
MHA the Black Dragon

Having lost so much as a child can Akira fill the void in his heart and save the innocent, or will he forever feel empty.

Dragon_Lord_KuroII · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs

1st day in UA

Todays the day I finally get to go to UA after so long. I will become a hero for my parents and find the killer responsible, fortunately I had done research about what happened to my parents and found that the culprit was a known villain as muscular and if he ever comes across me he hopes he never would.

"hey Akira" Shouto said beside me

"morning Shouto-chan, how was your morning?" Akira asked as they walked into UA

"Good how about you, you looked like a baby when you slept on me, standing up" Shouto looked at the ever reddening face with a smirk

"w-well I was tired and well..." Akira tries to explane but he couldn't because of the sheer embarrassment from his action

currently standing in front of the big UA doors.

"you ready" Akira said to Shouto

"yes" Shouto said with determination

we look at each other and nod taking a step forward and open the door and we are encountered by a pretty empty room with only a female sutdent with slightly spiky hair, anlong with a blong guy with a tail, A rock like body guy, and a guy dark blue hair with glasses, the rest of the room was bare.

finding this odd I looc at my phone then see we are actually due to my excitment I didn't bother with the exact timeearlt I shrug this off and take a seat next to shouto

(15 min later)


"Ehh, and what are you gonna do" A blond explosive hair guy said

"Report you to the schools principal, of course" Glasses said pushing up his glasses

"Eh you got a stick up your ass" Bomb hair said

"I respectfully request you apologize" glasses said

"sigh/sigh" Shouto and I sigh at the same time

this will go one for a while, but thankfully a person the blond seems to have know comes in the blond confronts him

'my my, this us quite entertaining' I think but my entertainment was stopped by a man that was in a yellow sleeping looking like a Caterpillar

"If your here to play at being friends then you should leave this is a hero course....it took you 8 seconds to stay quiet, hello my name is shota aizawa I will be your homeroom teacher for this year, now put this on and go to the field" Aizawa said bringing out a bag with clothes in them


(In the field)

"A quirk assesment test?!!" every one shouted exept for a few

"what about the entrence ceremony? or orientation" Uraraka

"If your going to be a hero you don't have time for such leisurely events, U.A. is a top school for how unrestricted its school traditions are thats's also how the teachers run their classes you kids have been doing this since junior high, too, right? Physical fitness tests where you weren't allowed to use your quriks, the country still uses averages taken from tesults of students not using their quirks, its not rational. Well, the ministry of Education is procrastinating, Bakugo, you finished at the top of the physical exam, right?" Aizawa explained how U.A. operates differently and what where gonna do

'I started home school at the end of elementary so my physical was never taken so lets see how this goes' Akira thought

"In junior high, what was your best softball throw" Aizawa asked

"67 meters" Bakugo replied

Taking up the circle he lines up his shot then

"DIE" Bakugo shouted


"knowing your limits, is the most rational way to form the foundation of a hero" Aizawa says showing the score of bakugo witch ended up being 750 meters

"huuuh" everyone shouted drom the score

"750 meters, seriusly?"

"woah, that looks like fun"


"It looks like fun," huh you have three years to become a hero will you have the same energy the whole time. All right. whoever comes in last in all eight tests will be determined to have no potential and will be punished with exultation, here we're free to do what we want about the circumstances of our students. Welcom to U.A."

Aizawa said with a slightly creepy smile

"Now having said that' Next up is Kuro" Aizawa said my name for being next after Bakugo

"good luck" Shouto said

"Thanks" I replied with a smile

stepping inside the circle I think of my next course of actions

'I could use my tail but I cant to use my fire for this one' I thought wanting to see the limits my fire can output

(deep breath in) (deep breath out)

I shift into my half dragon form and condense my flame into one spot charging it into one strong blast

Finishing the charge I look straight and...release causing the wind to kick up relentlessly making the others cover their eyes

"*smirk* not bad, not bad at all" Aizawa whispered

"1,100" the machine calibrated

"HUUUH" the class retorted

"over one thousand, is that even real"

"thats real manly"

the rest went as followed with me being first in every category whitch means I am in first place while shouto is in third

(A/N:ok so of your wondering who is out of class 1-A is ojiro aka other tail boy if your wondering why well....I had to look up his name to know who his name, so...yea)

in last place was Izuku midoria sad the guy seemed to have a strong will and determination even with the drawback of his quirk, and it didn't seem like Aizawa wasn't lying. Midoriya seems like hes nearly lost hope.....if it weren't for Aizawa's next words

"By the way the expulsion was fake it was a way to test your real potential" Aizawa said explaining his previous words about expelling the last person in the quirk assessment

'I guess he saw potential in Midoriya' I thought

"of course it was a lie, should have been obviousif you thought it through" momo stated

"Did you actually, cuz it fooled me ??" I asked sincerely wondering how

"U-uh yea it was just carful logic" Momo said startled by how the very good looking guy was actually nice

"Your smart aren't you momo" I praised her

"y-yea" momo said thinking about something??

"Anyway we are done here, There are handouts with the curriculum in the classroom when you get back, look over them" Aizawa said


grabbing our curriculum and heading out of U.A. with Shouto, and...momo?

