him.... **** Like it? then add it to your library and give a 5 star review and send power stone. Discord:- https://discord. gg/qxvX7Tvpqp (without space) **** I do not own anything all goes to its respective owner. fanfic owner:- 'The Mysterious Banana' link:- https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12873025/0

Toji_Fushigoro · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter 25

The rest of the villains watched as izuku mercilessly beat Irina to submission as Sachi was hiding behind a table in fear.

After she finally passed out, Izuku wiped the sweat off his forehead and walked back towards Toga, who was trembling in excitement.

"I think I just came a little." Toga said, witnessing the Villain side of Izuku at its full glory.

"Yo, Sachi!" Izuku called out in a much more calm tone.

"Y-yeah boss?" Sachi nervously peeked out of his cover.

"Tell Irina when she wakes up that she'll have 15 hours to prepare for the assassination tomorrow. And tell her that if everything goes according to plan, she can be promoted to Vanguard!" Said Izuku, picking up Toga in his arms bridal style.

"Kay boss! By the way, where are you taking her?" Asked Sachi, pointing at the girl that looked like she was at her peek.

"She seemed kinda... ill, so, as a leader, will... "relieve" her stress." Said Izuku, with a smile as they went upstairs.

Sachi blushed as his dirty mind knew what that could only mean, and picked up his unconscious partner.

"Come on 'Rina, we have a big day tomorrow."

However, in a room in the basement of the hideout, Shigaraki was not pleased to hear his news.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN IM NO LONGER A VIABLE SUCCESSOR?!" Shigaraki cried into a tv screen.

"It means what it means, Sorry Tomura, but Izuku is showing much, much more promise than you, he's a better leader, tactician, analyst and scout, he's more composed, patient and has led operations several times more successful than anything we have ever pulled off and has a far deeper well of potential than you. I'm sorry, but until you can prove me otherwise, my decision will be left unchanged." Replied the voice on screen, before the screen itself went black.

Shigaraki punched the screen, making it crack, and yelled out in anger.

"Not a viable successor huh?! I'll show him! The day we assassinate Eraser Head... I'll be the one to kill not only him, but even All Might! Just you wait!" Shigaraki said to himself, as the tv started to rust and corrode.


Weekends are usually like a short vacation for most teens, and it seems that Izuku is no different.

Even after joining the league of Villains, there's nothing like a good 2 days of just kicking back and relaxing.

While he liked his job of killing heroes, information gathering, doing business with other villains, even he can't deny that it was still tiring.

Calling a day or two off would be a nice change of pace from his usual grind.

Suddenly, he heard the jingle of his phone and went to pick it up as he came out of the shower. A smile drew on his face as he saw the user who sent him the text.

"Heya Izu-kun, Doing Anything?"

The text was from Toga, who had easily the most ridiculous username ever. In fact, he didn't even add her to his contacts until she had to physically tell him that she was 'LuvLuvKillikoT0ga_;)' when he asked her why she wasn't sending him a friend.

"Na, my day off, U?" Izuku texted back.

"I'M BOOOOOOOOOOOORED! -_-" Toga replied nearly immediately.

Izuku noticed that he still didn't get dressed, and was even still wet from his shower, so he decided to tease he a bit.

"Maybe this can keep you occupied? :3" Izuku texted, before sending her a photo of him butt naked, with his towel going down so low he might as well be wearing a loin cloth.

He waited for nearly half a minute, still no reply. Thinking she might have left, he put his phone down and got dressed.

Halfway through putting his shirt on however, he received another text, but this time, things were different.

''Hello Izuku, this is Kurogiri, I was passing by to clean the counter top when I saw Toga passed out with a fountain of blood shooting from her nose, what the hell?"

Izuku chuckled at the comment.

"Sorry about that, she said she was bored, so I sent a special "something" to keep her busy for the next couple of hours, didn't you see it?" Izuku typed with a smug grin on his face.

There was a 10 second wait, followed by:


Izuku fell over in laughter, dropping on his bed.

"Hey! Answer me young man!" Kurogiri Texted furiously.