"Momo is your house in this direction" I asked curiously

"yea somthing like that, a-anyway Kuro I wanted to ask you if you we-" Momo was cut off by Shouto who covered Akiras ears while wrapping her legs around his waist making her hang off the front side of akira

"turn around" shouto uncover akiras ear to say that quickly covering the ears backup

following the orders of Shouto I turned ending up in her facing momo

"he's not able to go" Shouto announced but Akira didn't know because his ears were covered

"I see, well why would that be" Momo asked

"he's making me soba" Shouto replied

"well I could have many 5 star chefs make you as much soba as you want" momo retorted

"But they aren't made from him" shouto said with a firm look in her

"hmm, (sigh) you win I'll leave (incoherent)" momo finish as she walked off leaving a chibi like todoroki in akiras arms

"Are you done shouto" akira asked with a nod from shouto as an answer

"are you going to let go" Akira askes with a drop of sweat from his forehead and a wryly smile

reujusting todoroki by bringing todoroki a little more up and a little nore comfy for shouto started a 1 mile walk for Akira while being stared at by many people on the way and asking if he was carring the number w hero's daughter

this spread on the media very fast

(1 mile later)

Akira was carring a now sleeping todoroki in a princess carry and upon entering his apartment he put shouto sleep in his room while he made her soba the way she liked it

(soba made later)

shouto arrived outside of akiras room in a pair of akiras clothes she took a seat across from akira and starts eating her soba, after eating there soba the two watch one movie befor akira drops shouto off at her house

(at shoutos house, shouto pov)

"alright, bye shouto" Akira said waving at me

"bye" I said back to the departing figure of akira

entering I saw my father with a look that said it all

"who was that boy" endeavor questioned me

"my friend" I replied

"then why is this on the media" endeavor asked again this time pulling up a photo of me and akira on our walk back

'knowing my father he isn't going to let up on this anytime soon, so I got to use my last resort" I thought

"He has a fire related quirk" I said thinking this was my best and last resort

all I resived was a par on my shoulder and a "I expect great things" from him as he walked off allowing my brother and sister to start questioning me *sigh*

"so this was the guy you were talking about....he looks cute" fuyumi said

"Shouto..I need to talk to the guy spending so much time with you as soon as I can" Natsu asked with a hand on my shoulder

"....ok..." I responded




"just like that" both my siblings asked

"yea why" I said with tilting my head

"didn't he just walk you here" natsu asked with my sister nodding

"yea let me grab a change of clothes for school then we'll be on our way" I said leaving them with one though

'wouldn't he be frustrated since he just walked you here' they both thought


( back at Akiras apartment)

"so...do we knock" Fuyumi questioned

"y-yea lets knock" Natsu replied

both sibling were nervous as shouto had never had friends and for them this was a big thing....but for shouto it was a regular day, and as any other day she pulled the extra set of keys she got from a dazed and sleepy akira

"You have a key!" Natsu silently yelled

"yes" shouto said

unlocking the door they enter akiras apartment but the sound of water and akira with a towel around his waist

"hmm I thought you went home" akira said with a little suprise and question mark floating on top of his head

"oh and we have guests! let me get changed and I will be right with you" Akira sId leaving a bloody nose fuyumi and red face shouto, and natsu nervous but firm look

(One clothes change later for akira and...shouto)

"well I didn't think I would be meeting Shoutos siblings, this is a rather shocking turn of events. Let me make some tea" Akira said preparing tea and heating up another bath for shouto seeing as shes going to spend the night, preparing everything he sits back down and looks at the todoroki sibling while shouto takes a bath

"So to what do I owe the pleasure of finally meeting Shoutos siblings" Akira asked with a light smile and siping on his tea

"so....how did you meet shouto" Natsu asked

"well...." Akira said recounting the day he and shouto met

"huh, ok I ask you this then what are your intentions" Natsu asked a broad question

"Intentions of what??" akira replied with a head tilt

"Like why are you friends with shouto" Fuyumi said as this was haunting her mind since she found out about Akira.

"hmm....do I need a reson to be friends with someone?" Akira asked not understanding

"I mean no...but shoutos never had friends so being a todoroki it seems a little..." natsu said not being able to finish

"Ahh, you think I am her friend to gain some fame from the name todoroki" Akira put the piece together he was smart when it came to logic but never with normal friends or stuff like that

"yea" they both said in shame

"don't be so down I am glad shouto has such caring family" Akira said with a small wave of his hand

"To be honest I didn't think she was going to be my friend since I haven't had somthing like a firend since pre-school, so when I woke up and heard Shouto wanted to be my friend I was overjoyed at the fact I have my first friend in many years" Akira said with a sad look in his eyes

"I'm sorry we didn't know we were just worried for shouto" Fuyumi said

"I know, so any more questions" akira asked

"yea just one, whats your quirk" natsu asked

"hmm well I think its better if I show you first" akira said getting up and taking off his shirt

with a woosh bis wings and tail were unfolded as he made 5 flame balls the size of basketball start circling around him

the todoroki siblings were shocked to see such a pure white flame as well as a scaly tail and wings

"white flame how pretty! but what off the wings and tail" Fuyumi said wanting to know more

"well you see my quirkis Dragonification allowing me to turn into a dragon or this by will" akira said turning back into his human form grabbing his shirt

"how does your full dragon form look like she" natsu asked

"hmm, a big black dragon" Akira said painting a picture in their heads both with different dragons since just "big black dragon" is a broad term.


A few more min of talking before Shouto came out of the shower and looked at akira

"games" she demanded

"alright, alright, which do you want to play" Akira asked making his way to his TV and hooking it up

"overclock" shouto replied she liked this game 'cause she would main Mei.

(A/N: If you know you know.)

akira grabbing the controller for her he sits and she sits on his lap with controller in hand

...natsu and fuyumi nearly had a heart attack from the sudden seating arrangement as the say on either side of them feeling awkward

and the rest of the night shouto played as mei while the others watched and talked even played a little if shouto was tired or angry the night ended with the siblings going home and shouto and akira sleeping on the bed snuggling against each othed and if anyone say they would mistake them as a couple ;)