"I drink at your bar at least 3 days a week, and yet THIS isn't OK for you?" Izuku typed back.

While he didn't get any replies, he could tell Kurogiri was mumbling "Kids these days" under his breath. after a solid minute, another text was sent, this time, an image.

"Payback Bitch :)" Toga, who regained consciousness typed, followed by a panty shot.

"Pathetic" Mumbled Izuku under his breath, before sending it under the form of text.

"What? Ur not turned on? U gay?" Toga typed back.

As much as Izuku wanted to reply "No U", he knew that the brilliant hero-killer Mightless would never write such a primitive comeback, so instead he thought off something much more juicy.

"No Yu!"

"That'll show her!" Izuku said to himself.

"No U, and Ur Mom Gay!" Toga Replied.

"Oh, so we're playing THAT game huh? well then..." Izuku cracked his fingers.

"Ur Dad Lesbian! Ur Sister Mister! Ur Granny a tranny! Ur Brother A Mother!" Izuku typed out faster than lightning.

"Got anything you like to add?" Izuku said with a vibrant smile

"U Hot, Not." Toga replied.

"Okay, you got me." Izuku said, typing it down.

"Well... that sure was... weird." Toga replied.

"It was a good time killer though." Izuku Replied, "Not a bad way to make time pass, knowing that we're not killing anyone today."

"Actually, I do have plans for the day." Toga replied.

Izuku lifted an eyebrow.

"Really? indulge me." He retyped.

After that, he could see the LuvLuvKillikoT0ga_;) is typing... text appear on screen for minutes on end, like she was writing a entire novel or something. It was clear, she was nervous about something and couldn't say it.

"Whatever it is, just make it simple." Izuku typed, trying to make things easier.

"Would you... go on a date with me?" Toga typed out moments later.

Izuku was stunned by her comment, not because she asked him out on a date, but because she took so long to answer him.

From experience, she was always the kind of girl that was shameless and unpredictable. Seeing this side of her was really a surprise.

"Okay, at what time? And where?" he asked back.

"Does Sunbucks sound good? nowhere too major, and its not like I can afford the fancy places either." Replied Toga.

Izuku hesitated for a moment. He liked the girl, just, not to that point, okay, MAYBE to that point, but he hasn't really felt comfortable revealing such information. Having her confess just seemed... odd to him.

"2:00 pm, I'll be waiting." Izuku replied.

"Sweet, see ya here!" She texted back almost instantly.


Izuku arrived one hour early at Sunbucks because he wanted to surprise her, but to HIS surprise, she was already there.

"Heya! Izu-Kun~" Toga called out.

Izuku went to her seat, admiring her outfit.

She was wearing a beanie and pink sunglasses, with a denim jacket with a tight black shirt under that says don't read if you're a guy written on the breast area, which was ironic since that was the first thing he saw and read and white skinny jeans.

"Wow Toga, looking good!" Izuku replied.

"Thanks, picked out everything myself!" Replied Toga, tilting her head and giving Izuku a heartwarming smile.

The two of them ordered a drink, Izuku a Moka Latte and Toga, a iced cappuccino.

While waiting for their drinks, Izuku saw the waiter's name tag and instantly recognized the guy.

"Hey wait a minute, isn't that..."

"Someone you know?" Asked Toga, confused.

"L'Oreal? Like, the 'Hair' Some hero L'Oreal? I thought I killed the guy."

"I don't recall you ever dealing with no "L'Oreal" Replied Toga.

"That was a long time ago, before I even became a villain." replied Izuku.

"Really? shouldn't attacking a hero automatically make you a villain?" asked Toga.

"Well, I think stabbing the dude in the chest was what begun my life as a villain." He answered.

"Really now? well, tell me, what were you like before you decided to to dawn the persona of ''Mightless?" asked Toga.

Izuku shushed her the second she mentioned his Villain name.

"What are you doing?! Do you WANT to give away my identity?!" Asked Izuku, whispering.

Toga leaned back.

"Sorry." She said quickly, making sure no one else heard her.

However, the waiter gave the two a very suspicious look.

"You, You look familiar." he said, giving Izuku a suspicious look.


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